Vast knowledge base of Dr. Vijayakar is available along with Hompath
- Prafull’sCase taking Proforma
- History taking
- Chronic diseases
- Question bank – to be asked before prescription
- Genetic level prescribing
- Case taking in pediatrics
- Gives Practical hints
- Genetic level case taking & analysis
- Seven layers of suppression and its management
- The Acute Expert System assures results in all acute cases
- Helps you to arrive at the right remedy axis in acute conditions
- Case sensitive explanation and popup Question bank to ask desired questions
- Allows Assessment of Thermal, Axis, Thirst, Cure, Remedy
- Included are the Cured cases Dr. Prafull Vijayakar’s Predictive Homoeopathy method
- Ready reference of terminologies used by predictive school of homoeopathy
- Scientific explanations of golden rules, when to prescribe when not to prescribe
- Remedy relationship with helpful hints to manage cases
You can Learn
- Organon
- Aphorisms and its application in practice
- Learn how to be a better doctor
- Learn single dose classical treatment
- Enbryology
- Embryology and suppression chart
- Embryology and Hering’s law
- Embryology and Miasm
- Applied physiology
- Endocrinology
- Physiognomy and Homoeopathy
- Usefulness of study of Body and Pathology
- Case taking
- Case analysis
- How to follow up a case
- Management of one sided diseases
- Do’s and Dont’s for the patients
- Learn scientific explanation of Golden rules
- When not to prescribe and yet cure is a hidden art of homoeopathic practice
Health and Cure
- Become a single remedy prescriber
- Definition of health
- Showing how right remedy can reverse the disease process
- Five elements
- Learn the golden rules of prescribing – potency and repetition
- Directions of cure
- Charts of hot and chilly remedies, thirsty and thirstless, diligent non diligent remedies
Suppression & Immunity
- Seven layers of suppression and its management
- Recognize reason of Suppression
- Immunity and Homoeopathy
- Vaccines and Vaccinosis
- Theory of suppression & progress of disease
- Reasons for suppressions
- Direction of Cure
- Miasmatic chart of suppression with complete details
- Defense mechanism of living being & many more
- What can cause disease?
- Flow during disease and suppression
- Diseases are Defense mechanism
- Cell’s defenses at work
- Learn about Vaccines & Vaccinosis
- Understand what is genetics
- What is genetic based homoeopathy
- Genetics of Sycosis
- Genetics of Cancer
- Miasm and its reflection in diseases
Materia Medica
- Materia Medica of different remedies
- Comparison and differentiation of remedies
- Many remedies and its deeper understanding for prescription
- Remedies and its clinical understanding and application to the cases
- Practical Materia Medica
- Brain dominance and Materia Medica
- Many quick references in the form of Charts and filters
- Suppression and Immunity
- Understand the behavioral pattern of the miasm
- Miasms and Hering’s law of cure
- Miasms and its reflections in disease
- Embryology & Miasms
- Physical diseases of Psora, Sycosis & Syphilis
- Mental conditions / symptoms of Psora, Sycosis & Syphilis
- Dreams and Miasms
- Material body cell and miasm
- Defense vis-a-vis miasm
- Acute Psora
- Miasms and Genetics
- Miasmatic constitution
- Birth Miasm
- Additional Miasm
- Mixed Miasms
- Behavioural patterns of all 3 miasms
- Remedies and their miasms
- Ageing
- Miasms and Hering’s law of Cure
- Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic rubrics
- Arrive at the genetic constitutional similimum
Reference :
I’m very much interested in learning your method of individualization and treatment.
Want to learn more about suppression palliation and cure