Dr Keerthana
Individuals frequently refer to their dreams as wishes. Dreams frequently contain repressed fantasy and compensatory mechanisms for what the conscious person is unable to express. In some cases, a dream is the only guide to an individual’s inner turmoil. The interpretation of dreams to determine their underlying meanings is known as dream analysis. Dreams enable one to evaluate deeply hidden information that can aid in the discovery of the similimum in complex and suppressed cases.
A dream is a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
Humans dream for about two hours per night, with each dream lasting 5 to 20 minutes.
Among the possible explanations for dreams are:
- representing unconscious desires and wishes.
- interpreting random brain and body signals during sleep.
- consolidating and processing information gathered throughout the day.
- working as a form of psychotherapy.
For the solution of behavioural problems, Sigmund Freud proposed an unusual method known as psychoanalytic method. The psychoanalytic method involves the procedure of analysing unconscious behaviour, with dream analysis being one of the techniques.
Dream analysis: Dream analysis is a therapeutic technique that is best known for its application in psychoanalysis. According to Sigmund Freud, a dream is essentially a disguised fulfilment of desires that have been repressed during waking life. In dreams, repressed desires or experiences are symbolically released. Analysing these dreams can reveal the unconscious mind and thus get to the bottom of the abnormalities.
Dreams contain content that is both manifest and latent. Manifest content includes details from the dream as remembered by the dreamer. Latent content is the dream’s repressed, symbolic meaning. During dream analysis, the person in therapy shares the manifest content of the dream with the therapist. Following the extraction of specific symbols from manifest content, the therapist utilises free association to facilitate the exploration of repressed material.1
The homoeopathic system is a holistic medical system that is based on the individualization of the patient, taking into account both the mind and the body in the selection of similimum based on the Law of similia.
Kent has prioritised general symptoms because they always rule out disagreeing particulars.
Dreams are so closely related to mental state that a patient may say, “I dreamed last night;” this is a general state. Because the patient is predicating something about himself, it is general. According to Kent, “all sleep symptoms are important because they are closely related to the mind.” The mind merely dreamed, but the mind is man, and thus we see how important sleep and dreams become in the case of anamnesis.2
Dreams, according to Dr. M. L. Dhawale, are a highly charged emotional material. As a result, if we interpret dreams correctly, they should come after emotions in the classification of symptoms.
The study of dreams often reveals a hidden key to the remedy, because while sleeping, man is off guard, and his subconscious self can assert itself, and under such circumstances, the veil is often lifted a little, allowing us to comprehend the deep and hidden mysteries of the disordered life known as disease. Such dreams must be consistent and persistent in order to be valuable, and great care must be taken to eliminate the influence of all external influences.
To use dreams in analysis and evaluation, we must first investigate the patient’s life. Dreams of everyday events have little or no value because such dreams are common from childhood to old age.
Doctors have observed cases where a mental disease began with a dream and a delusion that began in a dream that has persisted.3
In footnote 10 under the aphorism 17 of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann stated that “a warning dream, a superstitious fancy, or a solemn prediction that death would occur at a certain day, or at a certain hour, has not infrequently produced all the signs of beginning and increasing disease, of approaching death, and death itself at the hour announced, which could not happen without simultaneous production of the inward change.” 4
Hahnemann in Theory of Chronic Diseases, states that the fundamental causes of all the disease are chronic miasms. Psora, sycosis and syphilis are the three chronic miasms.
The miasmatic consideration is crucial for effective Homoeopathic remedy and potency selection in a given case. The similimum should be similar to the patient’s miasmatic state. The construction of the totality is the construction of the patient’s miasmatic state.
AIM: To assess the significance of dreams based on miasms.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Reverse repertorization of dreams of 14 polycrest remedies (Merc, phos, naja, lach, verat, plat, ars, nux vom, petr, nat mur, aur, calc, sulph, syph) using Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort (CARA software) and classifying them into three miasms- Psora, sycosis and syphilis.5
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DREAMS accidents of
DREAMS amorous erections with DREAMS anger DREAMS animals of biting him DREAMS animals of cats pursuing him DREAMS animals of dogs pursued by DREAMS animals of pursued by DREAMS animals of wild DREAMS animals of worms creeping DREAMS awake while DREAMS battles DREAMS body, body parts abdomen constricted as if DREAMS business of DREAMS business of absorbing DREAMS business of accomplish cannot DREAMS business of difficulties in DREAMS calling out help for DREAMS child children about beaten had been DREAMS cities DREAMS coition of DREAMS coloured DREAMS comical DREAMS confused DREAMS continued waking after Dreams continued going to sleep the former dream is DREAMS crimes DREAMS crimes committed that he had DREAMS danger DREAMS difficulties of DREAMS drowning DREAMS falling DREAMS falling high places from DREAMS fantastic DREAMS fights DREAMS fire DREAMS flood DREAMS ghost spectres DREAMS haemorrhage DREAMS historic DREAMS hunting DREAMS journey DREAMS knives DREAMS lewd, lascivious voluptuous DREAMS lightening DREAMS long DREAMS long object of same DREAMS ludicrous DREAMS lying in bed with another person DREAMS misfortune of DREAMS money DREAMS morose DREAMS music DREAMS nightmare people of crowd DREAMS plans DREAMS poetical DREAMS proving remedy DREAMS quarrels strife DREAMS religious DREAMS remembered long while for a DREAMS repeating DREAMS repentance DREAMS revolution DREAMS robbers DREAMS rousing the patient frequently DREAMS stabbed fear dread of being DREAMS sick people DREAMS storm thunderstorm DREAMS strange DREAMS theft accused of being DREAMS things fixed upon the same things dreams DREAMS threats DREAMS varied DREAMS true seem on waking DREAMS unpleasant DREAMS unremembered DREAMS urinating of DREAMS urinating sits on a chamber wets the bed DREAMS vengeance of taking DREAMS vexatious DREAMS visionary DREAMS vivid DREAMS vivid images life like DREAMS water DREAMS water danger from DREAMS water sailing DREAMS water sailing dangerous sailing in a small boat |
DREAMS accidents of fatal
DREAMS animals of pursued by wild DREAMS animals of snake DREAMS animals of pursued by DREAMS another person lying with him DEAMS beaten being DREAMS body, body parts teeth falling out DREAMS body, body parts teeth filling is falling out DREAMS body, body parts teeth pulled out being DREAMS casualties of DREAMS confused place where he had been and people DREAMS clairvoyant DREAMS clairvoyant drunkenness during DREAMS cruelty DREAMS cutting seeing a person cut up DREAMS dead bodies smell of DREAMS dead people of DREAMS death of DREAMS death of relatives DREAMS death of that he is to die DREAMS disgusting DREAMS embarrassment DREAMS fire blow on head after DREAMS future events prophetic DREAMS hideous DREAMS misfortune of impending DREAMS meditation with DREAMS murder DREAMS murdered of being DREAMS mutilation DREAMS piercing bodies of her children together DREAMS periodical second night every DREAMS persistent DREAMS poisoned of being DREAMS pursued of being DREAMS rape DREAMS rape that he has committed DREAMS remorse of DREAMS remorse of past mistakes for DREAMS reproaches himself DREAMS riots DREAMS stab others will DREAMS swallowing pins DREAMS unfortunate events DREAMS violence DREAMS war
According to the above study, dreams were produced in provers during drug proving. Dreams provide insight into one’s mental state because they reflect unconscious drives and aspirations. The deranged vital principle disrupts the patient’s will and causes him to have troublesome dreams that are actually mental states. The perverted deranged vital principle is caused by the action of miasms on the organism, and it can only be removed by a power similar to it, which is the medicinal force, and this will be true healing.
- Mangal SK. General Psychology. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd; 2013.
- Kent J.T. Lectures on homoeopathic philosophy. 18th impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2018.
- Patel RP. The art of case taking and practical repertorization in Homoeopathy. 6th ed. 1998.
- Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2012.
- Complete Repertory by Roger van Zandvoort (CARA software).
Dr. Keerthana
PG Scholar,Department of Organon of Medicine with Homeopathic Philosophy,
Government Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bengaluru.
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