Effect of dinamization as a characteristic of potentiation of homeopathic remedies

homeo3Tatiana Novosadyuk

Introduction: Dinamization, i.e. mandatory shaking of liquid homeopathic remedies during their preparation and prior to intake is the least studied major characteristics of homeopathy. Any solution has three types of molecular oscillations: chaotic Brownian motion, rhythmical oscillations of single atoms (basic oscillations) and electromagnetic oscillations that carry information about the dissolved substance. We performed experiments similar to those of R. Brown.

For this purpose we used potentiated homeopathic remedies of animal, plant and mineral descent, in dilutions of 1 to 1500 CH according to the S. Hahnemann method.

Aims: The aims of the experiment was to compare qualitative changes of ink microparticles motion characteristics in the crushed droplet specimens prepared of homeopathic remedies of animal, plant and mineral descent in 1 to 1500 CH dilutions.

Materials and methods: We used the following remedies on 1 to 1500 CH dilutions prepared according to the S. Hahnemann method. Mineral remedies:Sulfur, Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Mercurius, Cuprum metallicum, Palladium, Graphite, Ferrum metallicum, Kalium bichromicum, Plumbum, Plant remedies: Berberis, Cedron, Peganum harmala, Brionia, Rust tox, Drozera, Ledum, Lycopodium, Miristica, Ruta, Aloe, Cimicifuga. Animal remedies: Lac defloratum, Tarentula, Apis melifica, Tuberculinum, Sepia, Cantaris, Lachesis, Naja naja, Pirogenium, Homeopathized bird blood serum. Crushed droplet samples were prepared of dinamized remedies for double blind microscopic study under 20x and 40x magnification. Control samples were prepared of water droplet in a similar manner. Motion pattern of ink microparticles was studied visually, with consideration to spin velocity and their chaotic and/or directional movement.

Discussion of results: The studies enabled us to determine a number of characteristics of potentiated remedies that appear with shaking and lack in non-potentiated solutions, that we combine as “effect of dinamization”. It was determined that when shaking of potentiated solutions is performed, their molecules not only equalize their linear motion, i.e. regularize their free run, but alto gain similar rotator motion. These changes are similar in all studied homeopathic remedies of different origin. This effect was no manifest that it enabled to differentiate the degree of homeopathic potentiation.

The effect of dinamization in potentiated solution gradually declines with storage. Molecular motion again becomes chaotic, as Brownian motion. However several shakes were enough for the solution to completely restore the picture typical for dinamization. The remedies packed in paper containers maintained the effect of dinamization only throughout their indicated shelf life period. For remedies packed in plastic and glass containers the pattern of dinamization was present even after 10-fold expiration of shelf life indicated on the pack. However there were certain samples that showed no effect of dinamization even within the shelf life duration claimed by the manufacturer.

Conclusions: 1. These characteristics of laboratory surveillance over quality of homeopathic remedies are perspective for practical use. 2. Study of regulation of molecular motion that occurs with dinamization of potentiated solution can be used to determine the potency of homeopathic remedies thus enabling us to control their quality. 3. Lack of dinamization effect shows absense of potentiated solution in the sample. This enables us to determine fake homeopathic remedies. 4. The use of this method to test quality of homeopathic remedies can be used in disputable situations, e.g. when there is no effect from the use of homeopathic remedy.


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