Effectiveness of Physostigma 30 in the treatment of simple low Myopia

Dr Ashwni Gugale

In this study Homoeopathic medicine- Physostigma 30 was prescribed to 30 subjects presented with simple or low myopia and their accessory symptoms. To assist the improvement in this study VISUAL ACUITY i.e. DIOPTER was used. This study includes males and females with 10-30years of age criteria. This study shows Genetic : Environmental Index for myopic development & physostigma30 works well in cases where simple, low myopia is induced due to environmental changes. This study manifest that Physostigma acts well on right eye & almost 29 patients out of 30 showed significant improvement in accessory symptoms of simple low myopia. Dioptric improvement shown totally in 9 subjects; good & moderate improvement shown in 5 & 4 subjects respectively.  But when this study analyzed statistically by applying “student ’t’ test”, the null hypothesis accepted that Physostigma 30c does not work in simple low myopia.

This research gives new array to work more for refractive errors. Physostigma 30 reduces accessory symptoms of myopia in 29 subjects out of 30 it means it actually helps to relax ciliary muscles of the eye and may help to regain the normal shape of the retina but it requires extensive research work to prove.

Key words:
Refractive errors, myopia, physostigma30, visual acuity, genetic : environmental index for myopic development, accessory symptoms of simple, low myopia

Now a days myopia has become major public health problem in Indian school children and adolescent age group.

The interest behind this study is to identify percentage of myopic eyes and cost-effective non- interventional treatment.

Studies suggest myopia or near-sightedness is one of the most common eye disorders. It is more prevalent in Taiwan, Japan, China Korea (East Asia), South east Asia, affecting ~60-80% of young adults.

Recent researchers conclude that Indian population has myopic genes. Study signifies association with increased Axial length even after multiple correction.

Present treatments which are available for myopia: Current treatments which is available to slow down the progression of myopia: 1. Spectacle lenses 2. Contact lenses 3. Pharmaceutical agents like; A) Atropine – but atropine has side effects due to which many Clinicians do not accept long term therapy. B) Pirenzepine -it is just like atropine, is a muscarinic

Many trials and experiments were conducted to slow down the myopic changes, but conclusion occurred that many treatments are effective only in early changes but after  the initial months the treatments effects may increase only minimally or not at all.

Long term myopia leads increase in axial length and person land up in irreversible eye problem therefore patients need to take treatment to slow down myopic changes before irreversible changes established.

Therefore, we want to achieve whether homoeopathic preparation of Physostigma30c helps to relax the ciliary muscles which are contracted or in spasm and slow down the progression of myopia.

Simple low myopia is the commonest type of myopia it does not progress much after adolescence. It ranges up to -3.00 D. in this type of myopia no any degenerative changes are seen in the fundus, but in later life peripheral degeneration may seen. Simple low myopia has good prognosis. Signs and symptoms of myopia are not so prominent, majorly blurred objects which are on distance get clearer when they are close to eye sight.

Research question: Does physostigma 30c reduces dioptres in simple low myopia?

Hypothesis: Physostigma 30c does not work in simple low myopia.

Background and justification:
Problem of myopic eye is rapidly growing especially in some specific areas of the glob; and the causes majorly are; gross changes in the environment and genetic predominance. This myopia treated with glasses on primary level to create clear and normal distinct vision, but they have no capacity to cure myopia. if gasses removed blurred distinct vision turns back. Are glasses seriously making myopic eyes worse? This is Hard to answer as many studies show control is the best option for patients. But one way orthokeratology has default treatment for myopia. Nearsightedness always start with pseudo myopia, where muscles are in spasmodic state because of near work for longer time, and it slowly gets relaxed by exercise of eye muscles and some eye drops. When patients use glasses, it means they are not relaxing eye muscles; and spasm sets in and eye become more dependent on glasses. And diopter increases as time flies. Therefore, concave lenses are not final answer to treat myopia.

Treatments which are available for these myopic eyes has not sufficient and satisfactory results and evidence of reduced diopter. Therefore, we are more interested to see the action of physostigma30c in simple low myopia.

AIM:  Improve the Refractive errors


  1. To note the diopter of refractive error at the time of inclusion in the study and note the symptoms after prolonged near vision
  2. After administrating Physostigma 30 O.D. in every follow up of 15 days
  3.  a) To study the changes in the dioptre of refractive error. b) Simultaneously in each follow up to study for changes in the symptoms of simple low myopia
  4. To study the improvement in the refractive error by comparing the dioptre of refractive error before giving the medicine and after the medicine in last follow up.

In the 1st phase of the dissertation, I completed theoretical study. Which gives detailed knowledge about Simple and low myopia with the help of extensive literature. From this study I learnt genetic and environmental index. Even studies suggest that eye exercise can help to reduce the diopter in early cases. Outdoor activities are more important to avoid early issues of myopia.

In the 2nd phase practical study was done thoroughly. For this study 30 sample was collected and treated with Physostigma 30 for simple and low myopia.

Dioptric changes before and after the treatment:

Here 5 (no. of cases) i.e. 16% out off 30 cases has been shown ≥  -0.50D change from their previous diopter. 4 (no. of cases) i.e. 13% out of 30 cases shown decrease in diopter by

≥  -0.25D

Predominance of eye:

In this study physostigma treated right eye more prominently than left eye. So we can conclude that physostigma is right sided remedy.

Symptomatically relieved :

In this study Physostigma worked well on myopic accessory symptoms. Observation suggest that around 29 i.e. 96% out of 30 cases showed complete improvement on symptomatic ground..

Environmental and genetic index:

In my study I found that  genetic:environmental proportion is 16 : 14 means environmental background is as important as genetic background to develop myopia.

Improvement criteria :

GOOD  ≥ -0.50D= 5 cases i.e. 16%

MODERATE  ≥ -0.25D= 4 cases i.e. 13%

POOR < -0.25D= 21 cases i.e. 70%

Statistical analysis :
In this study after applying student t test, the null hypothesis is accepted, that is  Physostigma 30c does not work in simple low myopia to improve diopters.

Discussion & conclusion suggest that Physostigma 30 is quite close to cure the myopia though, null hypothesis is accepted. This remedy reduced accessory symptoms of myopia (as it is shown in this study) incredibly then we can say that physostigma may help to reduce the diopters, but to achieve this results further studies need to conduct. Example, use different potencies of physostigma, work on how to repeat the medicine, time period of consumption of the remedy.

Even we should not forget the law of similia & on that basis should study different homeopathic medicines for myopia.

To reach the aim we need to conduct long term experiments to monitor and define the changes in the diopters as well as steadiness in the result.


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Dr Ashwini Akshay Gugale  MD (Hom)

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