Dr Vyshnavy Baburaj
A frequent problem encountered in 95% of occupational skin disorders is contact dermatitis (CD). Irritant contact dermatitis(ICD) accounts for 80% of all cases of contact dermatitis which is often caused by a cumulative exposure to weak irritants.[1] ICD is caused by plants, physical chemicals, phototoxic agents etc., and is seen in individuals exposed to rubber, plastic, metals, petrochemicals etc. Acute presentations include redness, swelling, itching, pain, ulcerations while chronic presentations are erythema, cracking, dryness, oozing, fissuring of skin.[2]In this case report, a lady aged 39 years after exposure to irritant chemicals developed ICD, and was treated with Calcarea phoshorica without using any topical application, through individualization using the principles of homoeopathy.
Keywords: Irritant contact dermatitis, Calcarea phosphorica, Homoeopathy
Case Report
On 18/11/2023, a 39-year-old housewife residing in Bengaluru presented with the complaints of itching and eruptions of the palmar and dorsal surface of fingers of both the hands for the past 1 year. Eruptions started at the same time first on the fingers of both the hands and then proceeded to the palmar and dorsal surface of the hands. It was gradual in onset and progression. Itching of the eruptions occurred daily, was aggravated on scratching, on exposure to water (washing utensils, fruits and vegetables, bathing), early morning and warmth. Complaints were better on applying coconut oil, vaseline. On scratching there would be bleeding. Gradually the eruptions became thick, hard and black in colour.
There is no history of allergic respiratory conditions, flaking of skin, pustular discharge, edema, vesicles, insect bites.
The above case study shows the psycho- somatic relation of a disease and the effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment in curing such a case. In future, further research studies using larger groups can be carried out to assess the efficicacy of Calcarea phosphorica in treating chronic irritant contact dermatitis.
- Sonia N. Bains, Pembroke Nash, Luz Fonacier Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2019 56:99-109
- Dastagiri P, Navya Mariam Shaji Irritant Contact Dermatitis with Secondary Infection Treated with Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine- A Case Report, International Journal of AYUSH Case Reports July- Sept 2021;5(3): 187- 196
- Cheryl Lee Eberting Irritant Contact Dermatitis: Mechanisms to Repair, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research January 2014; 5(6): 1-8
- Richard P. Ustaine, Marcela Riojas Diagnosis and Management of Contact Dermatitis, American Academy of Family Physicians August 2010; 82(3): 1-7
- Kajal Patel, Rosemary Nixon Irritant Contact Dermatitis- a Review, Current Dermatology Reports 2022;11:41-51
Dr Vyshnavy Baburaj
Assistant Professor, Dept of Community Medicine
Anuradha Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital ,Bengaluru
Email : vyshnavyb10@gmail.com
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