Efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in Motion Sickness

mansoor (757)Dr Ashok Kumar Dantkale

In a work of this magnitude, it is natural for the sole author of a book to solicit help and co-operation from others. Couple of people have taken part in this course, helping me to frame the issues more clearly in my own mind. This small page is being attempted in the shadow of the above sentiment.

I take this opportunity to thank my affectionate Father Late Sri.RamchandraRao Dantkale who parted me unexpectedly surrendering to the God’s Grace during my studies who always inspired me to achieve higher things in life and my Mother Vijayabai for her encouraging words and constant blessing in all my works and my dearest wife Chandrakala and my loving children Vivek and Vishal Dantkale whose love, support and constant encouragement for higher goals in life which provided me strength to go ahead successfully. I would like to thank to all my family members especially my sister Latabai, her family, my brother Prakash, his family, for their love and encouragement and my teacher and AYUSH director Dr. B. N. Prakash, my principal at GHMC Bangalore Dr. A. L. Patil and my colleagues and students who are my source of motivation.

I thank my guide, Principal Dr.M.A.Udachankar.M.D. a person of firm ideals, integrity, sincere efforts, an excellent academician, whose meticulous attention and constant inspiration, encouragements through out the course of my post-graduate study has created enough self confidence in me to complete the dissertation for which I find no words to express my profound gratitude. I owe not only this work, but also great part of my personnel comfort and a big share of his positive influence on me. Indeed a role model for the generation of homoeopaths.

I owe an incalculable debt to Dr. G. M. Moogi. PG-Coordinator, Dr. S. M. D’souza and Dr. S. S. Pujar Guides who stand out as judicious steady and pervasive influence in my PG study & Dissertation work.

I am indebted to my PG teachers Dr. S.N. Pattan, Dr. Sunil Parse, Dr. S. M. Udachankar, Dr. C. N.Tugashetti, Dr.B.Bargundi, Dr.Geeta Pangi,Dr.M.B. Ashwathpur,Dr. Afsha Balekundri, Dr.Naheeda Mulla, Shri. R.S. Hegde, Shri. S.B. Doni and also the staff of Dept of Organon of Medicine ,Dept. of Materia Medica and Dept. of Repertory, who motivated me immensely during my studies.

My special thanks to Dr. B. P. Belaldavar ENT Surgeon and Professor, JNMC Belgaum, Dr. A. P. Krishna Associate. Professor of Physiology, K.S.Hegde Medical Academy Mangalore for their valuable guidance and providing necessary references for my work. A word of praise and thanks also goes to the management of A. M. SHAIKH HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL for the freedom granted to me in availing all the institutional facilities during my PG studies and for the role played by each of them for guiding me in the right path and for the completion of the Dissertation and also Shri Abu A. Shaikh, Managing Trustee for his inspiring presence in the campus.

The word of praise is due, to my friends and my senior and Co-PG’s for their valuable guidance and encouragement during my studies and work.
I also thank, the patients whom I subjected to my study.
I am truly thankful to Mr. Chandshah Office Superintendent for his support and selfless service to carry out my official commitments.
I thank, Mr. R. P. Patil, Librarian and his colleagues for their co- operation in times of need.
I like to thank Mr. Anand S. Kathare my brother-in-law for his innovative ideas of typing work of this dissertation.
I express my sincere thanks to Miss. Veena & Mr. Deepak of Sai Xerox & DTP Centre for designing, printing and binding of my dissertation.
I have great pleasure in presenting the book to the earnest and thoughtful profession.

Background and objectives: Seasickness, airsickness, carsickness, trainsickness, amusement-park-ride sickness, camel sickness, and the like are collectively called motion sickness. The symptoms are apathy, headache, stomach awareness, pallor, perspiration, salivation, nausea, vomiting, and prostration, in roughly that temporal order.

Motion sickness is one of the more humbling experiences of travel, be it on a plain, train, bus, boat or whatever and suddenly turning green, sweaty, becoming nauseated and developing an uncomfortable urge to throw up. Although this condition is fairly common and only a minor nuisance for the occasional traveler, it may be incapacitating for people with an occupation that requires constant movement such as a flight attendant, pilot astronaut or ship crew member. In addition anticipating  movement can cause anxiety and symptoms of motion sickness. The incidence varies depending upon the magnitude of the stimulus and the susceptibility of the individual.  Even though motion sickness has been mentioned in the homoeopathic literature; a systematic, scientific and a detailed study has not been done. Hence this condition needs to be studied. Quite a number of remedies in Homoeopathic Materia Medica and references from Philosophy books give a ray of hope for Homoeopathic treatment for this common but incapacitating disorder.

In most cases treatment with homoeopathic drugs is therefore necessary and in some cases it is the only method of treatment as conventional treatment cannot offer a cure always. Merely treating Motion sickness on symptomatology basis has failed to give permanent relief. So a holistic approach considering the individualistic treatment to provide an improved understanding of the patient’s situation and to make it easier and possible to avoid recurrences in the future has to be kept in mind in treating such diseases.

In this context, we the homoeopaths have some valid conclusions, regarding the holistic and individualistic approach to motion sickness. All these factors have encouraged me to take up this study on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of motion sickness. The aims and objectives of the study were as follows.

  • To know and perceive the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of motion sickness.
  • To access the miasmatic background of the condition for enhancing the scope of homoeopathic therapeutics for a permanent cure of the condition taken up for the study.
  • Assessment of the role of acute remedies in the treatment of this condition.
  • To bring out therapeutics on motion sickness for easy reference in clinical practice.
  • To bring out Repertory on motion sickness for easy reference in clinical practice.

The present study consisted 30 patients of Motion sickness who attended the O.P.D. at A.M. Shaikh Homeopathic medical college and Hospital, Belgaum and O.P.D. of village camps. The 30 cases of Motion sickness were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria. Patients who were known cases of Motion sickness and whose symptoms of motion sickness get provoked during traveling and patients of all age groups irrespective of their sex and occupation were taken up for study. After selecting the samples the case taking was done keeping the holistic and individualistic concept in mind to ascertain homoeopathic totality for prescription of similimum.

All the cases were reviewed once in 15 days for the 2 months, after the journey and were told to report the changes, then once in 15 days for the remaining period of study or as per the demand of the case and the progress was recorded. The treatment was based on the basis of homoeopathic principles and auxillary measures were indicated as and when required. In this study it was seen that 27cases i.e.90% showed improvement with Homoeopathic treatment and 3 cases i.e. 10% failed to show any improvement.

An analysis of the results revealed statistically significant efficacy of the Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment of motion sickness. Studying motion sickness with miasmatic background  and its treatment with Homoeopathy not only helps in understanding the further progression and worsening of the condition but also reduces the emotional and psychological impact caused due to motion sickness and makes the patient travel with comfort, enjoyment and pleasure and no more embarrassment. The miasmatic background in 86.66% of cases was found to be Psora. Hence, it can be stated that mostly in Motion sickness PSORA is the dominant miasm. Most of the cases have totally responded to a set of drugs Coc-Indicus, Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica,  Petroleum, followed by  Ars alb ,Graphites, Kali carb,   Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Tabaccum and Tuberculinum.

Motion sickness is an exceedingly common disorder about which Homoeopathic physicians are likely to be consulted for advice and treatment. Appropriate management is based on patient characteristics and the type and length of the exposure and includes general preventive recommendations. Education for patients about the causes of motion sickness and how to prevent it can alleviate anxiety and enhance their enjoyment of travel and recreation.The proper Homoeopathic medicine taken at the right time can increase resistance to motion sickness and assure a pleasant journey in place of a traumatic experience. Hence now most of the motion sickness sufferers need no longer face frustration as Homoeopathy has come for their relief. Thus, the present study has been confirming one keeping the holistic approach as the pedestal of treatment and the role of Homoeopathic remedies has been the most effective. A more comprehensive study comprising of more subjects, different professionals with different modes of travel and spread over a longer duration is needed to follow-up on the results of this study.

Keywords: Motion sickness, Nausea, Vomiting, Giddiness, Vestibular apparatus, Balance disorder, Equilibrium, Excessive sweating and salivation, The sensation of rotation, Vertigo, Dizziness, Car sickness, Train sickness, Air sickness, Otorhinolaryngologist.

Age incidence:
Highest incidence was seen in the age group of 20-40 years the eldest among the patients was 61 years old the younger was 4 year old.

Sex incidence:
From the study it was observed that Females were found to be suffering more than Males. Of total 30 cases 23 were Females and 7 cases were Males. Male: Female ratio is 1:3 This corroborates the fact that, Females are more prone than Males.

Various clinical presentations:
It is evident from the study that the various clinical presentation of motion sickness is with the acute exaggerbation that is 43.33% (13) cases closely followed by chronic presentation in 56.66% (17) cases.

Acute and chronic remedies:
From the study it is seen that cases received Nux vomica (7), Cocc. Ind(11) , Petroleum(8)and Ipecacuanha(4) cases as acute remedies, and Ars alb(2)Graphites(3), Kali carb(5), Lycopodium(2), Nitric acid(2), Platina(2), Pulsatilla(4), Sepia(5), Tabaccum(2), Tuberculinum(3)  cases as chronic remedies.

Indicated remedies:
Nux vomica, Cocc. Ind, Petroleum and Ipecacuanha were indicated as acute remedies and Ars alb, Graphites, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Platina, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Tabaccum, Tuberculinum were given as chronic remedies in all the 30 cases.

Dr. Benerjee says “The difference between acute and chronic prescription is that, in chronic the medicine has to be miasmatic while in acute it need not be so. The medicine is indicated by the totality of symptoms of the miasm predominant will have to be selected and not the medicine indicated by the totality of mere symptom of whole case. In brief the prescription must be miasmatic”.

Miasmatic background:
It was observed that it is Psoric background in the maximum cases that is 26 out of 30 cases that is 86.66%; followed by Sycotic background in 6.66% (2) cases and then followed by Psoro-sycotic background in 6.66% (2) cases.

As the individual develops from embryonic stage to death so does his predisposition to disease goes on developing, due to its genetic cause, controlled, guided and modulated by the miasmatic cause inherited as well as acquired, causing various changes from innermost symptom to outermost symptoms.

Potencies used:
It was observed that the potencies varied from 200 to 1 M, 10 M as per the demand of the case.

Result of treatment: The conventional treatment aims in only treating the symptom rather them removing the tendency to get it, i.e. the disease is either maintained or pushed back into the organism and to complicate the condition. But in this study, the individual was considered as a whole. And the whole individual was treated rather than treating his disease or symptom. Holistic approach was carried out. Hence, the internal being has to be assessed and in the present study the patient was treated as a whole by dynamic internal homoeopathic medications.

In the present study efforts were made to make the journey period of the patients more enjoyable, pleasurable, symptom free. Hence, on the basis of the above discussed points we can conclude that the homoeopathic management in motion sickness has a good scope and it is efficacious. The study was worked out using Paired ‘t’ test a statistical method, which again shows the efficiency of Homoeopathy in the management of Motion sickness.

With proper and scientific understanding of the Psoric background Motion sickness which is a debilitating, persisting, disturbing and non-responsive condition can be managed successfully by Homoeopathic medication.

30 different cases of motion sickness of either sexes ranging from 4-61years, which satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were considered to study the response of Homoeopathic treatment in motion sickness.

1.  The most common age group suffering from motion sickness was found to be between20-40 Years.

2. Females were found to be more prone to suffer from motion sickness. Male to Female ratio was: 1:3

3. The most common symptoms of motion sickness observed were nausea, vomiting, giddiness, sweating, blurring of vision and a sense of feeling unwell.

4. It has been a common problem in peoples traveling by Bus and Car.

5. Commonly seen aggravating factors were found to be s Fear, anxiety, and poor ventilation and smell of  petrol, over crowding during traveling in  Bus which increase the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness.

6. Common family history was Motion Sickness.

8.The miasmatic background in 86.66% of cases was found to be Psora. Hence, it can be stated that mostly in Motion sickness PSORA is the dominant miasm.

9.Most of the cases   had consulted ENT specialists and were on Allopathic medication, withdrawal of which the patient used to get the same symptom of motion sickness every time on traveling. But with homoeopathic medication in 4-5 weeks the patients did not use any allopathic drugs and felt completely better each time they were traveling.

10. Cocc-Indicus, Ipecac, Nux vom, Petroleum, were acute remedies      prescribed in this study.

11. The potencies of all the remedies used ranged from 200 to 10 M as per the need of the case but 200 potency was the most commonly used potency.

12. Miasmatically it is mainly a PSORIC condition because Hypersensitiveness of labyrinth of the Ear and always presents with Nausea, Vomiting, Giddiness, Vertigo, and intolerance to motion, conflicting signals between ear and eye, brain are always PSORIC.

13. Most of the cases have totally responded to a set of drugs Coc-Indicus, Ipecacuanha, Nux vomica,  Petroleum, followed by  Ars alb ,Graphites, Kali carb,   Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Tabaccum and Tuberculinum  .

14. The scope of Homoeopathic medicine is significant in giving relief to  patients suffering from Motion sickness as it is confirmed by systematic, scientific and a detailed study based on Homoeopathic principles.

15.  This study was conducted with limited subjects and for limited time duration. A more comprehensive study comprising of more subjects, different professionals with different modes of travel and spread over a longer duration is needed to follow-up on the results of this study.

Motion sickness is a common experience for many people involving almost all forms of transport, including aviation. It is one of the more humbling experiences of travel, be it on a bus, car, train, boat or plain whatever and suddenly turning green, sweaty, becoming nauseated and developing an uncomfortable urge to throw up due to i) over stimulation of vestibular apparatus ii) Conflictions of the sensory inputs thus in motion sickness there is lack of accord between information brought by the vestibular apparatus and by the visual apparatus, to the brain and is one of the most common problems seeking attention of several ENT specialists. The results of management by various system of medication have been not satisfactory. The Allopathic medication has been the commonest measure but has its own bad effects and relapses are seen invariably in all the cases after stopping the medication.

In my humble attempt to treat patients with motion sickness I have been quite successful because I worked keeping in mind the ‘Universal truth’, the universal truth which Dr. Hahnemann propagated i.e., every individual is a different individual and the animated body or organism is ultimately governed by the life force.

Most of the cases had consulted ENT specialists and were on Allopathic medication, withdrawal of which the patient used to get the same symptom of motion sickness every time on traveling. But with homoeopathic medication in 4-5 weeks the patients did not use any allopathic drugs and felt completely better each time they were traveling. The scope of Homoeopathic medicine is significant in giving relief to patients suffering from Motion sickness. Homoeopathic medicines along with the general management are found to be highly efficacious in the management and treatment of motion sickness, as majority number of patients was found to improve and hence a positive relationship is established in the study conducted to test the experimental hypothesis by applying paired ‘t’ test. It was seen that the frequency, severity and recurrences of complaints of motion sickness were reduced through Homoeopathic management thus improving the quality of life of individual while traveling mentally and physically.

Studying motion sickness with miasmatic background, its treatment with Homoeopathy not only helps in understanding the further progression and worsening of the condition but also reduces the emotional and psychological impact caused due to motion sickness and makes the patient travel with comfort, enjoyment and pleasure and no more embarrassment. In the Homoeopathic Materia medica we find many remedies indicated for motion sickness and many rubrics are found in repertories which are very useful in selection of remedies. The proper Homoeopathic medicine taken at the right time can increase resistance to motion sickness and assure a pleasant journey in place of a traumatic experience. Homoeopathy offers a long term healing of a person due to its individualistic and wholistic approach. Hence now most of the motion sickness sufferers need no longer face frustration as Homoeopathy has come for their relief.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Dantkale BHMS, M.D(Hom)
Assistant Professor,Dept. of Physiology &Biochemistry,
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College,
Basaveshwarnagar, Bangalore -79
Email: ashokdantkale@yahoo.com
Mob: 09844231936

 Download full paper : www.similima.com/pdf/motion-sickness-homeopathy.pdf

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