Electromagnetic Signals from Bacterial DNA Sequences

disease1 (2)Electromagnetic  Signals  Are Produced by Aqueous  Nanostructures Derived  from  Bacterial  DNA Sequences


Abstract:    A  novel  property  of  DNA  is  described:   the  capacity  of  some  bacterial  DNA  sequences  to  induce   electromagnetic  waves  at  high  aqueous  dilutions.    It  appears  to  be  a  resonance  phenomenon  triggered  by  the  ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves.  The genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria  contains  sequences  which  are  able  to  generate  such  signals. This  opens  the  way  to  the  development  of  highly   sensitive detection system for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.

Key  words:  DNA, electromagnetic signals, bacteria.

Download original paper : www.homeobook.com/pdf/nano-homeopathy.pdf

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