Emerging evidence of homoeopathy in treating COVID-19 pandemic: An overview

Dr. Kaushal Kumar Savera, Dr. P Dastagiri and Dr. KC Muraleedharan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33545/26164485.2020.v4.i3c.206 

Corona virus disease or COVID-19 is a viral disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 and declared pandemic by WHO. The COVID-19 infection has emerged from Wuhan, China in late December of 2019 and soon become a global health emergency spreading over 216 countries and territories around the world as there are no specific established treatments or vaccines available till date.

Scientists around the world are constantly enganged in research work to find out specific treatment and vaccines for this disease. Several cases of treatment are being reported by the Homoeopathic physicians all over the world and the results are promising. Some of the Homoeopathic medicine which are being used with good results are Bryonia alba, Phosphorus, Arsenic album, Gelsemium sempervirens and Carboneum oxygenisatum. Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India has recommended the Homoeopathic medicine Arsenic album 30 as an immune booster for its possible role in preventing COVID-19 infection, and results are slowly coming out in the favour of this medicine. Homoeopathy as an adjuvant to the standard care should be evaluated for the management of COVID-19. 

Keywords: Homoeopathy, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, homoeoprophylaxis 

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