Eschscholzia Californica or Passiflora Incarnata is better for Insomnia

A study to compare the efficacy of eschscholzia californica  and passiflora incarnata mt  insomnia

Review by Dr. Berly Bernnabs

Dr Anmol Arora
Ph.D Research Scholar
Bharati Vidyapeeth University; Institute of Management and Research, New Delhi, India

Insomnia has become a common problem among people these days.
Due to increasing stress level, night shifts, lack of exercise and the sedentary lifestyle, it has become prevalent among the age group of 25 to 45 year.

Homoeopathy has a wide scope for the patient suffering from insomnia.

Needless to mention that regular exercise, balanced diet, good sleeping habits are essential to overcome this problem.

This study it is attempted to compare the efficacy of two of the well-known medicines used for insomnia in homoeopathy Eschscholzia californica and Passiflora incarnata.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty in falling and/or staying asleep.

The symptom which is found in the patient suffering from insomnia are:

  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Waking to early in morning
  • Waking up often during night
  • Difficulty in going back to sleep once awake at night


There are two types of insomnia

1. Primary insomnia

2. Secondary insomnia

Primary insomnia: A person having sleep problems that are not directly associated with any other health condition is called as primary Insomnia.

Secondary insomnia: A person having sleep problems because of some other health condition or medication.

Both Primary and Secondary Insomnia can be acute or chronic depending upon its duration of existence i.e how long it lasts and how often it occurs.

Acute insomnia which comes and go can last from one night to a few weeks whereas chronic insomnia a person has sleeping problem at least three nights a week for three months or longer.


Life stress Illness

Emotional or physical discomfort

Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures (hot or cold)

Medications Interferences in normal sleep schedule (jet lag/switching from a day to night shift)

Depression and/or anxiety


  • Sleepiness during the day
  • General tiredness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration


Eschscholzia californica
Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) is a plant that is found in California and is used for its medicinal values.

It is a non-narcotic antispasmodic, sedative, and analgesic soporific remedy used to promote relaxation and found useful for trouble sleeping (insomnia), aches, nervous agitation, nervous tension, anxiety bed wetting in children, depression, long-term mental and physical tiredness (neurasthenia), nerve pain, various psychiatric conditions, blood vessel problems, sensitivity to weather changes, and sedation.

It is commonly known for its therapeutic effects in relieving toothache and acts as a tranquilizer.

In animal experiments, it has been found to act more powerfully than morphine

Passiflora incarnata
Passiflora incarnata is an efficient anti-spasmodic remedy use full in acute diseases with painful inflammatory conditions leading to insomnia.

It affords great and instant relief in painful menstruation, unbearable labour pains, prolonged labour, eclampsia during labour, after pains etc.

It is found very beneficial in hysteric affections of unmarried young girls.

Also found using in delirium tremens, convulsions in children, spasmodic cough, whooping cough and Morphine habit.

Though this research study is conducted to compare the efficacy of the Eschscholzia californica MT and Passiflora incarnate MT. other medicines which are known for their efficacy in Materia Medica for insomnia other than Eschscholzia californica and Passiflora incarnate are Kali Phos, Coffea, Nuc Vomica, Jalapa, Chamomilla etc.

OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of Eschscholzia californica MT and Passiflora incarnata MT in Insomnia

METHODOLOGY : A randomized controlled trial enrolling 30 patients suffering from primary insomnia, who met the selection criteria.

Sampling: Random sampling, Patient attending OPD with complaint of Insomnia.

Dosage: 20 drops of MT bed time.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Patient with complaints of Insomnia. Age group 25 to 45 year
  • Having no serious physical abnormality other than insomnia. Not taking any treatment.
  • Patient is willing and able to comply with all trial requirements. Ability to understand the consent.
  • Patient able to understand and follow the protocol of the study.


  • Patients suffering from Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, Hypothyroidism, asthma or taking any allopathic, Homoeopathic or Ayurvedic treatment.
  • Patients who had taken drugs for insomnia in past. Pregnant and lactation
  • Previous participation in any clinical trial / proving in last 6 month Patient taking any drug.
  • Patient taking alcohol / smoking/ tobacco. Any contradiction to blood sampling.

Disposition: Eschscholzia californica MT – 16 Subjects Passiflora incarnata MT – 14 Subjects

Data Collection
Data collection is done through a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire is drafted based on Insomnia measuring Instrument (Questionnaires) Clinical Practice Guideline in Spanish NHS.

Visit Details
Patients screened and enrolled. The enrollment day was considered as the baseline data and patients were asked to visit on: Day 10, Day 20, Day 30, Day 40.

End Point  : Fulfillment of primary study objectives. In adverse event/ Incidence.

Statistical analysis  : The data is analyzed using SPSS Version 21. Significance level 5%.

The p-value of Levene’s test is.037 which is < than.05 accordingly we reject the null of Levene’s test and conclude that the variance in sleep duration of the Group 2 (E. californica) is significantly different than that of Group 1(Passiflora incarnata).

Negative t value indicates that the mean sleep duration of Group 1 (Passiflora incarnata) is significantly lesser than the mean of Group 2 (E. californica).

Since P is less than 0.05 (chosen significance level), we conclude that there is significant difference between mean sleep duration for Group 1 (Passiflora incarnata) and Group 2 (E. californica).

Based on the findings we can state that
The average sleep duration for Eschscholzia californica MT was 59 minutes more than for Passiflora incarnata in cases of insomnia.