Dr Mansoor Ali
This article helps you to identify the major parts of a postgraduate dissertation and methods of writing it
Parts of Dissertation
- First is Title page – make it as simple
- Declaration by the student
- Certificate by the Guide
- Endorsement by HOD or Principal
- Copyright to University
- Acknowledgment – follow hierarchy
- First to Guide,Princial, HOD
- Then Statistician
- Then Patients
- Then Health care team
- No mention about husband, wife or family in acknowledgment, since this is an official document. You can mention them while publishing a book.
- Table of Contents
- 6 items only
- Recheck before submission
- No vertical lines
Total: 6 chapters
- Heading : 14 bold
- Sub heading : 12 bold
- Matter : 12 Times New Roman
- Double space
No italics in dissertation – but use in medicine grading, bacteria name etc.
Margin: 1 inch on three sides and 1.5 inch on Lt side for proper binding.
- Chapter 1
Background of the problem - Need and significance of the study
- Statement of the problem
- Objectives
- Operational definitions
- Assumptions (if any)
- Hypothesis (Write research hypothesis)
- Conceptual/theoretical frame work
Chapter II
- Review of literature
- Subheading of the literature reviewed
Chapter III
- Methodology
- Research approach
- Research design
- Variables
- Setting of the study
- Population
- Sample and sampling technique
- Plan for data analysis
Chapter IV
- Analysis and interpretation
- (Section wise presentation of data)
Chapter V
- Objectives
- Hypotheses
- Results
Chapter VI
- Discussion
- Summary
- Conclusion
- Limitations
- Recommendations
Points to remember
1.Certificates Name, year, branch, institution, guide, HOD
2. Acknowledgment – No family acknowledgment since this is an official document.
3.Table of contents
4. List of abbreviations – Standard
2. Introduction : specify the lacunae in current knowledge with respect to study area and states the justification of study
3. Aims and Objectives
Aim – broad single statement
Objective – Specific short bullet pointed statement
4. Review of Literature -what is already known, why new research, 2 page in synopsis, 10 page in dissertation
5. Materials and Methods
6. Observation and results
7. Discussion -conclusion
8. Reference – Should not write as Bibliography which means all related publications
9. Annexure
- Ananatha Krishnan N:medicaal postgraduate dissertation a step by step approach.India:Wolters Kluwer;2013
- Munir Ahammed R : Research Methodology.Bangalore: Centre for Homeopathic Studies;2005
- Writing a reference list in the Vancouver style:VIKO; [Published 29.04.2011;Cited on 30-04-2016].Available from http://www.ntnu.no/viko/english/papers/vancouverlist
- PubMed Central : National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine ; [cited on 29.04.2016]. Available from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
- Cochrane Libray : Wiley Online Library;[cited on 29.04.2016]. Available from http://www.cochranelibrary.com/
Dr Mansoor Ali K R BHMS,MD(Hom)
Associate Professor- Govt. Homeopathic Medical College, Calicut
Email : homoeobook@gmail.com
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