Exploring Problems & Resolution of Materia Medica

teacher5Dr. Ajit Kulkarni     

The Homoeopathic Materia Medica is the product of the highest Wisdom. Through the contribution of Artificial Human Pharmacology as explored through healthy human beings’ proving, Hahnemann brought the illness at the forefront of our existence, at the humanistic experiential level, to give the true meaning of illness.

For a homoeopathic student, the study of MM is the study, in perspective, of the exploration of a human being through the cosmos of which he is an integral part (nurture) and through the genetics (nature). The vast study of materia medica possess both conceptual and therapeutical problems before a conscientious homoeopathic student.

In this paper, problems and resolutions of the study of materia medica are discussed from the cognitive angle, with a visual reference system, with perceptual maps for objectives of teaching materia medica at clinical level. Specific objectives are also highlighted. Different modules of study of materia medica are highlighted.

Specific objectives of teaching materia medica at clinical level

  • Identification of a homoeopathic remedy
  • Utilization of clinical data for the sake of nosological diagnosis
  • Discrimination between pathognomic and non- pathognomic symptoms
  • Physical examination of a patient – Its value in clinical and homoeopathic setting
  • Understanding patient’s language in relation with clinical and homoeopathic  (Materia Medica and Repertory) language
  • Using non-verbal language of a patient in the totality of symptoms
  • Phase consideration: acute disease /   exacerbation, acute on chronic or chronic and its co-relation with homoeopathic Materia Medica
  • Understanding the patterns of responses of the behavior of the remedies
  • Evolving the portrait of a diseased individual through analysis, evaluation and synthesis after adequate and accurate case elicitation.
  • Using the concepts from the holistic science for the sake of perceiving the portrait of a Remedy: forms, symbols, metaphors etc.
  • Teaching comparative Materia Medica from various angles.
  • Inculcating confidence amongst the learners through rational use of Materia Medica

Requisites on the Part of a Student to grasp Materia Medica

Minimum requisites for maximizing learning

  • Unbiased, unprejudiced attitude
  • Sufficient will, drive and motivation
  • Analytical mind
  • Organized thinking.
  • ‘Intergration’ skills
  • Readiness to study and experiment always
  • Case–taking: adequate and accurate
  • Sufficient grasp over prescribing
  • Knowledge of methodologies
  • Keen observation, circumspection and honesty
  • Be always a student

Dwnload the full article with diagrams : www.similima.com/pdf/materia-medica-problem-resolution.pdf

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