Central Council for Research in Homoeopaty (CCRH), New Delhi invites application from eligible candidates for the following posts
Name of the Post: Consultant (Extra Mural Research/International Cooperation)
Vacancy : 1 Post
Last date for receipt of application: 15-11-2016
Qualification: Â Essential: BHMS with at least 5 years experience in Government Department/ Ministry/Statutory or Autonomous bodies/Public Sector Undertakings/any reputed private organization/Institution etc.
Desirable: MD in Homoeopathy/Master in Bussiness Administration (MBA) in any stream, Working knowledge of computer , Exposure in Central/Social Schemes at National, State and District Level.
Age: Not more than 65 years as on 15-11-2016
Remuneration: Rs.43,500/- per month
The Director General,
Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy,
61-65, Institutional Area, Opposite D-Block,
Janakpuri, New Delhi – 110058
I would like to see cost benefit outcome analyses before a final decision is made. If properly done, by several experienced statisticians/economists, the cost savings could not be denied. Patients, of course, would be able to take advantage of effective, non-toxic, non-addictive treatments which are often curative where conventional treatments fail.
You do realise that in the wider scientific community homeopathy is generally accepted as having no real effect and therefore no real benefit. Any number (the cost) divided by any benefit (in this case zero) is not going to come out in favour of homeopathy.
I realise that you believe there is a benefit, but that does not match what the best research we have on the topic is currently showing. This is the research that any organisation like the NHS will insist on.
If you are going to put conditions on things you need to participate on the same field as those that will actually be determining the outcome and asking for a cost/benefit ratio to be considered is already a losing game.
Similarly, risk/0 benefit yields infinite error.