Dr Jeena Aslam BHMS,MD(Hom)
1. Diet and Regimen
2. Other hindrances
1. Occupation: – May act as obstruction to cure.
2. High group people: – Physical activity is necessary, but none of which will affect the process of cure.
3. House wives:-May continue their routine without much exertion. Domestic remedies should be avoided, perfumes should be avoided, use neutral soaps.
4. Dress: – Loose cotton dress, woolen dress not advised.
5. Home bath should be avoided e.g. medicinal plants like neem in water
6. Venesection and cupping not advised
Dietary factors:-
1. Those having strenuous physical activity does not need restriction
2. High society people, avoid spice, condiments, as they are having medicinal activity.
3. Coffee is not practically advisable, gradually stop coffee and tea, use rye coffee, wheat coffee ( coffee and tea stimulates nervous system)
4. Avoid Chinese tea as it is prepared with ginseng, which is a stimulant
5.Avoid liquor- gradually reduce quantity, change the type of liquor to prevent addiction, wine is permissible by adding water, avoid vinegar, acetic acid ( vinegar causes anemia)
6. Unripe gooseberry should never be taken, only ripe
7. Persons with low sexual power should not take eggs, vanilla, cruvaisse, traltiers( stimulants)
8.Ladies with scanty menses should not take eggs, cinnamon, saffron ( cinnamon causes congestion),baked prones ( pork) permitted.
9. Persons with weak stomach should avoid cinnamon, pepper, ginger and stimulants. Vegetables causing flatulence should be restricted in persons suffering from abdominal complaints, constipation.
10. Pickles, smoked meat should be avoided, fish should never be used in fried, salted form, may be used after boiling with little amount of spices
11. Smoking to be restricted if there is expectoration of mucus or if there is severe respiratory complaint stops it.
12. Best food: – Rye or wheat brood, cows milk, butter, minimum salt. Beef is the best non vegetarian food, mutton, grown chicken, young pigeon, flesh and fat of geese and duck are less permitted.
Other hindrances:-
All other factors that make the psora latent should be restricted. They include
1. working under swamps
2. Excessive hardship
3. Injuries and wounds
4. Excess heat or cold
5. Hunger
6. Grief and Vexation.
A patient under grief can never be cured if it continue stop medicine and leave him to his fate.
Unhappy married life; no excessive indulgence
Mineral bath never allowed, it adds a drug disease to the natural disease
Excessive indulgence in sex as well as abstinence from it.
Cautions to be taken in the process of cure of chronic diseases.
1. All chronic diseases originates from psora , cure of psora is possible only by administration of antipsoric medicines
2. After that if the patient complaints of any mild symptoms don’t give any remedy
3. If old symptoms return don’t interfere
4. If new symptoms are produced and they are trivial don’t interfere, it will pass of itself, if they are violent immediately antidote them by selecting the most appropriate medicine.
5. If there is homoeopathic aggravation it is well and good. But if it is continuing it may be due to similimum in large doses. Then we have to antidote the remedy or give te next most similimum.
6. Schein symptoms: – Medicine is correct, but dose is large, hence aggravation of symptoms.
Mistake committed by the physician:-
1. Selection of medicine- not similar
2. Dose- Large dose given
3. Repetition – frequent repetition at unsuitable intervals
After administration of antipsoric the patient becomes irritable with sleeplessness, medicine selection is wrong, with good sleep occurs correct medicine. Minimum dose is adjusted in oversensitive patients by giving olfaction, after administration of antipsoric give S.L packets numbered serially so that time sequence of reaction of the patient can be noted. If there is immediate relief after administration of antipsoric, that usually indicate palliation. Suppose after administration of the remedy immediate relief soon followed by aggravation of symptoms it may be due to alternating action give second dose of medicine.
If the patient gets an acute disease or intercurrent disease e.g. Diarrhoea after administration of antipsoric gives the intercurrent. (MORBI INTERCURRENTIS)
- Then follow with proper antipsoric
- If the patient is under the treatment of another physician for chronic disease and some acute disease happened then give acute remedy.
- Every acute disease should be followed by an antipsoric because acute disease is due to explosion of latent psora
Epidemic, sporadic, intermittent, alternating diseases, endemic diseases are cured by antipsoric treatment. Otherwise recurrence is common. The last symptom added to the main disease will be the first to disappear. The old symptom will take their time for removal.
Advice to the patient: – Note down all the changes with date. If old symptom reappears underscore it from the case record. The entire patient is directed to continue antipsoric treatment till he is free from miasms.
CITO TUTO ET JUCUNDO: – treat safely, quietly and pleasantly. It is possible in mild, acute diseases and difficult in chronic diseases, impracticable after allopathic bungling.
Best time of medicine: – Early in the morning followed by one hour of complete mental and physical rest, don’t sleep. In females antipsoric remedy should be given preferably three days after menses. If there is profuse menses give nux vom 30 on third day of menses, and then followed by antipsoric medicine.
Best time for eradication of miasms:-
During pregnancy:- If you treat the disease child will get the benefit, if given directly the medicine should be given in very dilute form.
Diet and regimen in chronic disease:- The most appropriate regimen during employment of medicine in chronic disease consists in the removal of obstacle to recovery, and supplying where necessary the reverse, innocent moral and intellectual recreation, active exercise in the open air in almost all kinds of weather, daily walks , slight mental labor, suitable nutritious unmedicinal food and drink.
Diet in acute diseases: – The instinctive desire of the body with regard to food and drinks should be satisfied by the physician and patients attendants. These bodily instincts crave chiefly for the things that would give palliative relief. Even if satisfaction of desire seems to interfere with the cure of disease, it is more than made by the refreshment that follows such satisfaction and by the superior curative efficacy of the drug, homeopathically chosen for the case, temperature of the room and heat or coldness of the bed covering must also be adjusted according to the patients wish and comfort, and all over exertion of mind and exciting emotions are to be strictly avoided.
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