Fate of homoeopathy in our hands

Dr Varun Mehta

During our academic days in Homoeopathic colleges we have often been hearing from our teachers about superiority of Homoeopathy, merits of Homoeopathy over Allopathy and that time will come when it will be the dominant system.
But will it happen?
Is homoeopathy progressing in the right direction?
What does our conscience say?

The young homoeopaths graduate are with lot of enthusiasm but their hopes are shattered when they realize certain problems afterwards, some of which I mention here:

1. Lack of Job opportunities – the young homoeopath as it is, is already confused about his future and things become worse on seeing lack of job opportunities and lack of career growth.

2.  Homoeopathy is a difficult system with strict individualistic approach to each and every case and it takes years and years to grasp this art. There is lack of proper motivation and support from our teachers and senior homoeopathic practitioners. Senior homoeopaths must motivate the upcoming ones and help them deal with problems in practice but it is seen that they themselves don’t follow the fundamental principles of Homoeopathy. They are more prejudiced and practice polypharmacy or have their favorite remedies for diseases e.g.  Graphites for eczema, Kali Bich for sinusitis etc.

3. We homoeopaths just keep on criticizing our fellow homoeopaths.

4. While some homoeopaths make false claims of cent percent cures of nearly all illnesses in the world with their literally magical medicines others enjoy boasting of a few acute cases they got success in. But what about the other serious cases in which we fail miserably?

5.There has always been doubtful functioning and working of our Homoeopathic councils and some of its members have been accused of misusing their position for personal gains. Such controversies and internal politics will only defame homoeopathy more.

6. Most of us join Homoeopathy as second option when we don’t get admission to MBBS; hence the feeling of inferiority complex from the dominant system is a big psychological aspect of our incompetetiveness.

7. We only give stress on Homoeopathic subjects and our basics of medicine are weak. Thus, we are always subject to ridicule by allopaths.

8. There is more popularity of the conventional medicine among masses by MNC’s, big pharmaceutical companies, multispeciality hospitals and the government.

9. Eminent homoeopaths keeping secrets in practice won’t help homoeopathy which is already claimed as unscientific and ineffective.

10. Biggest problem Homoeopathy is facing is from the big MNC’s and homoeopathic pharmaceuticals, unethically manufacturing and promoting various types of combinations and tonics. In their aim of making Homoeopathy easy, competing with the Allopathic drug industry and for their own financial interests they have lost their conscience and are complicating, disintegrating and destroying the purity of Homoeopathy. This was the main reason of extinction of Homoeopathy in North America in early 20th century and now our country is facing the same threat.

As a result of all these problems, despondency and frustration sets in and budding homoeopaths desperately seek other alternative careers for their survival. They join BPO’s as medical summarizers, medical transcriptionists, practice Allopathy, join MBA, work in banks, or even the hospitality industry.

The MNC’s are easily able to lure them with good financial packages and incentives. No wonder only a handful in each passing batch are practicing homoeopathy.

We keep on saying that Homoeopathy has always been given a step motherly treatment but this will always continue like this until old and new homoeopath meet at a common platform, discuss such problems and work towards it.

Homoeopathy today needs a revolutionary person like Baba RamDev and his organization who brought back indigenous system of Ayurveda and Yoga to the general public at our door step and popularized it.

If such shortcomings persist in our system then what Dr. Hahnemann imagined and wanted Homoeopathy to achieve will always remain a dream.

With a good hope and optimistic outlook towards improvement in out lacunae, I wish all the practitioners, patrons and followers of Homoeopathy will do justice to this profession and also pay my homage and deepest gratitude to the founder of this wonderful system of medicine Dr. Hanemann on his birth anniversary.

May his great soul guide us towards the right path.

Long Live Homoeopathy

Dr  Varun Mehta
Email: drvarunmehta@rediffmail.com

1 Comment

  1. recent past Baba Ramdev words created fury,but latrogenic disease is created at times not by poor practice but by side effect of modern therapy or even by utterings of physician on mind of patient is in print.Torako Yui Zen master recognizes soul high frequency low wave length requires high potency homeopathy say 1M and above,mind emotions controller mid frequency require mid homeo potency say 200c, body head to toe low frequency wide wavelength stiff so requires low potency homeopathy say Q to max 30c.criticism of healthy sort ends with improvement in system.our modern homeo doctors also are neglecting old masters,ME douglass tongue repertory of 1896 tips fifty percent homeopathy likes of that are hidden gems under earth.one must clean own house also.

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