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  1. Kumud Sapru
    Really an amazing site… it is truly a homoeopathic website ……it tells in totality about homoeopathy……from softwares to exams to journal…..all in one….
    Kumud Sapru
    Intern HMCH Chandigarh

  2. Dr.Anitha P
    Respected sir,
    I have been in constant touch with ur site since 2006, and i wholeheartedly appreciate the sincere efforts put by ur self and other members of this site. This has been a real blessing for homeopaths at every stage of their journey. Hope this continues for ever.

  3. Rahul Patel(Final B.H.M.S)
    Sir,I am Rahul Patel in final B.H.M.S .Your web site “similima ‘ work like a guide for me. Thanks a lot for this good work.

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