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  1. Dr. Sandeep Jha
    Comments: Dear Dr.K.R.Mansoor Ali ,
    First of all I must congratulate u for your very informative web site of homoeopathy Similima.com. in my opinion your site is one of the best site and very useful for students as well as for clinicians
    Once again Wish you all the best for Similima.com
    Dr. Sandeep Jha
    Chief Editor, “Homoeoshree”
    Prof & HOD Dept.of Organon,
    Narainshri Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
    Pushpa Nagar, Near Main Railway Station,

  2. Dr. Sonali Zunzunwala
    Comments: Hello doctor,
    Iam regularly visiting ur website, it is fantastic, providing good knowledge. It is very useful for all students as well as practitioners.

  3. Dr sushil jain
    Comments: similima.com is a marvelous web portal. It not only a knowledgeable site but also a very good approach towards developing and increasing popularity  of this wonderful science. Ii would whole heartedly congratulate dr mansoor ali for his excellent work by developing a web portal like similima.
    I recommend everyone from the field of medicine to refer this site as its very useful full and provides quality information.
    Thank you

  4. Carla Carmichael
    Website URL: http://www.cchscotland.com/
    Comments:I am a Homeopath based in Scotland, UK and always recommend this site to my patients and those who are interested in Homeopathic medicine. It is a wonderful website with such a wealth of information about this great science. Thank you to all of those involved in the work of this website.
    With my very best wishes
    Carla Carmichael Homeopath

    Comments: Dear Sir,
    What to say,This is the most beautiful website for homoeopathy and its information, I have ever seen in my life.
    Thank you very much for giving us news uptaded daily. Praying for you and your work, Dr Sameer Pookkayil,Kottakkal,Malappuram,Kerala, India.

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