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  1. Ghazanfar ghasemiazar
    Hi, I thank you about this very interesting site. Your site is the important that I had seen. I am a homeopath from Iran. I am very happy to saw your site by searching internet, With all best wishes. I would like to get test keys if it is possible.
    Kind regards,
    Ghazanfar ghasemiazar
    Tabriz, Iran

  2. Dr.David Little
    Dear Colleagues,
    You are to be congratulated for efforts in homoeopathy. I will see what I can contribute in the future.
    Sincerely, David Little

  3. Dr. Saleem Hamid
    Congrats on doing such a fine work in improvishing people with the need and standard of homeopathy in todays world.  With best wishes and regards!
    Saleem Hamid

  4. Dr.Usha Madhavan
    Dear Doctor,
    Thank you. I have visited your Web site. Highly informative one of an altogether unique approach. Very Good.
    Dr.Usha Madhavan

  5. Dr.M.B.Sharma
    Thank you for the excellent website . It will promote homeopathy , which needs encouragement from all to become a medical system of masses

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