Dr Saji K BHMSMD(Hom)
Homoeopathic Medicines made out of Fungi and their preparation, properties and clinical indications
Medicines in Lichen ( symbiosis of alga and fungus ) group are
1. Cetraria Islandica.
2. Chladonia Rangiferina.
3. Sticta Pulmonaria. and
4. Usnea Barbata.
- Agaricus Muscarius ( Amanita )
- Agaricus Campestris.
- Agaricus Citrinus.
- Agaricus Emeticus. ( Russula Emetica )
- Agaricus Pantherinus.
- Agaricus Phalloids.(Agaricus Bulbosus,Amanita Phalloids)
- Agaricus Procerus.
- Agaricus Semiglobatus.
- Agaricus Stercorarius.
- Agaricus Campanulatus.
- Agaricus Laricis.(Boletus Laricis,Polyporus Officinale)
- Agaricus Rubescens.
- Agaricus Vernus.
- Agaricinum.( Active constituent of Polyporus officinale )
- Muscarinum. ( The alkaloid of Agaricus )
- Boletus Edulis. ( Boletus Esculentus )
- Boletus Luridus.
- Boletus Satanas.
- Boletus Suaveolens.
- Boletus Pinicola. ( Polyporus Pinicola.)
- Bovista Lycoperdun. ( Bovista Gigantea )
- Phallus Impudicus.
- Psilocybe Caerulescens.
- Russula Foetens.
- Secale Cornutum.{ Spurred Rye.Grains of Rye(Secale cereale,N.O.Graminae) are changed into the black,horn like spur by a fungus Claviceps purpurea.}
- Torula Cerevisiae.( Yeast plant )
- Ustilago Maydis.( Fungus on Corn.,It contains ergotin.)
- Solanum Tuberosum Aegrotans.( Diseased Potato.Infected by Peronospora infestaus. )
- Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.( Plant with invaded fungi-Plant belong to the family Cruciferae. )
Common characteristics:
Gastrointestinal irritation
I. Haemorrhage : Agar(2)., Agar.ph., Bol.la., Bol.s., Bov(2)., Sec(3)., Sol.t.a., Thlas., Ust.
1. Agaricus Muscarius : Dark,thick blood.(Synthesis)
2. Agaricus Phalloids : Internal haemorrhage.
It acts on the red blood corpuscles, dissolving them so that the blood escapes into the alimentary canal and the whole system is drained. Haemorrhages in lungs, pleura, and skin. ( Boericke )
Vomiting of blood ; bloody stool ( Clarke )
3. Boletus Laricis : Bloody stool. Stools of bile, mucous, and blood, with high fever. ( Clarke )
4. Boletus Satanas : A profuse diarrhoea of blood, and of the mucous lining of the intestines.( Clarke )
5. Bovista : Haemorrhages ameliorates.Blood acrid,bright red or dark, thick or watery. It may be non coagulable. Passive oozing. ( Synthesis ).
It seems to produce a relaxation of the entire capillary system.This relaxation favours the haemorrhagic diathesis. Epistaxis associated either with menstrual irregularities, or with traumatism. It is indicated in uterine haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged,particularly when there is a flow of blood between the menstrual periods from any little over exertion. (Farrington) .
Metrorrhagia during climaxis. Persistent epistaxis in drunkards ( Farokh.J.Master.)
6.Secale Cornutum :
Vicarious haemorrhage ( Synthesis )
Haemorrhages which are dark, thin and persistent; haemorrhage from uterus or any other cavities of body. Haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged, flow is passive, dark in colour and may be, offensive.( Farrington ).
Persistent epistaxis in old people and drunkards with prostration. Bleeding of gums. Haemorrhage after extraction of teeth. Haematemesis.Haematuria. ( Farokh.J.Master )
7. Solanum tuberosum aegrotans : Gum bleeding.( Clarke )
8. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.
Dark brownish or dark blood. Internal bleeding ( Synthesis ) Haemorrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back or general bruised soreness. Uterine haemorrhages, with cramps and expulsion of clots. Frequent epistaxis. Bleeding in nasal operations,especially passive haemorrhages. Haemorrhage with violent uterine colic. Haematuria.( Boericke.)
9. Ustilago :
Bright red or brownish, dark or pale, thin, passive oozing.( Synthesis.)
Haemorrhage from uterus. Blood is bright red,partly fluid and partly clotted.It is especially indicated when the slight manipulation necessary for a digital examination causes oozing of blood. Haemorrhage when the uterus is engorged. ( Farrington ).
1. Agaricus Emeticus.
Sudden and violent longing for ice cold water which releives his anxiety.
Violent burnig pains in stomach.
Violent vomiting with anxious sensation, as if the stomach hung on threads which would be momentarily torn in two,with ice cold sweat of face, and faintness.
2. Agaricus Muscarius.
Desire for cold water, but it aggravates his complaints.
Sharp needle like pains in the region of liver. Abundant expulsion of flatulancy of a foetid odour,like that of garlic. Loose stools,a painful drawing in the region stomach and in the abdomen.
3. Agaricus Phalloids.
Violent thirst ; nausea ; vomiting ; then diarrhoea.
Violent pain in epigastrium which is aggrevated by pressure.
Pain in stomach followed by vomiting.
Very frequent and bilious vomiting. Vomiting of blood.
Frequent, watery, bloody stool.
4. Boletus Laricis.
Feeling in fauces as if would vomit.
Severe pain in stomach with loud in rumbling in abdomen.
Dull, burning distress ; drawing ; aching in right lobe of liver with frontal headache. Sharp pain in liver on full inspiration.
Stool mixed with something looking like oil in large and small drops. Stools of bile, mucous and blood.
5. Boletus Luridus.
Violent pain in epigastrium, with intense thirst.
6. Boletus Satanus.
Unquenchable thirst.
Frightful pain in stomach.
Sudden desire to vomit ; No nausea between attacks. A profuse diarrhoea of blood, and of the mucous lining of the intestines.
7. Bovista.
Desire for cold drinks especially in the faternoon and in the evening.
Sensation of cold in the stomach, as if a piece of ice is there.
Nausea with chilly disposition from morning till noon.
Pains in the umbilical region after eating. Colic compelling the patient to bent double, releived by eating.
the first portion of the stool is hard, and the latter part thin and watery.
8. Phallus impudicus.
Devouring thirst.
Violent vomiting with profuse salivation.
Painful sensitiveness of the whole abdomen.
Watery diarroea.
9. Polyporus Pinicola.
Burning in stomach and dragging in right hypochondrium. constant very severe distress in lower epigastrium, causing faintness, aggravated by pressure and by walking. severe pain in epigastrium all morning.
Pain and distress in liver and all dorsal region aggravated by walking. stools ran from bowels in deep yellow stream.
10. Russula Foetens.
Nausea,colic,vomiting and diarrhoa.
11. Secale cornutum.
Burning insatiable thirst.
Great anxiety and pressure in pit of stomach, with great sensibility to touch. Excessive painful sensibility.
Continous nausea,aggravation after eating. Easy vomiting.
Vomiting of food , lumbrici, mucous, blood, etc.
Inflammation and gangrene of liver. Liver enlarged.Painful colic with convulsions.
Diarrhoea with sudden prostration of strength. Involuntary evacuations. Haemorrhage from the bowels.
12. Solanum tuberosum aegrotans.
Burning thirst.
Pain in stomach after eating,with red face after breakfast.
Gulping up after eating.
Sensation as if a spring were unfold in left hypochondrium.
Painfulness of the abdomen to contact along the median line.
Has to strain for stool until tears come. Alternate protrusion and retraction of rectum during stool, with feeling of chilliness of body.
13. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris.
Cramping pain in stomach.Sick faint feeling.
Gall stone colic. Liver affection secondary to uterine conditions. pain between end of sternum and umbilcus, like needles or an electric shock. Sever cramping pain ameliorated by bending over.
14. Torula Cerevisiae.
Soreness all over abdomen. Pains shift.
Sour,yeasty,mouldy odour from discharges.
15. Ustilago Maidis.
Thirst at night.
Cutting pain in stomach. Pain on full inspiration. Pain in epigastrium with drawing pain in joints of fingers. Distress in afternoon ameliorated by eating. Passive venous haematemesis with nausea whch is ameliorated by vomiting.
Pain as if intestines were tied in knots. Pain in right lobe of liver.
1. Agaricus Muscarius.
Sensation as if pierced by cold or hot needles. Neuralgias as if cold needles run through the nerves. Sensation of a cold or cold weight on parts.
2. Boletus satanas.
Sudden sensation through all the limbs as if he would be attacked with apoplexy.
3. Bovista.
Multiple neuritis with tingling and numbness. ( F.J.Master )
4. Polyporus Pinicola.
Soles of feet and heels feel as if pounded ; aggravation when boots on.
5. Secale cornutum.
Sensation of burning, as if sparks in the whole body. feels as if walking on velvet. Numbness, insufferable tingling,crawling starting in the face, on the back, in the limbs, in the finger tips which is ameliorated by rubbing.
6. Solanum tuberosum aegrotans.
Sensation of water splashing on head ; as of something sticking in throat ; as if there were a fleshy growth in throat; as if a spring unrolled in left hypochondrium ; of some thing becoming detached from sacrum.
7. Torula Cerevisiae.
Hands cold like ice and go to sleep easily.
8. Ustilago Maidis.
Sensation as if something were under the root of tongue pressing upward.
Phthisical and other enervating night sweats. Chorea.
Dilatation of heart with pulmonary emphysema, fatty degeneration,profuse perspiration and erythema.
2. Agaricus Emeticus.
Cold water causes gradual ameliorations of anxiety. Violent pains in stomach. Violent vomiting with sensation as if the stomach hung on threads which would be momentarily torn in two, with ice cold sweat of face, and faintness < by moving the head. < by smelling vinegar,which is unbearable. All symptoms > by cold water.
3. Agaricus Phalloids.
Staggers as if intoxicated, and, with odd gesticulations, labours to express his sufferings but cannot artculate a syllable. Cholera like symptoms with extreme prostration and hippocratic face. Fatty degeneration of liver, heart and kidneys. Continuous urging for stool, but no gastric abdominal or rectal pain. Lethargic but, mentally clear. Sharp changes from rapid to slow and from slow to rapid breathing.
4. Boletus Laricis.
Head feels light and hollow.
Yawns and stretches when chilly.
Hot and dry skin especially in palms. Itching more between scapulae and on forearms.
5. Boletus Luridus.
Violent pain in epigastrium.
Urticaria tuberosa.
6. Boletus satanas.
Vomiting without nausea.
Frightful pain in stomach.
Sudden sensation through all his limbs as if he would be attacked with apoplexy.
7. Muscarin.
Has much power over secretions, increasing lachrymal, salivary, hepatic etc, but diminishing renal; probably neurotic in origin, stimulating thye terminal fibres of the secretary nerves of all these structures, hence salivation, lachrymation, and excessive perspiration.
8. Phallus Impudicus.
Gastro-enteralgia. Violent vomiting with profuse salivation.
Painful sensitiveness of whole abdomen.
Profuse viscid perspiration.
9. Polyporus Pinicola.
Despondency with the pain.
Enlarged tonsils with disphagia and constant inclination to swallow.
Constant very severe distress in lower epigastrium, causing faintness ; < by pressure and by walking.
Prolapsus ani.
Rheumatic pains in every part of body < in damp weather.
10. Russula foetans.
Pupils at one time normal, at another dialted, at another contracted. Patient could hear but was completely blind. Involuntary micturition.
11. Solanum tuberosum aegrotans.
Prolapse of rectum.
Offensive breath and odour of body.
Tumours of rectum looking like decayed potato.
Dreams of pools of blood.
< by smell of alcohol.
Cold water causes a sense of oppression and shock.
12. Torula Cerevisiae.
Headache worse from constipation.
Sour,yeasty, mouldy odour from discharges.
Hands cold like ice and go to sleep easily.
Recurrent boils. Itching eczema around ankles. Tinea versicolor
Agaricus Musc,Lippe says any motion even tilting body causes pain in spine, limbs esp arms are weak and heavy feel sort of semi paralysis.do not drive after drinks because alcohol is toxic to brain and steering wheel control lost bus falls in ditch so is agaricus brain nerves weak control poor spinal circulation,feeling dizzy delirium vertigo tremor etc as senile tremor.now Ajit Kulkarni also said it is penicillin injection for lung infections if so,post covid trauma agaricus is neurobion injection,specialists should research and if AYUSH approves can be recommended like they did for arsenic anxiety prostration remover.
Bovista,simple minded females rheumatic diathesis urticaria sluggish capillary circulation,early profuse menses worse in morning time with diarrhoea,cerebro spinal excitation morning hours visible as vertigo pressure in forehead with itch by evening gets tired yawns then after dinner feels heaviness abdomen sleepy chill minor feverish alternate.simple melancholic puffy rosacea face females leucorrhoea stains pad green pit arm smell like onion in summer red pimples,arm joints esp right very weak plus muscular atrophy hands things fall from hands instruments leave a dent in hand.eclectics see bovista as female rhus tox but rheumatic diathesis is constitutional defect gifted by parents in saying of HA Roberts calc carb seems to be matching.
Highlighted fungi medicines Shortly and sweetly…