Importance of generalities and supplementary reference table section of Boger’s synoptic key in practice

Dr Bharath Raj C K

Bogers “A synoptic key of the materia medica”  the aim of this book is to simplify the use of Homoeopathic materia medica so that truly curative remedy may be worked out with greater ease and certainly in a given case. for this purpose the  synoptic key has been presented as a combination of the analytic and synoptic methods. This is an attempt to categorise Generalities section of synoptic key under the headings Sensations, clinical conditions and modalities and also the utility and importance of Supplementary reference table.

Key words: Generalities, supplementary reference table, Location, clinical conditions, modalities.

“A Synoptic key of the Materia Medica” certainly is one of the most appreciated books in homoeopathic books in homoeopathic literature and it is a must have for the profession. In the time, it was written and distributed among colleagues it was well understood and whoever had problems in understanding could ask Boger himself  how to handle it.

The aim of this book is to simplify the method of arriving a homoeopathic curative remedy with greater ease and certainty. For this purpose a combination of analytic and synoptic methods have been thought best.

C M Boger (1861-1935) probably one of the last great homoeopathicians of the western world before the great decline of homoeopathy. During his homoeopathic education he learned different approaches of remedy finding, one of them was developed by J T Kent, and other one was the mainly used Boenninghausen approach, which was brought into the shape of keynote system, given by H N Guerensy and others.


  • First edition – 1915
  • Second edition – 1916
  • Third edition – 1926
  • Fourth edition – 1931
  • Augmented edition – 1935
  • Rearranged and augmented edition – 2007, Revised edition – 2015.

Number of remedies

  • Analytical part – 489
  • Synopsis part – 323


Rearranged and augmented edition : 2007

  • Roman bold
  • Ordinary roman.

Revised edition : 2015

  • Roman bold
  • Ordinary roman.

Philosophical background

  • Based on the concept of particulars to generals
  • Based on the complete symptom, concomitants and pathological generals.


The book contains three parts

  1. Analytical part (repertory part)
  • The periods of aggravation
  • Conditions of aggravation and amelioration
  • Generalities
  • Regional repertory
  1. Synopsis part (material medica part)
  2. Third part comprising of
  • Table of the approximate duration of remedies
  • Complementary remedies
  • Antagonistic remedies , Supplementary reference table.


Consists of drug affinities for entire organism

For eg: Aching, albuminous, compression, congestion etc.


Aching Acridity Excoriations Alternating effect states
Adhesive Albuminous glairy discharges Associated effects
Alive sensation Ammoniacal odor Bending
Asleep Anemia Chlorosis Changing
Attitudes bizzare Aneurism Carried wants to be
Awkwardness Apoplexy Carsickness
Ball lump Arthritic Cellars
Band Atheroma Children
Bearing down Black Chronicity
Beaten Blood Clear
Biting Blood vessels Cold taking
Blows Bluish Desquamation
Boring Bones Direction
Breaking Brittle Backward
Bubbling Caries Crosswise
Burning- painful, stingting Cartilages Ascending sensations
Congestion Condyles Diagonal
Constriction Curvatures Downward
Consumption Exostoses Forward
Cracking in joints Marrows Outward
Crackling Periosteum Radiating
Cracks Bruised Up and down
Cramp colic Burns Discharges
Crawling Burnt scalded as if Doubling up
Creeping Contortions Drugs abuse of
Crushing Contractions Dust
Cutting Convulsions Emotions
Cap Choreiform Excitement
Carphology Coppery color Grasped and relaxed
Chilly cold Crusts Gushing
Climaxis Cysts Here and there
Clutching Calculi atheroma Increasing or decreasing
Coated Cancer Intermittency
Cobwebs Capillaries Irregular
Compression Carbuncle Lie down
Dead feeling Collapse Motion
Deadness Concussions Moistness
Delicate Condylomata Needles
Digestion Dark Noise
Draft Dusky color Old age
Dragging Death Opening and shutting
Drawn Delirium Paroxysms
Dryness Delusions Periodicity
Duality Dislocations Pregnancy


Dropsy Pressing or bearing down
Enlarged Dwarfish Puberty and youth
Faint Earthy Remittency
Falling, falling as if Ebullitions Rising and falling
Feathers Emaciation Slides down in bed
Floating Erysipelas Squeezing
Flowing Excoriation Stiffening out
Flying to pieces Explosions Suppressions
Foamy Fibrous tissue Seasickness
Fulness Fistulae Sensitive
Fumes Flushes Separated
Glistening Formication Sewing
Gnawing Frostbite Swelling
Greasy Fungoid growth Sycosis
Grinding Gait Touch
Gripple Ganglion Trifles
Gritly feeling Gelatinous Turning over
Gurgling Glands Vibration
Hacking Gonorrohea Violent effects
Hair Greyish Warmth
Hanging down Growth Washing averse to
Hardbed Growths Water
Hardness Hemorrhage Weight
Heaviness Hypertrophy Wind
Hollow Hysteria Writing
Humming Incontinence
Hydrophobia Induration
Inactive Inflammation
Indifferent Influenza
Insensibility Injuries
Jerking pain, jerks Joints
Knot Measles
Labor like Mucus secretions
Lassitude Muscles
Lethargy Nerve pain
Lightening Nettled capillaries
Limping Nodes
Livid Obesity
Looking intently Orifices
Loose Paralysis
Mapped Phagedena
Numbness Plethora
Offensiveness Polypi
Orgasms Prolapse
Pain Protrusion
Painlessness Restlessness
Patchy Rickets
Perception Skin
Pinching Spasmodic or convulsive effects
Plug Speech
Poisoned feeling Splashing
Pricking Scrofula
Puffiness Secretions
Pulsation Sepsis
Quivering Shocks
Radiating Suppuration
Rawness Syphilis
Reeling Tenesmus
Relaxation Thick discharges
Retraction Trembling
Sinking Twitching
Sit Typhoid
Soreness Ulceration
Splinter Valve
Stinging Vicarious
Stitches Yellow
Severe pain

In the forward to supplementary reference table, Boger states that this section is enriched with the information from the Materia medica part of the respective remedies. This make clearness and facility and reference.

This section includes locations, sensations which are not given under the repertory part. For eg head- wrapping-amelioration the rubrics are given in Alphabetical order along with the page number against them.

The alphabetical arranged symptoms numbers refers to pages of the repertory part giving hint to the rubrics with the same title or with a similar meaning.

It consists of a single experience Boger had made, or a sample of medicines from a publication for eg- All the rubrics of Boenninghausen’s aphorisms of Hippocrates.

The remedies included under supplementary reference table are not yet enough to include under the repertory part, as they are of verifications in Boger’s own cases, of rubric taken elsewhere, of personal ideas or studies or hypothesis without being sure about the value of these information in a reportorial structure.

Supplementary reference table has the following functions

  • To give hints to different rubrics of the repertory part
  • To suggest some more remedies in case the repertory part does not lead to proper remedy
  • It opens up the way to steadily adapt repertory and materia medica to later experiences and developments.

The generalities section of Bogers Synoptic Key has many rubrics which can be classified under the headings : Sensations, Clinical conditions and Modalities, and practical importance of supplementary reference table, this is a small attempt to classify Generalities section under headings Sensations, Clinical coditions and importance of supplementary reference table.


  1. Boger C.M Synoptic key of the materia medica. Delhi: B jain Publishers;2007
  2. Tiwari S. Essentials of repertorization.5th ed. Delhi: B jain publishers (P) LTD;2012
  3. Salim S, D Mohan G,D G. Repertory Expert.1st ed. Kozhikode: Dr. Salim’s center for homoeopathic healing:2020.

Dr Bharath Raj C K
Department of case taking and Repertory
Under the guidance of Dr Anusuya M Akareddy
Government Homoeopathic medical college and Hospital, Bengaluru.

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