Global Homeopathy Foundation- new NGO from India

ghfGlobal Homeopathy Foundation(GHF) is an NGO based in India, conceptulaised and formed by a body of select, like minded, dedicated, apopolitical, national and international personalities from the world of homeopathy as well as from non-homeopathy fields, the binding factor being their un questioned trust, love and faith in the efficacy of homoeopathy.

There’s an urgent need to universalise the strength of homeopathy in the existing health care delivery system. GHF’s vision is to take Homeopathy to every possible country across the globe

Short term goals : To plan out a strategy for organising GHF’s international conference at Dubai in January 2016 – for the people of the world and believers of homeopathy

Long term goals : To explore the possibilities of getting in to activities related to health challenges which could be tackled with homeopathy across the globe – especially t in third world counyries with less resources.


  • Identify the existing and feature challenges to homeopathy and contribute to resolve through close study.
  • Envision, inspire & assist standardisation at various levels – including academic, public ,private sectors, integrated and inter disciplinary medicines and mass media. 

To help homeopathy gain better acceptance, strength and momentum by forming forum of people of repute – like luminaries, philanthropists, scientist, administrators, politicians, corporates  and other world renowned educational and trade organisations into one platform- globally

Patron GHF : Shri Abdusamad Samdani – MP from Kerala

Chairman : Dr Eswara Das

Managing trustee : Dr Sreevals G Menon

Secretary : Dr Rajesh Shah

Vice chairman : Dr Esmail Sait

Treasurer : Dr Kannan

PRO : Dr S Praveen Kumar Hyderabad


Mail :

Phone: +91 9349117833, UAE: +971557370123


  1. I am a lay person and really passionate about Homoeopathy. Personally I have benefited tremendously from Homoeopathy and this has inspired me to start low cost Homoeopathy clinics in Mumbai since the past 10 years. Please let me know the activities of your foundation and how I could get involved and contribute to the growth of this organization.

  2. Dear Doctors, I am a practicing homoeopath and the concept put forward by your NGO appeals to me. Where can I get additional information about the work you do and how I can pitch in? I am already doing some charity work but need to channelize my energy into something bigger.

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