Goa University denied affiliation to Kamaxidevi Homeopathy College for not paying salary to faculty for 9 months

kamaxiShri Kamaxidevi Homeopathic Medical College has come under the Goa University scanner for not paying salaries to its lecturers.

Goa University has refused to extend affiliation to the engineering and homeopathy colleges for admission to first year of their degree programmes for 2017-18, unless they pay their teachers’ pending salaries, GU registrar Y V Reddy told TOI. The college faculty members’ salaries have not been paid for nine months now.

The institutes had been restricted by Goa University from admitting students for the new academic year based on reports given by the affiliation inquiry committee (AIC).

Both institutes (Engineering College also ) are run by a common management, headed by Congressman Subhash Shirodkar, who had promised to improve things at the college after similar issues emerged in 2015, but little seems to have changed.

Admissions to professional degree programmes are presently in the process of being carried out by the directorate of technical education and admissions to these two institutes have not been held in the first round. Kamaxidevi Homeopathic Medical College is Goa’s only homeopathy college and aspirants to the course from Goa have been left in the lurch.


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