A Preliminary Report of the Committee on the Reform of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970 and Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 published
Comments/Suggestions are invited by email only at ep-ayush@gov.in and dirhealth-niti@gov.in by 20.04.17
Govt of India appointed a committee chaired by NITI Aayog and examined all options to reform Homoeopathy Central Council Act and Prepared the draft of Reform of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act 1970 and Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.
The draft bill placed on the official website of NITI Aayog www.niti.gov.in for seeking public Opinion.
Dear Homoeopaths
Please study the report in detail and give your comments and suggestion
The present report is the result of the extensive deliberations and consultations conducted by the committee.
Despite their very busy schedules, the members of the committee generously devoted time to bring the work of the committee speedily to a stage at which it could propose draft bills to replace the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act, 1970 and Homoeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 1973. Shri Alok Kumar, Adviser (Health) at the NITI Aayog, assisted by Shri Sumant Narain, Director (Health), NITI Aayog, worked energetically and diligently to coordinate and codify the committee’s work. Urvashi Prasad, Public Policy Specialist, NITI Aayog, conducted the bulk of the research that forms the basis of this report.
The committee has proposed replacing the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act, 1970 and Homoeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 1973 by two new Acts and has proposed draft bills towards that end. These bills are the major component of the present report.
Once the committee has received the comments, it will meet again to undertake the necessary revisions. In the meantime, the committee looks forward to feedback from stakeholders.
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