Dr Sr Soumya Peter
Hahnemann as a physician, but more over he is a hygienist as well as dietetist. He showed by his words and deeds with great clearness of new paths which differed from those of his contemporaries. And considering the general conditions which he lived this signifies even more. Cupping, bloodletting, purgatives in the spring, and starvation cure, were believed to be all that was required to restore the balance of a disordered state of health.
During his time the sanitary arrangements for safeguarding the public and private health of the towns were hopeless. No drainage system existed in their narrow, tortuous streets, no public arrangements for proper removal and disposal of refuse and decayed matter. Rarely a sufficient provision of drinking water it resulted in continued epidemics. There was the greatest economy for general household purpose and for personal cleanliness. With this neglect hygiene on the part of authorities as well as on the part of people. Hahnemann who was consists almost entirely of advice concerning hygiene and diet. So his consultations to the patient by his letters and writings showed us Hahnemann given dietic and hygienic management to the patients.
- LETTERS TO AN ARTISAN IN GOTHA, GERMAN POET, FRIEDRICH DE LA ..ETC: He goes into the smallest details of food and drink for each meal, and gives exact prescription according to the condition of the individuals requirements; he recommended baths and hygiene, cleanliness in the rooms, beds and body linen; but above all he requires the admission of fresh air into the houses and regular exercise in the open air (walks), together with avoidance of excessive physical or mental exertion, violent emotions etc. He was not supported mineral bath because it contains many mineral ingredients so it acts as medicinally.
- HAND BOOK OF MOTHERS OR PRINCIPLES ON THE EDUCATION OF INFANTS: The advice given by Hahnemann in this book as nursing mothers should suckling their children themselves; after which expert directions are given for putting them to the breast, suckling, and weaning and food of wet nurses. The first and greatest cause of most of the disease of childhood – the air of the room. He requires thorough airing daily. Children must keep cool, clean, and in good air; to that must be added moderation in eating and drinking, the avoidance of sweetmeats and fatty substances. They must have light and frequent meals – no meat, no coffee. And also given education to parents about mental and physical growth of infants.
- FRIEND OF HEALTH (1795): He gave advice to those who visit the sick to the physician and nurses on the avoidance of infection in epidemic diseases. He condemns severely anything that pollutes the air, too many candles at entertainments, rooms that are insufficiently aired, sleeping in living rooms, excessive dampness, and curtains over doors, wrong management of stoves, stupid and purposeless fumigation- against this entire he raises his voice. He demand good light, fresh air, fresh water, free movements are, as a general rule, always the preliminary conditions of wellbeing.
Next to food, exercise is the most essential requirement of the human mechanism. Exercise and good air alone set all the humours in our human body in motion to fill all the appointed places and they give the power to the muscles and to the blood so it penetrates the small capillaries. It strengthens the heart and brings healthy digestion. This gives the good rest and sleep, which is the time of refreshment for production of new spirit and energy.
- FIRST MEDICAL TRETISE- DIRECTIONS FOR CURING OLD SORES AND ULCERS: With its detailed and excellent hygienic counsels. Strictness is not a moderation influenced by a spoiled and pampered palate is the supreme physical virtue without which we cannot be healthy and happy. Cheerfulness and control of all passions, since passions are lowering and make us susceptible to disease.
- The errors of diet which have produced and encouraged the patient’s illness,
- The ordinary indifferent diet of people in general,
- The new diet prescribed by doctor.
These remedies frequently require changes in the rules for diet and food (no acid when taking stramonium, belladonna, digitalis, aconite and hyoscymus, and no salted food with mercury; no coffee with opium.etc).
- LETTER TO KOCH, PRESIDENT OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE: Hahnemann condemns with the especial severity the causal use of so called home remedies.
- OFFCIAL SPEECH ON THE BIRTHDAY OF THE KING OF WURTEMBERG: The essence of homoeopathic diet does not striking the limitation of the quality or nutritive value of the food taken, it is not a starvation cure. Homoeopathic diet forbids during the use of a remedy, anything without in our food which itself has a medicinal effect and it means disturb the drug action.
- FRIEND OF HEALTH (1792,1795): PERSONAL TO SOCIAL HYGEINE – He gave exact and very strict instruction for the care of the public health in infectious and contagious disease; in their treatment in general and isolation hospitals demanded the use of large airy rooms. He established clear and comprehensive principles for the recovery, removal, and isolation of those attacked by contagious diseases, for the disinfection of utensils and living rooms used by such patients. Even bestows some attention upon the better treatment of prisoners from health point of view.
- AESULAPIUS IN BALANCE (1805): Hahnemann says that luxurious life style and uncontrolled diet with lack of exercise causes the diseases.
Dr Samuel Hahnemann overviewed in all aspects of health as well as the diseases, in all categories of the people, in all environmental and social aspects. In his practice he gave equal important to remedial as well as the dietic and hygienic management. Above mentioned writings showed that physician not only a prescriber but also health establisher. Each physician should have enough knowledge about all the diseases and their remedial as well as dietic, hygienic management. We should have the obligation to give awareness about health, disease, precautions, diet, personal and social hygiene to the people for their well being. Health is the important factor in each and every human being. Because happiness and peaceful life revolving according to the health of the human being.