Hahnemann Institute of Nederland – Workshop in advanced homoeopathy

Hahnemann Institute of Nederland – Workshop in advanced homoeopathy
On 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 June 2015
10th International Seminar: C4 homeopathy
 Plants and the biochemistry of emotions.
 Alize Timmerman and Michal Yakir.
The C4 homeopathy and the Development stages in relation to homeopathy have been developed at the Hahnemann Institute.
Since 1998 we have organised lectures around the theme: Oneness and Separateness.
These development stages beautifully match the developmental vision of the plants in Michal Yakir’s table of plants.
Therefor we have invited Michal to develop a deeper understanding of the emotional drama so we can come to an ever more profound method of prescribing and helping people further on their life’s journey.
Triturations brings us to the Source information of the plant and the meeting with one’s deepest self.
By Deep Listening to the Knowledge of the plant we heal and we can give the Healing Knowledge to our patients.
The Table of plants  the 1st 2nd 3th 4th  column:
Alize Timmerman: Friday/Monday June 26/29
1th column: Nymphaeales: the Lotusfamily,  Laurales, Camphora, Papaverales:remedies as:Chelidonium,Opium and Sanguinaria.
Michal Yakir:Saturday/Sunday June 27/28: 2,3 and 4th column: Cactaceae: Anhalonium,  Malvales.
Malvales remedies as Tilia and Chocolate and Colocynths and Bryonia. Capparales: To create the right atmosphere within the group of participants, we aim at people attending from all over the world.
The number of attendants will be limited to 40 max.The seminar will be held on 4 days. The 5th day we do live cases these will be taken in Alize’s practice ( this day is free of charge).The seminar fee of € 495,00 includes Saturday diner, as well as lunches and drinks during the breaks.
One day is € 130,00 paid before 15th of June (including lunches and drinks)..
Information and Registration for the seminar at the:
Fee’s can be transferred to: E 495,00 paid before 15 June.
ABN AMRO bank, The Hague IBAN: NL91ABNA0516892134.SWIFTCODE/BIC: ABNANL2A Account of A.W.Timmerman, The Hague
After June 15, 2015 no refund will be possible
The Institute is conveniently located in The Hague, in the vicinity of the Central Station, the shopping area of The Hague and the beach and dunes at Scheveningen. Participants can find good and low-cost lodging at several hotels in the neighbourhood, on walking distance or easily to reach by tram and bike. We advice the www.hotel.nl
The Institute is located at the Jan van Nassaustraat 111,
2596 BS The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone +31703280862 sms +31648353992
E-mail: hin@hahnemanninstituut.nl
website: www.hahnemanninstituut.nl

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