Dr.Ravi Singh, Dr.Pragati Singh
We removed this article based on the request from Homoeopathic fraternity
Dr.Ravi Singh, Dr.Pragati Singh
We removed this article based on the request from Homoeopathic fraternity
Copyright @ Homeobook 2012. All rights reserved
It is completely a tantric prefudice which have been prevailing in our country (Bangladesh and India).
Is this therapy can be misused by the doctors for making money.
Dr B Sahni has published ‘ Transmissionof Homoeo Drug Energy from a Distance’
Dr Singh I don’t see any logic, and endorse the views of Mr Chandran Nambiar
Homeopathic community should feel ashamed to see this article published here on a prestigious page like similima. How dare these ‘woodoo’ practitioners try to ‘educate’ the homeopaths about their occult arts?
I consider hair transmission and such occult practices nothing but “pseudoscience” and quackery. It has nothing to do with the science of homeopathy. USING SCIENTIFIC TERMS AND CONCEPTS TO RATIONALIZE TOTALLY UNSCIENTIFIC THEORIES- THAT IS THE ACTION PLAN OF PSEUDO-SCIENCE.
Scientific minded homeopathic community We should not let these people go like this. They should not be allowed pretend as homeopaths. If they want to practice occult, let them do without misusing the name of homeopathy.
If this type of occult practice is being claimed to be homeopathy, we should really feel ashamed to talk for homeopathy. How can we face the scientific community and talk about “scientific explanation of homeopathy”?
If ‘drug energy’ can be “transmitted” to me from long distances through a hair, nail, blood or other tissues removed from my body, and even photographs, how can I dare to throw away my hair in a garbage pit? What if somebody unknowingly deposits some toxic substances on it? How can I entrust my blood sample to a clinical lab, without fearing that they can do some mischief to me by putting some harmful medicines in my blood sample? I think I have to be very cautious to preserve my cut hair and nail without reaching the hands of my enemies!
Hair transmission is not an invention of Sahani, as they claim. We know about “radionics”. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing radionic machines which he designed himself. Radionics also is the use of blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person as a focus to supposedly heal a patient from afar. In one form of radionics popularised by Abrams, some blood on a bit of filter paper is attached to a device Abrams called a dynamizer, which is attached by wires to a string of other devices and then to the forehead of a healthy volunteer, facing west in a dim light. By tapping on on his abdomen and searching for areas of “dullness”, disease in the donor of the blood is diagnosed by proxy. Handwriting analysis is also used to diagnose disease under this scheme. Having done this, the practitioner may use a special device known as an oscilloclast or any of a range of other devices to broadcast vibrations at the patient in order to attempt to heal them.
Albert Abrams claimed to detect such frequencies and/or cure people by matching their frequencies, and claimed them sensitive enough that he could tell someone’s religion by looking at a drop of blood. He developed thirteen devices and became a millionaire leasing his devices, and the American Medical Association described him as the “dean of gadget quacks,” and his devices were definitively proven useless by an independent investigation commissioned by Scientific American in 1924. Indeed, Abrams’ black boxes had no purpose of their own, being merely obfuscated collections of wires and electronic parts.
Radionics devices contradict principles of biology and physics, and no scientifically plausible mechanism of function is posited. In this sense, they can be described as magical in operation. No plausible biophysical basis for the “putative energy fields” has been proposed, and neither the fields themselves nor their purported therapeutic effects have been convincingly demonstrated.
No radionic device has been found efficacious in the diagnosis or treatment of any disease, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not recognize any legitimate medical uses of any such device. According to David Helwig in The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, “most physicians dismiss radionics as quackery.”
Similar to ‘hair transmissionists’, proponents of Radionics also uses terms such as “frequency”, “energy”, and “vibrations’ not in its standard meaning but to describe an imputed energy type, which does not correspond to any property of energy in the scientific sense. Radionics is not based on any scientific evidence, and contradicts the principles of physics and biology and as a result it has been classed as pseudoscience and quackery by men of scientific mind set all over the world. The United States Food and Drug Administration do not recognize any legitimate medical uses for such devices.
If any body want to ‘practice’ ‘drug transmission’ or any other such occult practices, it is their choice. But when you link those unscientific practices with homeopathy, and to conduct ‘courses’ and seminars for attracting homeopaths into it, it is a different matter. Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics. Any ‘therapeutic’ system uses one or other drug substance into the body of the patient. Nobody can practice ‘drug transmission’ in the name of homeopathy. Sir, did you ever think about the harm you are doing to our attempts to make homeopathy accepted as part of modern scientific medical practice? Adding something that goes completely against accepted scientific knowledge system into homeopathy will create a lot of difficulties to the homeopathic profession who try it it to establish as a scientific therapeutics. You are making homeopathy a subject of constant mockery before the scientific community.I can only pray your goodness to return back to your rational senses.
I know how to differentiate between scientific and unscientific. I know I am “not the authority to stop those who are practicing Homeopathic drug energy transmission through hair”. But as an Indian citizen, it is my inalienable constitutional right to openly express my opinions- right for freedom of expression.
If you could finally prove “drug transmission from distance” through “scientific methods”, you will get all nobel prizes in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine together. Since you will prove all existing sciences wrong through your research, all the nobel prizes so far given through years will have to be taken back by the sweedish academy.
Until a scientific revolution happens in homeopathy, it will be a fertile land for all sorts of ‘system builders’, ‘energy healers’, ‘occult practitioners’, and all those who make their own ‘brands’,’theories’, ‘laws’, ‘charts’, ‘principles’ and ‘methods’. They will continue to conduct seminars, sell ‘theoretical’ books, amass money and misguide the budding young generation of homeopaths into total darkness and chaos. They will build groups of ‘dedicated followers’ and continue to threaten anybody who raises any questions. Homeopathy will remain a subject of ever-lasting mockery before the scientific community.
Anybody has the right to “explore possibilities” of “transmission of homeo drug energy from a distance”. But until your concept is proved using “scientific methods” such “exploring” has to be done on “experimental basis”, and not as a “regular practice”. It is obviously wrong, unethical and illegal to conduct seminars and course to propagate such a “system” until it is scientifically verified by an authentic scientific body, especially claiming it is part of homeopathy. According to my scientific knowledge and rational thinking, I need not wait for any experiments to call these “photo transmissions” and “drug transmissions” as unscientific absurdity.
Even the UK based ‘international’ homeopath kaviraj claims he get excellent ‘results’ even in ‘incurable’ cases by using ‘medicines’ in the eyes of photographs of patients downloaded from computer around the world!. He is also a man of ‘great credentials’. Same with ‘masters’ of ‘hair transmission’ method. That man who sent ‘mp3 files of drugs’ toHaitialso is a revered name in international homeopathy.
Until unless we succeed in understanding the exact active principles of homeopathic drugs, and the real mechanism of their therapeutic action, this will go on. And people will ‘follow’ the ‘foolishness’ of ‘masters’ having ‘credentials’ and ‘positions’.
If somebody claims “took the mp3 files of drugs and gave the vibration of the remedy, it worked”, why should we hesitate to call them ‘unscientific’? I don’t think there is anything to ‘investigate’ in it. If a ‘homeopath’ claims he is treating ‘patients all over the world sitting in UK’, sending ‘medicinal energy’ by applying drugs in the eyes of photographs downloaded from computer, what investigation you are talking about to be conducted to call him a ‘fraud’? Same with ‘hair transmission’, dowsing’, ‘radionics’ and such things, which are beyond any doubt unscientific, as far as i am concerned. Should we swallow all these garbage to ‘prove’ that we are not prejudiced?
A few months back, a lady homeopath from US came and posted an article on my page, explaining her dispensing methods. After exhaustive case taking and repertorization she selects a similimum. Then she writes the name of drug on a piece of p…aper and places on a table. Then she would place a glass of water on that paper and keep it there for 30 minutes to ‘potentize’ the water with medicinal energy. Then she would ask the patient to take this ‘energized’ water in teaspoon doses. She was practicing this ‘method’ for last 5 years with ‘miraculous results”! I asked her in which language I should write on the paper, and whether abbreviation is enough. She got annoyed and started educating me regarding ‘fringe science’, ‘ultra-science’ and ‘energy medicine’. She used all sorts of scientific terms from quantum science to explain her theory, and told a lot about ‘unscientificness’ of modern science. It ended in a bitter encounter of words, and she quit cursing me!
There is a saying in malayalam: “Even on the milk-filled udder of cow, mosquitoes relishes only blood”. There are many scientific things in ORGANON that is useful; but these people are looking for whatever unscientific things hahnemann talked about, because that only satisfies their appetite!
I fear these people may argue “mesmerism” is a “fundamental law” of homeopathy, and those who do not believe and practice “mesmerism” are not “real homeopaths”, since hahnemann have said about it in “”organon” and Organon is our “bible”!
The “experience” you are talking about regarding “drug transmission through hair and photographs” is nothing new to us. The are a lot of black magicians doing “occult” practices in Indian villages, especiall…y tribal areas, who uses hair, blood, nails, foot prints, and even “shadows’ of enemies to ‘send’ evil forces’ to harm them. Only difference is that you claim to send “medicinal forces” of potentized homeopathic drugs instead of “evil forces”. All those ancient occult practices existed here in the name of “experience” the same way as you also do. They also do good ‘business’ even now, and could produce many ‘genuine’ witnesses to authenticate their claims.
Mr Chandran, Thank you for writing out a huge note My Namaste & respectful appreciation of your concern & conviction in the matter.
But I do want to remind you that homeopathic medicine is dynamic & works from subtle to gross ….and works miraculasly contrary to all the beliefs gross medicine systems may have…..so we cannot deny the energy domain of a dynamic medicine.
Our understanding of energy is limited in a 3D perspective where as the dynamic medicines work in ExtraDimensional plane of energy.