Hans Walz research grant for study of the history of homeopathy at the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation

Hans Walz research grant (study of the history of homeopathy at the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation)

The Hans Walz Foundation at the Robert Bosch Foundation announces herewith the Hans Walz research grant for the study of the history of homeopathy at the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Hans Walz (1883-1974) was a right-hand man of Robert Bosch the Elder and for many years CEO of the Robert Bosch Company as well as member of the board of trustees of the Stuttgart Homoeopathic Hospital Corporation. Throughout his life he was professionally and personally engaged in advancing homeopathy.

The aim of the research grant is to promote the use of the worldwide largest library and the most important archive for the history of homeopathy. The grant amounts to 1000 Euro per month and is given for up to three months. The Institute offers help in matters of accommodation in Stuttgart.

The informal application has to define clearly the research project on the history of homeopathy. It should also include information about the professional position and the linguistic competence of the applicant as well as a list of publications and a rough research plan for the period of stay in Stuttgart.

Applications may be sent any time without deadline.  

Applications (including two copies of the study) shouldbe addressed to:
Prof. Dr. Martin Dinges
Institute for the History of Medicine of the RobertBosch Stiftung
Straussweg17, D-70184 Stuttgart, Germany
E-mail: martin.dinges@igm-bosch.de 


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