Case Report of Hashimoto’s Disease and Homeopathy

Dr Ashwini Akshay Gugale

Hashimoto’s Disease is an autoimmune disorder which leads to Hypothyroidism.

This case report shows how well selected homeopathic medicine can treat hypothyroidism; which is the sign & symptom of Hashimoto’s disorder, within a short period. Basically, multiple organs suffer from an autoimmune disorders. Sometimes it is very difficult to control autoimmune disorders & give justice to its underlying cause with conventional medicines. But Homeopathy can definitely control its symptoms, because homeopathy directly hits its underlying cause and do not allow other organs to be suffered for longer period. This case report is well executed to show how mental disturbance can cause bodily dysfunction. According to Homeopathy philosophy mental health is the only key to the physical health. If we give a glance, genetic history, sedentary lifestyle & mental distress these 3 are main risk factors of an autoimmune disorders. Thus, in maximum cases if we reset the mental distress and sedentary life style then definitely it will help to restore the health & normal body functions.

Therefore, always consider that, the mental distress is an essence of an autoimmune disorders. Hence, give first preference to treat mental distress than the physical complaints only.

Case study-

Few moths back 28 years old female, architect by profession visited my clinic along with her husband. She brought Thyroid profile & CBC.

  • Thyroid Profile: TSH level > 100, T4 < 3

I asked for other investigations because of these highly raised TSH value.

  • Thyroid Antibody Test: Serum Thyroglobulin Antibody – positive (>1000) normal value- <4.11IU/mL
  • USG of the neck: Conclusion – Mild Thyroiditis; both lobes of thyroid & isthmus show mild diffuse enlargement. Gland shows increased vascularity on doppler study.

These all reports are suggestive of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder which leads to Hypothyroidism. This autoimmune disease destroys thyroid’s hormone producing cells. If we see; thyroid hormones are very essential for normal body functioning. These hormones act on every part of the body; from brain to skin but; due to hypothyroidism inadequate thyroid hormones gradually disturb absorption & metabolism of the body. Which causes sluggish body’s activity as well as gives rise to many symptoms. Hashimoto’s disease mainly affects middle aged women. There are no any marked symptoms but fatigue, drowsiness & depression are commonly seen. If Hashimoto’s disease does not get a proper attention or treatment on time, serious complications may appear.

Case details:

Patient was very nervous and scared about her TSH level and thyroglobulin antibodies. She was confused; should she start with the alternative medicines or conventional medicines for her autoimmune disease.

Case taking revealed severe mental exhaustion.

Physical complaints- drowsiness esp. at 8pm after dinner, excessive hunger after moderate exercise, cravings for sweets especially before menses, obesity – 6 kg weight gain within 3 months, frequently thirsty, severe hair fall with premature gray hair, constipation on & off. Menstrual cycles were regular. Rest there were no any other physical complaints.

Blood pressure: 100/60mmhg; weight: 78.10kg; pulse: 80bts/min; height:5.4ft

No lymphadenopathy, oedema, pallor seen

Mental complaints- she got married 3years back & was facing some adjustment issues in her marital life as she and her husband’s personalities were poles a part. Big fights used to happen with her husband even on small things. She dwelled on these fights, used to get hurt even on silly things. She perceived that everyone was letting her down & blaming her for a small mistake or for a no reason. She felt that everyone is teaching her & now she is tired to learn anything from anyone. On this basis she became repellent & aggressive esp. with her in laws. She could not tolerate any suggestions or criticisms from them. Before menses there was significant fluctuations of the mood. In anger she used to feel that someone closed (Husband) should hold her or to be hugged. While narrating her symptoms she was crying but angry too (hurt + anger). Due to this overthinking, there was laziness about every day work. Her husband said “she has become very arrogant. She was not like that before” he added “she was very gentle, used to get along with any stranger, very talkative, used to understand me, very charmed person but now she changed a lot for a no reason.” I inquired about all the family member’s behavior towards her in terms of; their nature, the way they talk to her, the treatment they give to her, the major fights & daily communication with them. Even asked about her childhood, equations with her parents & siblings, schooling, present work profile, stress of the office work, relationships with colleagues & Social activities etc.

All these data revealed that there was a big difference of her motherly home & in laws home. She faced a big challenge to adjust in the new circumstances. She didn’t accept change in her life easily. Therefore, there was distress & behavior disruption. Her distress affected all elements of her life like relationships with others, family, friends, colleagues, society, work & even with her husband.

This negative behavior of her with others were making her guilty & shameful, frustrated & anxious, lack of interest in daily activity, on & off suicidal thoughts were there too.

Family history – Maternal & parenteral family relatively healthy.

Past history – Nothing specific


Based on above symptoms following rubrics were chosen: repertorized this case by murphy’s materia medica (1st Indian edition)

  1. Mind-depression-alone
  2. Mind-menses-before
  3. Mind-despair-criticism
  4. Mind-despair-feeling
  5. Mind-crying-causeless
  6. Mind-dwells-grief from past offences
  7. Sleep-dozing
  8. Sleepiness-dinner-after
  9. Food-sweets-desire-menses before
  • Selection of medicine on the basis of mentals: Pulsatilla nigricans
  • Potency selection based on the susceptibility of the patient: 30c
  • Repetition of the dose: Once in day for 2 weeks
  • Auxiliary line of treatment / Additional recommendation:
  1. Exercise – 3days/week high intensity exercise, 2days/week brisk walk for 5km & 1day/ yoga.
  2. Diet – Increased protein intake, hydration, antioxidant veggies & fruits
  3. Vitamin- for B12- Vitcofol injections (2ml alternate day for 5 days) for D3 calcirol sachet (once in a week 3months) as there was the deficiencies of these vitamins.
  4. Meditation- 20 mins/ day

Follow ups:

  • 1st follow up: No much changes seen in the case. Slight mental calmness felt by patient.

Here repetition of the dose has been changed.

Pulsatilla 30 for TDS for 2 weeks

  • 2nd follow up: Patient came with a smiling face. In the last week she felt very relaxed. No excess drowsiness or hunger felt even after over exertion. Now, she was able to focus on her work & daily routine activity. Was feeling energetic. But feelings about her in-laws not changed yet. Still, she is not able to handle criticism. Sometimes she outburst with her anger.

Prescribed Nux vomica 30- 4 doses for next 2 weeks

  • 3rd follow up: Here patient improved a lot. Feeling of wellbeing.

Sometimes feel drowsy but can manage her own by physical

activity. The major issue about criticism handling; she actually

could handle it. Still learning technique to control her anger &

without panic answering/ communicating properly with her in-laws.

Prescribed Pulsatilla 30 TDS for the next 2 weeks

  • 4th follow up: Now patient is very much comfortable physically as well as mentally.

Prescribed Pulsatilla 30 OD for the next 2 weeks

  • 5th follow up: Now patient settled with last dose. Patient was able to control her emotions and express it in proper way. Husband wife communication improved.

Medicine continued for the next one month & then stopped.

Almost after 4 months (in October) again she investigated for TSH level.

TSH – 7.79uIU/ml (before treatment >100uIU/ml)

T4 – 8.6 ug/dl (before treatment <3 ug/dl)

Which was a significant change.

But, thyroglobulin auto-antibodies were not changed.


1st patient visited to Endocrinologist & doctor suggested her limited exercise for 15-30mins only, avoid exertion, healthy diet, meditation & hormonal treatment & vitamins supplement for her condition with follow up after a month.

My opinion on this case-

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder. As per homoeopathy philosophy disturbed mind disturbs body. Anxiety leading to depression is seen in this case. Hashimoto’s disease generally has genetic predisposition, age & gender specificity, sedentary life style & mental pressure. In this case also mental complaints are more prominent than physical complaints (which are common to the disease), plus there is no genetic history of thyroid disorder or autoimmune disorder. No structural changes in the body. This case shows autoimmune & endocrine system disorder mostly due to suppressed emotions as well as hypersensitivity.   So, whole picture of this case indicates psoric background. On these bases selected medicines cured the case.

In autoimmune diseases there are less chances to get cure completely but Homeopathic medicines can definitely reduce the symptoms and undergoing activity into the other organs.

Reduction in TSH level shows medicines are helping her to activate thyroid gland. Antibodies will reduce slowly with medicines & new life style changes like exercise, diet & meditation.

Dr Ashwini Akshay Gugale
MD (Hom) +91-8329067333
Pune, Maharashtra

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