Head Chapter in Synthesis Repertory Utility & Comparison

Head Chapter in Synthesis Repertory Clinical Utility & Comparison
BHMS, MD(Hom) Calicut. Kerala

Repertorium homoeopathicum syntheticum was edited by Frederick Schroyens. It was based on 6th  edition of Kent’s Repertory. Its first edition  was RADAR in the year 1987. RADAR was first developed as research project at University of Namur, Belgium under supervision of Jean Fichefet who is a professor of Maths. His sympathetic reaction after the  homoeopathic cure of his son  was the beginning of everything. The repertory contained 3712 medicines, from 390 sources. The addition of information in successive version of Synthesis has been  stepwise.

Similar Works about Head Repertories of Head

  1. Repertory of Headaches by Knerr.
  2. Repertory of the head by Nierdhard.
  3. Repertory of Migraine and other headache concomitants by Siju.P.V.  

2. Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book :   There are 2 chapters for head in this book. Internal and External Head.

1.Internal HEAD  : In this book rubrics are given as per Location, Sensation, Modality and Concomitants. In this chapter rubrics are given as

  • In general.
  • Forehead.
  • Temples.
  • Sides of head
  • Vertex 
  • Occiput.
  • One sided in general.

2.     External HEAD

  1. Motions of head.
  2. General Sensations in External Head.
  3. Hair.
  4. Dark hair.
  5. Light hair.
  6. Scalp.
  7. Skull.
  8. Beard.
  9. Margins of hair.
  10. Scalp of occiput.
  11. Behind the ears
  12. On temples.
  13. On Sides of head.
  14. On forehead.
  15. Hairy Sinciput.
  16. Scalp of vertex.

Then again Internal Head which consists of left side and right side followed by External Head with left and right side.

Sensations are given under Chapter Sensations.

Modality and Concomitants are given under Chapter Aggravation and Amoeleriation.

3. Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory By C.M.Boger.:   In this repertory in Chapter Head first Internal then External with 6 subsections

  1. Location then Sensation with a vertical line in between.
  2. Time
  3. Aggravation.
  4. Amelioration.
  5. Concomitants.
  6. Cross-reference.

Head Internal
First rubric in General then location wise arrangement.

  1. Forehead(F) and Sinciput.
  2. Temples (T).
  3. Sides of (S) Parietes.
  4. Vertex (V).
  5. Occiput (O).
  6. Half of one (migraine) with sides right, left and locations with their Abbreviations

Rubrics not in Synthesis and only in Boger.
1. Sensations

  1. Crazy feeling.
  2. Creeping.
  3. Debauch as after a
  4. Diagonal pain.
  5. Disagreeable feeling.
  6. Effusion into brain.
  7. Flapping and fluttering.
  8. Floating as if.
  9. Fly off as if to.
  10. Fumes as from.
  11. Gout in.
  12. Lying uncomfortably as if.
  13. Seething in.
  14. Shots or darts.
  15. Sleep insufficient, as of.
  16. Whirring in.

2. Time : Morning early, Forenoon, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Midnight, Day, Daily, Weeks every 2 or3 and periodically returning.

3.  Aggravations are arranged in alphabetical order.

4.   Amoelierations are also in alphabetical order.

5.  Concomitants.

3 and 4 can be taken as Concomitants if separate chapter is not given.

6.  Cross reference. In this chapter it is given to refer different chapters or

Rubrics in this section itself :   Aggravation and Amoelieration – Cross references are given.

Head External

  1. Here Locations and Sensations are given mixed together.
  2. Sensations in general – right, left.
  3. Front.
  4. Coronal region.
  5. Temples.
  6. Sides.
  7. Eye brows.
  8. Vertex.(Crown).
  9. Occiput.
  10. Behind ears.
  11. Scalp.
  12. Bones of.
  13. Sutures.
  14. Whiskers.
  15. Borders of hair.

After this there is a vertical line.

2.   Sensations

xlvii. Cap as of a.
xlviii. Cracks, fissures on.
xlix. Desquammation.
l. Extravasation of blood.
li. Immobility of scalp.
lii. Musty odor of.
liii. Nipping or pinching.

3. Time : Morning, Forenoon, Afternoon, Evening, Night.
4. Aggravations.
5. Ameliorations.
6. Cross reference to refer various rubrics.

Bibliography :

  1. Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum by Dr.Frederick Schroyens 8.1 version.
  2. Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book.
  3. Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory by Dr. C. M. Boger
  4. Homoeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy.
  5. Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica by Dr.James Tylor Kent.

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