When anybody asking anything about homoeopathy, first thing came to mind of every homoeopath is just go through Homeobook – May be a real guide, friend and philosopher for homeopaths at every stage of their journey .
There has been a gain in momentum in homoeopathic research in last few decades as evident from various research studies and publications . Homeobook provides great resources for learning about the status of homeopathy research around the world by providing Triple Blind studies, Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews & Meta Analysis, Evidence-base cases and articles.
We helps to conduct and promote research in Homoeopathic system of medicine by formulating parameters of, supporting and conducting active research in homoeopathy. Our enhanced Networked service provides additional tools to improve the flow of information and understanding on Homeopathy.
Homeobook helps researchers disseminate their interventions, programs, or tools and increase the visibility of their research findings and funding. Please use our resources and expertise to foster new projects and to improve the quality of research being carried out in Homeopathy.
There is also some excellent articles that present compelling theories on how homeopathic medicines may work, in the light of new physics, biophysics, fractals, chaos, and complexity theory.
We also offer practicing professionals a way to learn this evidence-based homeopathy through a range of engaging, active, and unique cases presentations and clinical tips.
We have used our best efforts to provide articles that contain up-to-date and accurate information for researchers and professionals
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