Hidden treasures in Allen’s keynotes of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Dr Krishnadas R

Abstract: The book ‘Key notes rearranged & classified with leading remedies of the Materia Medica & Bowel Nosodes’ by H.C.Allen.MD is an invaluable book for homoeopathy both in academics and clinical practice. The latest 10th edition (Rearranged and Classified) has 211 remedies (203 + 8 Bowel Nosodes) as per its index and within.

But it is interesting to note that there are 133 more remedies mentioned in the book along with its symptoms. Some of these 133 remedies are commonly used, well known remedies while others are rare, small remedies. Out of these 133 remedies, most of them have at least one symptom under each remedy. The aim of this article is to highlight those hidden treasures in Allen’s Keynotes.

S. No. Unindexed Remedy Symptoms Mentioned under
01 Actea spicata Rheumatism of women, especially of small joints Caulophyllum
02 Ailanthus glandulosa Epistaxis or profound prostration from every onset of attack Diphtherinum
(compare ) body red, as if from scarlatina Ammon carb
03 Aletris farinosa Habitual abortion from uterine debility Caulophyllum
Debility from prolapses, protracted illness, defective nutrition Helonias
04 Alumen Aphthous ulcer of old people, often from plate of teeth Borax
Morning sickness during menses; very weak & prostrated Graphites
Scirrhus of sigmoid / rectum, atrocious unbearable pain Spigelia
05 Anisum stellatum Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to neck Theridion
06 Aralia racemose Croup with dyspnoea < when lying down Kali bich
07 Aranea diadema Diseases originating from exposure in damp basements or cellars or weather, milk diary Antim tart, Dulc., Natrum sulph.
08 Ars iod Acrid watery discharge dropping from tip of nose Allium cepa
Aggravation: damp weather Natrum sulph
09 Arum dracontium Miller’s asthma Sambucus
10 Asafoetida Serviceable in almost all cases when it is required to dry up milk

Loss of milk while nursing without any known cause.

Lac caninum
Globus hystericus: Sensation of a large ball rising from stomach to throat, causing sense of suffocation Lac deforatum


Nervous affections after suppressed discharges especially in psoric patients Merc sol


Bone diseases and syphilitic affections Syphilinum
11 Astacus fluviatilis Cough on standing still during a walk Ignatia
12 Badiaga Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing Chelidonium
Similar to carbo animalis
13 Bellis – p Eruptions of face in young women especially during scanty menses; Compare Ledum in traumatism Sanguinaria
14 Bufo Epilepsy < at night during sleep Cuprum
Congestive headaches epistaxis affords relief Lachesis, Melilotus
15 Carduus mar Terrible attacks of gall stone colic Chelidonium
16 Cascarilla Desire for very hot drinks, unless almost boiling, stomach will not retain them Chelidonium
Very hungry- as hungry after eating as before Lac can
17 Chenopodii glauci aphi Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of left scapula Chelidonium


18 Chininum sulph Ailments; from loss of vital fluids, especially hemorrhages, excessive lactation, Diarrhea, suppuration

Intermittent fever; paroxysm anticipates from two to three hours each attack; anticipating type

Cinchona off


Neuralgia every day at same hour Kali bich
Spine aches from base of brain to coccyx, very sensitive/sore to touch or pressure Lac caninum; Zinc
Pain in back between scapula Medorrhinum
Great sensitiveness between vertebra, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against spine Theridion
19 Chlorum In croup and croupy affections Bromium
Laryngeal diphtheria Diphtherinum
Child inspires but cannot expire Sambucus
Sudden impotence Selenium
20 Cimex Hamstrings feel painfully short when walking; tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles Ammonium mur
21 Cinnabaris Preferable for warts on the prepuce; Compare merc sulph Thuja
22 Cinnamonum zey Sexual organs easily excited, from tough, pressure on sitting, or friction by walking. Lac can


Post-partum haemorrhage; increases labour pain; controls dangerous flooding Secale cor
23 Cobaltum met. Backache much <sitting >walking about

Aggravation by emission

Zinc met


24 Coca Face flushes at the slightest emotion. Amylenum nitros
Similar to Ambra grisea
25 Cocaine Sensation as if heart would stop beating if she moved Digitalis
26 Coccus cacti Wakes at 6-7 a.m. and does not cease coughing until a large quantity of tenacious mucus is raised.

Bronchial catarrh following whooping cough.

Itching extends through bronchi to nasal cavity Iodum
27 Comocladia Sensation as if eyes were too large for the orbits Spigelia
28 Convallaria Organic affections of  heart with soreness in uterine region Digitalis
29 Copaiva Sputum greenish – gray; Similar to Benz-ac Natrum sulph
30 Corallium rubrum “Minute gun” during day whooping at night; profuse Drosera
Discharge of thick yellow stringy mucus from nasal passage Hydrastis
31 Cubeba Second stages, burning after urination, discharge thick, yellow, pus-like Cannabis sativa
32 Culex On blowing the nose a pressing pain in the hollow tooth or at the side of it Thuja
33 Cundrango Corners of mouth sore, cracked, bleeding with malignant tendencies. Arum triphyllum
Cracks in commissures Hepar sulph
34 Daphne indica Pain: rheumatic , sequel of suppressed gonorrhoea Medorrhinum
35 Dolichos Sensation of a splinter in throat when swallowing Argentum nit
Itching without eruptions Kreosotum
36 Elaps Haemorrhage forming into long black strings hanging from the bleeding surface. Crocus
Affections of right lung, expectoration of black blood. Crotalus – h
Child wants abdomen covered; coldness in abdomen Tabacum
37 Epigea repens Headache intense throbbing with nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation. Lac defloratum


“tired headache” from over mental/physical exertion Sanguinaria
38 Erechthites hieracifolia Epistaxis , hemoptysis blood bright red Millefolium
39 Erigeron Haemorrhage: bright red from all orifices of the body Ipecac
40 Eugenia jambos Acne Kali brom
Eruptions of face in young women during scanty menses Sanguinaria
41 Eupatorium purp Pains come quickly and go away as quickly Eupatorium perf
42 Euphorbium In the terrible pains of cancer, carbuncle or erysipelas when Ars alb or Anthracinum fails to ameliorate Anthracinum
Compare with Ranunculus bulb
43 Ferrum phos Congestive headaches epistaxis affords relief Melilotus
44 Formica rufa Uterine hemorrhage- pale, faint, dim sight, palpitation, obstruction and noise in ears Trillium pend
45 Gambogia Diarrhea – watery brown gushing out in a violent jet Asterias rubens
Bowels ‘coming out like a shot’


Constant urging to stool followed by sudden evacuation which is shot out of the rectum, with great force. Croton tig


< fruits and sweetmeats Secale cor
46 Gnaphalium Intense pain along right sciatic nerve, darting, cutting, from right hip joint to foot < lying down, motion, stepping > sitting Colocynthis
47 Gratiola Diarrhea – watery brown gushing out in a violent jet. Asterias rubens
Constant urging to stool followed by sudden evacuation which is shot out of the rectum Croton tig
48 Grindelia Loses breath when falling asleep, must awaken to get breath Ammonium carb, Opium
sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down; must get up and walk Lac can; Lachesis
49 Guajacum officinale Tension and shortening of muscles Causticum
Painful contractions of hamstrings Natrum mur
50 Gymnocladus canadensis Round ulcer of stomach Kali bich
51 Hekla lava Exostosis of bones of face Fluoric acid
52 Indium met Profuse epistaxis during every paroxysm Drosera
53 Indigo


Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep. Aloe socotrina
Whooping cough; bleeding from nose / mouth. Ipecac
Sick headache < rest >rubbing, pressing, motion Sanguinaria
54 Iris versicolor Headache intense throbbing with nausea, vomiting, blindness and obstinate constipation Lac defloratum


Sight returns as headache increases Kali bich
Headache beginning with blindness Natrum mur
Headache every eight day Sanginaria
55 Jalapa Child cries and screams all the time, especially at night. Sick babies will not sleep day or night but worry, fret, cry

Child cries all day, sleeps all night

Lac caninum; Psorinum


56 Jatropa curcas



Diarrhea – watery brown gushing out in a violent jet Asterias rubens; Podophyllum
Sudden attacks of vomiting and diarrhea; nose cold and pointed; anxious and restless; skin and breath cold Camphora
57 Kali iod Gonorrhoea: discharge thick green Natrum sulph
Analogue to Phytolacca dec.  
Gleet- obstinate, of long standing Sepia
Expectoration heavy green salty Stannum met
Bone diseases and syphilitic affections Syphilinum
58 Kali mur Catarrhal inflammation of middle ear

Deafness of old age

Merc dulcis


Sensation of coldness about the heart Kali carb
Hawks up cheesy balls, size of pea, of disgusting taste and carrion-like odor. Psorinum


Aggravation from heat; >cold applications Pulsatilla
59 Kali nit Pain on vertex as if the hair were pulled Mag carb
Similar to Benz-acid
60 Kali phos Night terrors of children Kali brom
Headache with burning along the spine

Nervous prostration

Picric acid
Nymphomania; excessive sexual development, especially in virgins Platina


Headache >while eating Psorinum
Bad effects of violent mental emotions – anxiety, grief or excessive sexual indulgence Sambucus
61 Kali sulph Aggravation from change of weather in spring. Antim tart
Pains shift rapidly from one part to another Kali bich
Secretions thick, bland and yellowish green Pulsatilla
62 Lachnanthes Sensation of coldness in the back, between scapula; as a piece of ice between scapula Ammonium mur; Phosphorus
63 Lacticum acidum Sour belching and vomiting of pregnancy, burning waterbrash and profuse salivation, day and night Acetic acid


Morning sickness profuse salivation, wets the pillow in sleep Lac defloratum;


64 Lappa articum Sensation of soreness and heaviness in pelvis Helonias dioica
65 Laurocerasus Lack of vital reaction, the well-chosen remedy makes no impression Opium


Asthma, dyspnoea < in open air, sitting up Psorinum
66 Leptandra Diarrhea brown or black Pyrogenium
67 Lithium carb


Hemiopia : sees only the left half Aurum met
Nodosities Benz acid
Slightest emotion causes palpitation of heart Calcarea Ars
68 Mag-sulph Congestive headaches epistaxis affords relief Melilotus alba
69 Manganum met Cough > when lying down Hyoscyamus
Pain in heel Valeriana
70 Manganum acet Pains: erratic, rapidly shifting from one part to another Pulsatilla
71 Mephitis Child inspires but cannot expire Sambucus
72 Mygale Twitching of face, chorea Agaricus
73 Myrica cerifera upper third of left lung Calc carb
74 Myrtus communis Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to neck Theridion
75 Niccolum Pneumonia lower left lung during cough has to sit up in bed and hold chest with both hands. Natrum – sulph


Diarrhea from milk Pulsatilla
76 Nitri spiritus dulcis Apathetic stupor and delirium Acid phos
77 Ocimum can Renal colic; intense pain in ureters, with sensation of passing of calculus Medorrhinum
78 Oleander when passing flatus, sensation as if stool would pass with it Aloe socotrina
Eyeballs: Sore to touch; pain as if they would be pulled back into head. Hepar sulph


Involuntary stool, knows not whether flatus or feces escape Natrum mur
Itching when undressing, uncovering or exposing to cold air Rumex crispus
79 Origanum majorana Pruritus vaginae; induces onanism Caladium
Excessive sexual irritation driving to self-abuse Murex
80 Palladium Prolapses with pain in right ovary Argentum met
81 Paris quadrifolia Eyeballs: Sore to touch; pain as if they would be pulled back into head Hepar sulph


82 Phellandrium aquaticum Tumefied breast neither heals or suppurate, “hard as old cheese” Phytolacca dec
83 Piper methys Apt to choke when eating and drinking Anacardium ori
84 Pix liquida Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to neck Theridion
85 Plantago Toothache > lying down and while eating Spigelia
Tobacco headache Tabacum
86 Ptelea trifoliata Pains: Stitching, tearing, worse at night; < by motion, inspiration, coughing; > by absolute rest, and lying on painful side

Aching heaviness in hepatic region; > lying on right side, greatly < lying on left side; turning to the left causes a dragging sensation.

Bryonia alb
87 Ranunculus scleratus Sensation of cobwebs on forehead, tries hard to brush it off Graphites
Tongue: coated with white film which comes off in patches, leaving dark red, tender, very sensitive spots Taraxacum
88 Rhus venenata Pains in places where bones are least covered, as tibia, back of hands etc. Sanguinaria
89 Robinia Chronic heartburn, sour eructations, set teeth on edge Sulphuric acid
90 Salicylicum acid Wounds threatening gangrene; prevents excessive suppuration Calendula
Corns sensitive to touch, smart, burn Ranunculus bulb
Acute rheumatism severe pain in joints and muscles Veratrum vir
91 Sanguinarium nitricum Laryngeal or Nasal polypus Sanguinaria; Allium cepa
92 Santoninum Sometimes cures worm affections when cina seems indicated, but fails Cina
93 Senecio aureus Sleeplessness from prolapses, uterine irritation, during climacteric Coffea


Eyes looking intently Ruta grav
94 Sinapis nigra Breath smells like onion Mag mur
Nose feels stopped up in spite of the watery discharge Arum triphyllum
95 Squilla maritima Urinary involuntary: When coughing, sneezing, blowing the nose; walking, laughing Causticum; Natrum mur

Antim crud

Complementary to Antim crud
96 Sticta pulmonaria snuffles of infants

pressive pain in forehead and root of nose

Ammonium carb


Feeling as if legs are floating Valeriana off
97 Strontium carbonicum Very hungry- as hungry after eating as before Lac can
Headache > wrapping up warmly Mag mur; Silicea
Chronic sprains Ruta grav.
98 Strychninum Convulsions with consciousness Nux vomica
Compare Cicuta  
Tetanus brought on or < by slightest breath of air from a person passing Physostigma
99 Tarentula cub Boils, carbuncles, ulcers with intense pain Lachesis
100 Tellurium met Fish brine discharge from ear

Herpes circinatus in intersecting rings over whole body

Sanicula aqua


101 Trombidium Diarrhea as soon as he drinks Argentum nit
102 Urtica urens Urticarial over whole body, especially after violent exercise Natrum mur
103 Verbascum Deep sounding, hoarse barking cough Drosera
104 Viburnum opulus Pains from back, going round the body to pubes Sabina
Similar to caulophyllum
105 Xanthoxylum Leucorrhoea in place of menses, or between periods Cocculus
106 Zingeber Diarrhea from drinking impure water Pulsatilla
107 Vinca-minor Crusta lactea and other scalp affections of childhood Ustilago maydis

Names of Unindexed remedies mentioned (with no symptoms) in relationship parts, those in ‘some more important remedies’ section and those in Bowel Nosode sections:

108 Allium sativa Complementary to Ars alb
109 Aurum mur Proteus
110 Baryta mur Proteus
111 Cadmium met Dysenteriae Co.
112 Calcarea – hypophos Gaertner
113 Calcarea iod Similar to Baryta carb
114 Calcarea metal Sycotic co.
115 Calcarea mur Proteus
116 Calcarea silicate Gaertner
117 Calcarea-sulph Morgan Pure
118 Chenopodium Morgan gaertner
119 Curare Compare to Physostigma
120 Cyst. ( doubtful ) Similar modalities to Asarum europ.
121 Ferrum carb Morgan Pure
122 Ferrum iod Bacillus No. 7
123 Ferrum mur Proteus
124 Gettysburg aqua In Silicea
125 Hydrocyanicum acid Compare Cicuta
126 Kali – permanganatum In Opium
127 Mercurius vivus Gaertner
128 Morphinum aceticum In electrictas
129 Moschus similar to Ambra grisea
130 Natrum iod Bacillus No. 7
131 Natrum sil fluor Gaertner
132 Rhus radicans In Anacardium
133 Zincum phos Gaertner

Dr. Krishnadas R
PG Scholar, Dept. of Materia Medica, Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bengaluru

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