Homeopathic Medicine for Worms
Carboneum tetramur. Q (One dose only): It has given wonderful clinical results in the treatment of hookworm infection. A single dose (3c) expels 95% of hookworms in adults. For children, half the dose.
Chelone Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body including round worms and thread worms.
Chenopodium oil (Thrice a day): Ten drops a dose and three doses in a day every two hour to get rid of hookworms and roundworms.
Cina 200 (One dose daily): It is a remedy for round, thread and tapeworms. The patient is usually rubbing the nose and is restless. Grinding of teeth during sleep is a guiding symptom for the use of this remedy. One dose daily.
Cucurbita pepo Q (One dose daily): One of the most efficient and least harmful remedies for expulsion of tapeworms.
Cuprum oxy. nig. 1x (Thrice a day): It expels all kinds of worms including tapeworms and trichinosis (a hair-like worm). One-gram dose, thrice daily.
Helminthochortos (Thrice a day): It acts very powerfully on the intestinal worms especially round worms (lumbricids).
Hydrocotyle 6x (Thrice a day): It is very near specific in the treatment of expulsion of filaria and thread worms from the intestines.
Santoninum 3x (Thrice a day): It is of unquestioned value in the treatment of worminal diseases – itehing of nose, restless sleep and twitching of muscles indicate this remedy in the treatment of thread worms and round worms. It has no effect on tape worms.
Spigelia (Thrice a day): Abdominal pains and other symptoms on account of presence of worms in the intestines. Pains are more in circles around the navel and the child points to the navel to indicate it. Pains are worse on touching.
Teucrium mar. (Thrice a day): It is very near specific for treatment of ascarides – pin worms and round worms in the intestines. Tingling and tickling in the nose is an important symptom of this disease in children.
Thymolum 6 (One dose only): It is specific for hookworm infestation. A single dose of 3 ml removes 95% of the hookworms in adults.
worms survive in unhealthy intestines cause mental irritation one pricks nose and anus can go even to convulsive stage. if caught in web of mental diseases doctors disaster lies ahead.cina pale hooping cough itch anus pricks nose,Ruddock advice with cina use bella also they remove dropsy of brain also,spigelia worms even affect heart.but one has to take constitutional treatment as in scrofulous children calc carb needed.acute cerebral congestions be removed in red faced bella and pale faced cuprum glonoin 12c to 30c to adjust artery pressure.non professionals will become fifty percent professional by reading book the homoeopathic vade mecum of modern medicine and surgery by Edward Harris Ruddock.olden times teachers were taking classes in open under tree shade sit on ground,now air conditioned class rooms with same air rotating carrying carbonic gas of all children leads to ill health like headache loss appetite etc,off on change cool to warm warm to cool exposure results more serious maladies.
Sir my 3 years daughter suffering parasite infection since 2.5 years.We took her to so many doctors for treatment but worms are still seen in the stool.Because of her Me also got infection. Sometimes I feel stomatch pain.Anus and vaiginal itching also pls help .