Homeopathic remedies in KUF- Series in Takayasu Arteritis

Djumaeva NE 1,2,Djumaeva LE2, Akhundjanova GA 2

A case of a 31-year-old Asiatic woman with active Takayasu arteritis that resolved following two courses of  homeopathic remedies  in KUF-series is reported. Treatment for active Takayasu  arteritis typically requires  high  doses of corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents. There is no reported benefit from  homeopathic remedies  in KUF-series , which include nosod, organ preparations and homeopathic medicine.  The administered therapy resulted in stabilization of the pathological processes, improvement of patient’s condition and quality of life. No side effects of using the homeopathic remedies  in KUF- series were observed.

Takayasu arteritis can be successfully treated with nozods, organ preparations and homeopathic medicine in KUF-series.

Key words: homeopathic medicine in KUF- series, electro-acupuncture diagnosis by Voll, medicament testing.

Takayasu arteritis is classically defined as a chronic, progressive, inflammatory, occlusive disease of the aorta and its branches, resulting in ischemia of the corresponding organs. Although Takayasu arteritis has a worldwide distribution, it is observed more frequently in Asia and India than in Western Europe and North America (1). Corticosteroids are the mainstay of the therapy  for active Takayasu arteritis. However, additional cytotoxic agents may be  required to achieve remission.

Case report. 
In January 2001 a 31-year-old  Asiatic woman, 54 kg, was admitted to the Medical Center of Alternative Medicine. She complained of weakness, fatigability, recurrent dizziness when she turned her head, blackouts, attacks of headache, episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia >150 bpm and pain in both upper limbs on physical exertion, as well as progressive  loss of weight.

In 1979, when the patient was 9-years-old, she was bitten by a dog, and immunised with anti-rabies vaccine. The one and a half months later she started feeling sever pain, firstly, in the left, later in the right hip joint and the lumbar part of the spine. Her temperature rose to 38.5oC, ESR 50 mm/hr.  Three years later (1981) she was admitted to the Research Institute of Pediatrics’ of the Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow), where,  based on an X-ray image, she was diagnosed as having ankylosing spondylitis For the next four years (1981-1985) the patient had been treated by NSAIDs, which had a positive effect: pain, fever and joint constraint disappeared. In 1985 the patient’s condition worsened with recurrence of  headaches and the rise in  BP  to 170/120  mm Hg. Investigation  revealed  that the left kidney did not function; the  ultrasound scan showed that the kidney size diminished (the left kidney was   8.8 cm x 3 cm; the right one was 11.5 cm x 6 cm). Since August 1985, the arterial hypertension had become malignant with an episodes of acute left ventricle failure, haemoptysis and oliguria. The patient was thoroughly examined and the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis was dismissed based on  the normal functions of the spine, absence of HLA B27, age and gender.

In December 1985 the patient was admitted to the Research Institute for Surgery named after Vishnevsky (Moscow) where rheovasography of her upper and lower extremities, echo-Doppler scanning, angiography of some vessels were performed.  The angiography showed stenosis of the upper renal part of the aorta, stenosis of the right renal artery, marked stenosis of the left renal artery, occlusion of the upper mesentery artery. She was diagnosed  as having Takayasu arteritis (Type III) with predominant lesion of the left renal artery, renovascular hypertension and  a surgical operation  was performed in two stages: renal vessels angioplasty and prosthesis of the abdominal part of the aorta. Morphologic examination of the vessels also confirmed the Takayasu  arteritis  diagnosis(2).

In February 1992, the patient’s condition worsened. She was at the time going through her first successful pregnancy. She complained of progressive weakness, HT, pedal oedema  and an episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia relapsed with a rate of 200 bpm.  BP on legs rose to 200/120 mm Hg . The patient was treated with high doses of  oral prednisolone  and immunosuppressive therapy with cyclophosphamide. In 2000  the Doppler   examination of vessels  and angiography  had  shown :   noncomplete occlusion and stenosis of both  common carotid arteries (80% of the right common carotid artery),occlusion of  the left subclavian arteries(80%), stenosis of the right sublavian artery(75%),occlusion of  the  superior mesenteric artery, stenosis of the abdominal artery. She refused from surgical removal of the affected arteries.

In January 2001, the patient came to us with the complaints described above. She looked markedly malnourished. On physical examination   the  upper-extremity  pulses  were absent bilaterally. Carotid bruits were audible in the   both subclavian areas. BP  in the left hand could not obtained, in the right one it was 80/60 mm Hg. BP in the right leg it was 200/120 mm Hg and in the left leg it was 190/110 mm Hg. Pulses in the lower extremities were normal. Cardiac examination was normal with no murmurs audible. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was normal. No other abnormalities were noted.

The patient was examined by the electro-acupuncture diagnostics   according to R.Voll  (EAV) with the use of “medicament testing” technique which allows to diagnose  the patients for   determining   an ethological, nosological  diagnosis of different diseases and  selects a single and daily doses of allopathic as well a homeopathic medicine. (3,4).

When examining our patients, the nosod of rabies virus was tested on the meridians of nervous degeneration  and the artery-venous-lymphatic vessels  meridian (Voll). At the same time, we tested organ preparations: Hypothalamus, Adenohypophysis, Adrenal glands, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands and homeopathic medicines:  Fucus vesiculosus, Calcium iodatum, Pulsatilla, Mercurius solibius Hahnemanni, Silicea, Belladona. Then, the  tested homeopathic medicines in KUF- series were   transferred on the homeopathic  pilulaes   by   the  “imprinting” method   and were prescribed to our patient(5).

The patient had taken the  homeopathic medicine for one month; after that she was examined again. The patient stopped complaining of headaches, dizziness, pain in both hands on exertion, weakness, fatigability, pain in both upper limbs on physical exertion. Paroxysms of tachycardia became less frequent. At the time of the examination by Voll , the nosod of rabies virus existing earlier was not found.

In May 2001 the patient was again examined  using  the EAV, and according to the examination results, the following  medicines were tested and then transferred on the homeopathic pilulaes : the organ preparations of the : Brachial  artery,   Femoral artery, Spleen artery,  Abdominal part of the aorta,  Superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic trunk,  Middle cervical ganglion.  Homeopathic remedies – Phytolaca, Arnica  montana, Barium carbonicum,  Aesculus, Carduus marianus, Lachesis –  were also used. For the next seven months the patient had had a stable remission, however, in January 2002, she began again complaining of fatigability, weakness and a decrease in work capacity.

For the first time, the nosod of herpes simplex virus was registered on the meridian of nervous degeneration. The patient explained  that from time to time she had herpetic lesions on her lips. The daily dose of antiviral drug, acyclovir, was selected. The patient was administered by acyclovir, which the  patient  used during a long time under the EAV diagnosis control. As a consequence, the PCR  test did not reveal herpes simplex  virus in the patient’s blood. (2005, 2006).

Since that time, we have not observed Takayasu arteritis  deterioration in our patient.. She gained 10 kg in body weight (in March 2008  her weight was 64 kg).The Doppler-examination of vessels at different levels made in May 2008 have shown that the pathologic process tended to stabilize and  hemo-dynamically significant changes in the vessels have  not been registered since that time. The Doppler-examination have shown:  stenosis of  the right subclavian arteries(80%), occlusion of the left sublavian artery(85%),stenosis of both  common carotid arteries (75%).Rheovasography of cerebral vessels showed the blood flow within normal limits.

Later on, until the present time, the patient has had a stable remission of her pathologic process.  However, she is under a physician’s control.  

Cell-mediated autoimmunity appears to play an important role in the mechanism of vascular injury. In our patient, the onset of  Takayasu arteritis  combined with affection of several systems (the nervous, cardiovascular systems) was caused by the immunization with the anti-rabies vaccine, when she was a 9-year-old girl. Systemic vasculitis (The American College of Rheumatology includes  Takayasu arteritis), is  known to develop under the influence of different etiological factors, e.g. after vaccination (6). We think that the immunization of our patient with the anti-rabies vaccine triggered the autoagression with disorder  of the  immunoregulation processes. Our case may be considered to be   the   secondary autoimmune diseases with known etiological factor(7).

We believe, that the rabies virus, being a trigger of the autoimmune process in our patient, started up an autoimmune pathologic response with development of the  chronic  processes. The organs of endocrine system and immune system are  closely  interrelated. Therefore,   to rehabilitate  our patient with disorders in the immune system the initial course of treatment included  the organ preparations of different parts of endocrine system: hypothalamus, adenohypophysis, adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Application of   the nosod of rabies virus   and  organ preparations  of endocrine glands   had contributed to the normalization of the  endocrine glands’ functioning and, at the same time, had assisted  to reduction of the immune response in the body.

Nosodes and organ preparations are homeopathic remedies which have been extracted from sterilized pathogenic substances, secretions, destroyed germs and organ extracts from human and animal bodies. The preparations are produced following the normal homeopathic procedure Many nosodes come from pathogenic products, vaccines, bacteria and viruses  and they work according to the isopatic principle, i.e. a very diluted substance, which has been agitated, will medicine cure the same diseases.  Homeopathic remedies  in KUF series are the medicine which consist of 10 ampoules of its in different  dilutions from D3 to D100 or D1000. (products of companies “Wala-Heilmittel”, “Staufen- Pharma”, Germany).

The  cases of  using the KUF- series homeopathy drugs in the therapy of different diseases are described, but they  propose to be  used  in single uses, both  the nozods  and the organ preparations.(8). As a rule, the single dilutions of a homeopathy medicine  are  prescribed  in  classic homeopathy  and it requires the   much time to achieve  the results of  the therapy(9).  

After  the prescribed treatment , the patient’s condition improved significantly. To reinstate the functions of the nervous and  cardiovascular systems, the organ preparations  of different arterial vessels and  ganglions of the  vegetative nervous system  were used on the next course of  the therapy. As a consequence, after the therapy, we observed a long remission of the pathological processes.

Our previous research in therapy for patients with chronic  hepatitis B virus infection,  patients, who  were treated with nozods, organ preparations and homeopathic medicine in KUF-series,  revealed  their anti-inflammatory and immuno-modulating activity(10). Earlier we suggested a hypothesis that integration of virus into cellular structures of patient can be followed by changes in the structure of substantially bound intracellular water (11). The changes in intracellular water in pathologic conditions have been studied.  Time of spin-lattice relaxation in oncological cell was found to change; the amount of water bound to DNA is also increased, thermodynamic characteristics of the system DNA + bound water are changed. The time of protons’ relaxation is also changed in water solution of healthy tissues  of patient with  tumor processes (12).

The importance  of water to living processes is explained  not only  by its ability to form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules, but especially,  by its  capacity to interact with various types of biological molecules. Because of its polar nature, water readily interacts with other polar- and charged molecules such as acids, salts, sugars and various regions of proteins and DNA. There are many publications devoted to  the problem of “water memory”. The ‘memory of water’ is a popular phrase that is mostly associated with homeopathy and Jacques Benveniste  following his and others  research works. Nowadays, many scientists associate the “water memory” and homeopathy effects with the structure of liquid water.  Rustum Roy describes liquid water like its remarkably similar analogue SiO2, which is not a homogeneous structure at the molecular level. It is a dynamic  equilibrium among changing percentages of assemblages of different oligomers and polymer species. (13). At normal temperature, liquid water consists of  dynamic clusters of 50 – 100 water molecules, in which the H—bonds are constantly being made and broken . Recent research on hydrogen bonds in water provides some support for this ‘memory’ theory. The Swiss chemist, Louis Rey, found that the structure of hydrogen bonds in homeopathic dilutions of salt solutions is very different from that in pure water. He reached the conclusion that the phenomenon results from the vigorous shaking of solutions that takes place during homeopathic “successions”. Studies on molecular clustering in water solutions showed that while a solution is becoming more and more diluted, very stable and larger aggregates (clusters) develop in dilute solutions than in more concentrated solutions. These clusters  are of several micrometers in diameter. This means that residual molecular clusters of original substance might just be present in homeopathic dilutions (14).

We believe, that prescribing the KUF- series homeopathic remedies to patient , we, as a matter of fact, introduce clusters of water with different kinds of structure and sizes. Thus, in the specific time of their function, the body’s cells can independently chose the clusters of water with the structure, size and form which they need. The hypothesis was suggested that application of   homeopathic medicine in KUF- series, promotes the restore of structure of   substantially bound intracellular water, which changes  in the presence of  different diseases, including viral diseases. Restoration of the structure of  substantially bound intracellular water, to our opinion, may promotes  to normalization of biophysical and biochemical processes inside cells.

Takayasu disease    can be successfully treated with   homeopathic medicine in KUF-series which  include nosods, organ preparations and homeopathic remedies. It is possible to speak about the significance of two virus in the genesis of Takayasu disease in our patient, namely, those of rabies and herpes simplex. The administered therapy resulted in the stabilization of the pathologic process,  improvement of our patient’s condition and her quality of life.

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report. A copy of the written consent  and  any accompanying images   are available for review by the Editor–of Chief of this journal.

We  would like to thank Professor Gafurov B.G.  for his help with the clinical care of  our patient.

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I  graduated from Tashkent State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan) and obtained a diploma with honours. After that I  had internship specialising in  neurology. My general work experience is 32 years.In 1981 I participated in the training of the primary specialisation of acupuncture  (Uzbekistan).In 1991  I  learned the method of electroacupuncture diagnosis  by Voll(Ukraine). In 1994 I finished the courses on electroacupuncture diagnosis by R. Voll (EAV) with basics of homeopathy in Moscow (Russia). Since that time I started using the EAV method and homeopathy in KUF- series  with the scientific purpose.
My  first scientific research  was about the usage of the EAV with homeopathy in KUF-series in the diagnosis and treatment of the very widespread disease in Uzbekistan – infectious hepatitis. As the result of this research in 2000 I presented  the thesis of dissertation  on the Scientific Discussion of the Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Disease in my country and got a further approval on the Discussion of experts of the Higher Examination Board under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

All this years I have worked both as a practicing physician and as a scientific researcher. I have 30 publications in local journals as well as in journals abroad and 2 patents.

The presented article is the result of observation of patient with Takayasu arteritis by the medical practitioners of Medical Center of Alternative Medicine, which this patient have attended for many years.

Address: 1Scientific Research Institute of Virology, Muradow Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2Medical Center of Alternative Medicine,  Kary Nyasow street,Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Email: Djumaeva Naylya: dr_djumaeva@hotmail.com; Djumaeva Leyla: leylaxd@yahoo.com;Akhundjanova Gulnara: klassklass@mail.ru


  1. Namaste sir iam 26 year old , I am takayasu patient aterial thrombosis from last 2 years ,iam from panvel raigad please sir help me about this. Which treatment I will take please suggest me sir

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