Homeopathy Drug Proving – Useful links


Homeopathy Drug Proving – Useful links

Compiled by Dr Mansoor Ali 

School of Homeopathy
It is part of the School’s UK program that students take part in the proving of a new remedy. Participation in this process provides invaluable insights into the philosophy of healing as well as the action of homeopathic remedies. The results of these provings are made freely available to anyone, along with details of other provings undertaken by some of the School’s faculty.

The Homœopathic Information Service
The complete provings of a number of New Remedies including: AIDS Nosode, Falcon, Heroin and Positronium and many others.

HMC Provings
Some of the latest provings are available from here from Luminos Homeopathic Courses Ltd. Check out hummingbird, brown recluse spider, argentum sulphuricum and many others.

Informationen zur Homöopathie
This page provides access to a comprehensive list of new provings and their links.

The Dynamis School
This site houses Jeremy Sherr’s Dynamis School provings.

The Homœopathic Information Service
The complete provings of a number of New Remedies including: AIDS Nosode, Falcon, Heroin and Positronium and many others.

HMC Provings
Some of the latest provings are available from here from Luminos Homeopathic Courses Ltd. Check out hummingbird, brown recluse spider, argentum sulphuricum and many others.

Informationen zur Homöopathie
This page provides access to a comprehensive list of new provings and their links.

Marlev Homeopathy
A company that creates cost-effective websites for homeopathic practitioners by combining creative and technical skills with knowledge of homeopathy and homeopathic practice.

Proving info
This database currently includes  3216 single remedies in their natural systematic position  1754 entries on remedy provings with their exact source  (more than half of them with direct link to the text) and is constantly being extended.
Link : http://www.provings.info/en/index.html 

The Provings of New Homœopathic Remedies

Please send your favourite medical website links …the websites you often visit …..which you think will help other doctors also…many of our fellow doctors are unaware of such websites…

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