Homeopathy: future for thyroid diseases – A Case Report

Dr Paridhi Jain

Your thyroid creates and produces hormones that play a role in many different systems throughout your body. When your thyroid makes either too much or too little of these important hormones, it’s called a thyroid disease. There are several different types of thyroid disease, including hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Keywords: homoeopathy future, thyroid disorder, hypothyroidism, homoeopathy for hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disorder of the endocrine system in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones

It is a case of a 43 years old female, she is a professor.Who consulted for Hypothyroidism on 6th December 2019 and she suffered since august-18.

As it’s a known case of hypothyroidism she came with thyroid profile (lab investigation) and her TSH was 9.24 uIU/ml whereas T3 & T4 where in normal range.
History of presenting complaint:
Patient was apparently well before.


  • ⁠  ⁠Both the parents are diabetics.
  • ⁠  ⁠3 paternal aunts are hypertensive.
  • ⁠  ⁠Sister have hypothyroidism.


  • ⁠  ⁠Menarche at age of 14 years. Very regular always appear on date.
  • ⁠  ⁠1 daughter- 16 years old by LSCS because of enlarged head.
  • ⁠  ⁠H/o MPT in 2015.
  • ⁠  ⁠Menopause- aug.-2018- menopausal symptoms are still there, feeling stressed, crying on trifle things, mood swings, irritation

 Physical GENERALS: 

  • ⁠  ⁠Appetite: Good
  • ⁠  ⁠Desire: milk, curd, potato,
  • ⁠  ⁠Aversion: onion, garlic (smell don’t like), banana
  • ⁠  ⁠Thirst: Moderate
  • ⁠  ⁠Bowel: NAD
  • ⁠  ⁠Bladder: NAD
  • ⁠  ⁠Thermal: Hot
  • ⁠  ⁠Perspiration: face
  • ⁠  ⁠Sleep: Sound sleep


As case started, she explained herself very well, she started from-

I achieved everything what I wished. I choice carrier by my own, did love marriage, I have one child only and that is to my own decision.

I worked with three organizations till only, not changed much jobs.

My husband changed jobs very frequently and only these thing bothers me a lot in my life & I was always stressed from his side, although he fulfilled all his responsibilities towards me and family. He is not doing any job right now, if someone ask me what he is doing it is difficult to answer for me, feels anger that he put me in such situation. Job is important for a social status. If I know before marriage that he is going to leave job again and again, I never marry him. I feel he should do some struggle. I feel helpless.


•⁠  ⁠mind; OBSTINATE, headstrong (208) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; POSITIVENESS (67) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; PASSIONATE (117) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; PERTINACITY (69) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; FIRMNESS (25) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; IRRITABILITY; contradiction, from (28) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; RELIGIOUS affections (142) 

•⁠  ⁠mind; SERIOUSNESS, earnestness (130) 

•⁠  ⁠neck; THYROID gland (178) 

•⁠  ⁠mirillis themes; DUTY (292) 

•⁠  ⁠generalities; CLIMACTERIC period agg. (241)

Reason for remedy selection: FERRUM METALLICUM:

Phatak’s Materia Medica gives the symptom: “Always in the right”. He becomes rigid and stiff in his attitude. He sees his parents as intruding into his territory and puts up a strong defence to prevent this. This defence itself becomes a performance. Iron is used in gates, fences, helmets, battle tanks, shields of armour. All these objects are used to protect, to prevent things from the outside from intruding into one’s territory. Ferrum patients have to protect and defend both themselves and their families. And so they perform by defending. It is as though they are always at war, fighting to defend themselves and their families.

THE SOUL OF THE REMEDIES- Ferrum (Iron) lies in the 4th period of the Periodic Table. This line of metals is concerned with performance, and also with defence. Being compelled to do something against one’s wishes.

PHATAK’S MATERIA MEDICA- gives the symptom: “Always in the right”. He becomes rigid and stiff in his attitude.

BOERICK MATERIA MEDICA- Irritability, Sanguine temperament.


NUX VOMICA: The main expressions being hard, zealous, ambitious, impatient. Nux vomica is a person who gets his thing done by hook or by crook, and who is quite hopeful about getting it done.

He is a hard task master. He is an irritable, passionate person, and very fastidious. If anything bothers him, he must get it out of the way.

For example, when he is constipated, he strains and strains till the stool is out, otherwise he gets no relief; he is ameliorated after passing stool.

Naturally, he is not a very patient person. He can be jealous. He is malicious and, when angry, expresses himself without much inhibition; in a way, he is like a person who has drunk alcohol. “Insanity of drunkards” is the rubric that explains the Nux vomica state quite well. Nux vomica craves for alcohol and for all forms of stimulants, and may also be addicted to laxatives. Nux vomica also has anger when obliged to answer.

LYCOPODIUM: The main feeling in Lycopodium is that if the person remains small, his survival will be difficult, he will be humiliated, he will be nowhere. The main theme of Lycopodium therefore, becomes ambition, a desire to grow bigger, a lot of effort which is concentrated fully on becoming bigger, being more powerful, reaching a higher position – the top rung of the ladder.

Lycopodium is a part of the Calcarea – Lycopodium – Sulphur cycle. Calcarea represents the human need for stability and security, which translates into having a house, family, source of income, good health and protection. Stability also entails lack of movement, adventure and growth. The other need of the human is represented by Sulphur, and that is the need for a name, for an ego, an image; the need to be somebody important, to matter, to be recognized, to be counted in; the need to be proud of oneself, to think highly of oneself, to have a good self-image.

In order to reach from the position of Calcarea to that of Sulphur one has to concentrate on growing, on making an effort to achieve one’s ambitions, on movement – undertaking new things rather than sticking to the old and the stable, on goal-oriented activity.

Lycopodium is very ambitious and can employ any means to achieve success. He can dictate, dominate, and will take the help of anyone he can. But Lycopodium people have one big fear, and that is the fear of undertaking new challenges, facing new situations, meeting new people. All these situations have to be encountered if he is to achieve success, and in the face of these situations Lycopodium lacks confidence; he feels incapable.

He develops an anticipatory anxiety from this lack of confidence. This may appear like Silicea, but the difference is that in Silicea, it is not whether he is actually capable of doing the task that bothers him, rather it is that his image should be protected at all costs. So Silicea is afraid to go on stage, and Lycopodium is afraid to speak. In the adult Lycopodium person however, this cowardice may be hidden by an outward show of bravado. This becomes necessary to protect his ego.

Picture of KALI SILICATUM Essence: being duty bound to keep up your own or your family’s image.

They feel duty bound to work very hard to keep up their image. They think that other people’s opinion about them depends on how hard they work, so it is important to keep at it.

Second on their list of priorities is the family image. They also feel duty bound to keep the family name high. Their own wishes and desires come second to the duty towards the family, especially the duty towards the father as the head of the family.

They often come from a family with strict principles, or a well-to-do family that has a good name to keep up.

The main feeling of Natrum muriaticum is that she will be let down or betrayed or disappointed by the person her trust depends on, or by the one she loves. The relationship she seeks is not one of dependence like Calcarea or Magnesium but of friendship or romance, a relation on a one to one basis.

This case study demonstrates the efficacy of homoeopathy in the treatment of hypothyroidism. There has been previous an observational study7 was conducted at Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College and FG Motiwala PG Institute of Homoeopathy and Research Centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. where homoeopathic medicines were found effective in controlling in symptoms and levels of hypothyroidism independent of hormonal replacement therapy as well as in add on to hormonal therapy. A total 42 patients completed the study; According to this study commonly affected patients were females than males; 02 male and 40 females. In this study 35% patient’s despite of TSH level within normal range, symptoms related to hypothyroidism still persist. Homeopathic medicines reduced the symptoms and maintained range of TSH. Another case report8 by doctor Dr. S. Karunakara Moorthi, Dr. Raja Manoharan, Dr. Kumaravel (Kolkata India) was published in world journal of pharmaceutical and medical research showing efficacy of Natrum Mur 200 in the management of hypothyroidism. In this study addition to the physical generals, particular attention was given to the patient’s mental symptoms.

The common symptoms, or those that signs and symptoms that affect the entire individual), Symptoms that are emotional or mental come in higher the bodily general it also demonstrates the significance of selecting constitutional medicine above therapeutic prescription. The reported case was repertorized systematically with the help of HOMPATH software and finally homoeopathic materia medica was consulted to select the similimum i.e., ferrum mettalicum, it supports the symptoms listed in the homoeopathic materia medica and repertory. Lab results and a clinical history of several symptoms supported the diagnosis of hypothyroidism.

Through this case report, the efficiency of homoeopathic treatment in cases of hypothyroidism as well as the well-known fact that homoeopathy is useful in endocrine illnesses has been validated. It also demonstrates how quickly and gently homoeopathic drugs may heal people. A healthy diet is very important to prevent some of the long-term complications of hypothyroidism. With medicine we should advice healthy diet and ask patient to keep a check on his weight advice the patient to practice yoga or meditation on daily basis. Mental health is also very important with physical health

The patient’s permission was secured before the manuscript was written.


  1. Mohan H. Textbook of Pathology. Seventh. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2015. p-761.
  2. Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine, 23rd ed. Elsevier limited; 2018. p-708-711.
  3. Kent JT, Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Student edition, New Delhi, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2017. p-553-560 & 951- 976
  5. Boericke W. Boericke’s new manual of homoeopathic materia medica with repertory: Including Indian Drugs, Nosodes, Uncommon Rare Remedies, Mother Tinctures, Relationships, Sides of the Body, Drug Affinities & List of Abbreviations, 3rd Revised and augmented edition based on 9th ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) LTD; 2018. p-274- 276 & 545-548
  6. Classification of hypothyroidism according to the origin of cause (Simon, 2006; Aminoff, 2007; Elizabeth and Agabegi, 2008).
  7. Materia Novum: The Journal of Homoeopathy /Vol.4/Issue.1/Jan-Mar, 2022
  8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343207142_HOMOEOPATHIC_TREATMENT_OF_HYPOTHYROIDISM_A_CASE_REPORT

Dr Paridhi Jain

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