Homoeopathic management in benign neoplasm of breast

Dr Suvarna Ram

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women worldwide with more than 2 million new cases in 2020. Currently, about 80% of patients with Breast cancer are individuals aged >50. Complementary therapy in oncology aims to help patients better cope with the illness and side effects of cancer treatments that affect their quality of life. Homeopathy being the holistic science is always a priority in treating conditions like tumors; benign and malignant. But it is very important to identify the scope and limitation of homoeopathy in treating such cases along with the surgical intervention whenever needed. Also it is essential to be well accustomed with our tools, i.e. repertories and their adaptability.

Keywords: Homeopathy, Breast neoplasm, cancer, tumours


Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women’s incidence and death rates have increased over the last three decades due to the change in risk factor profiles, better cancer registration, and cancer detection.


About 5% -10 % of all breast cancers are thought to be related to genetic predisposition.


  • Overweight/obesity
  • Alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal replacement therapy
  • Insufficient vitamin supplementation
  • Intake of processed food
  • Exposure to chemicals


  • Female sex
  • Older age
  • Family history (breast or ovarian cancer)
  • Genetic mutations
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Pregnancy & breastfeeding
  • Menstrual period & menopause
  • Density of breast tissue e
  • Non-cancerous breast disease
  • Previous radiation therapy

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. Like other cancers, there are several factors that can raise the risk of getting breast cancer. Damage to the DNA and genetic mutations can lead to breast cancer have been experimentally linked to estrogen exposure. Some individuals inherit defects in the DNA and genes like the BRCA1, BRCA2 and P53 among others. Those with a family history of ovarian or breast cancer thus are at an increased risk of breast cancer. The immune system normally seeks out cancer cells and cells with damaged DNA and destroys them. Breast cancer may be a result of failure of such an effective immune defence and surveillance.

Breast cancer can have combinations of symptoms, especially when it is more advanced. Most people will not experience any symptoms when the cancer is still early.

Symptoms of breast cancer can include:

  • a breast lump or thickening, often without pain
  • change in size, shape or appearance of the breast
  • dimpling, redness, pitting or other changes in the skin
  • change in nipple appearance or the skin surrounding the nipple (areola)
  • abnormal or bloody fluid from the nipple.

Breast cancers may spread to other areas of the body and trigger other symptoms. Often, the most common first detectable site of spread is to the lymph nodes under the arm although it is possible to have cancer-bearing lymph nodes that cannot be felt.


  • Mammography
  • FNAC
  • True cut biopsy
  • Open biopsy
  • Ultrasonography
  • Complete blood picture
  • Breast self-examination


  • TIS –Tumour not palpable
  • T1 – < 2 cm in size
  • T2 – 2-5 cm in size
  • T3 – >5 cm in size
  • T4– Any size involving skin with chest wall infiltrate.
  • No – No nodal metastasis
  • N1 – Axillary nodes mobile
  • N2 – Axillary nodes fixed
  • N3 – Supraclavicular nodes mobile or fixed
  • Mo – No distant metastasis
  • M1 – Distant metastasis


  • Metastasis
  • Fibroadenoma
  • Lymphedema
  • Ulcerative axilla
  • Bone complications
  • Skin tumour


Calcarea Fluor: Homeopathic medicine for treating stony hard Fibroadenoma’s of breast
Calcarea Fluor is for treating Fibroadenoma of the breast where the nodes are as hard as a stone. It has a strong tendency to dissolve these hard knots in the breast. In women with stony hard nodes in the breast. These Breast Fibroadenomas get smaller and the hard lumps get softened, followed by complete disappearance with the use of Homeopathic Medicine Calcarea Fluor.

Conium: Homeopathic remedy for treating painful tumors in mammary glands
Conium is of great help in treating glandular affections. Conium can be used with excellent results to treat tumors in mammary glands. Conium is preferred in cases where nodes in the breast are present with pain in the breast before and during menstruation or periods. The pain usually gets worse upon touching. Homeopathic medicine Conium helps in treating both the cyclical appearance of breast pain around the menstrual nisus and also the diminution of breast nodes.

Phytolacca: Homeopathic treatment for Sensitive and painful  Fibroadenoma of breast
Phytolacca is a natural Homeopathic medicine which can be very beneficial for the treatment of Fibroadenoma of the breast when inflammation of breast is associated with it. The breast is extremely sensitive, hard and painful. The glands in armpits may also get enlarged. In such cases, Homeopathic medicine Phytolacca provides a great helping hand in reducing the inflammation and pain in breast initially, followed by the complete disappearance of hardness.

Graphites: Homeopathic treatment for Fibroadenoma of breast caused by scars and Abscess
Graphites is a Homeopathic medicine which is of great help in treating Fibroadenoma in the breast. Homeopathic medicine Graphites is the best pick for treating tumors in the breast that arise from some old scars in the breast. Old scars may have remained after healing of abscess in the breast. Graphites work very efficiently in the dissipation of these tumors. The tumors, as well as the scars, disappear with this Homeopathy remedy.

Scrophularia Nodosa: Powerful Homeopathic medicine for tumor in breast
Scrophularia Nodosa is a rare but very significant Homeopathic medicine that can be used for dissolving the tumors, lumps, nodes or indurations in breasts. This medicine is mainly used in tincture form. Scrophularia Nodosa is an extremely powerful Homeopathic medicine to dissolve and get rid of breast tumors. This Homeopathic medicine is absolutely safe with no side effects.

Pulsatilla: Homeopathic medicine for nodes in breast plus menstrual irregularities
Pulsatilla is a natural Homeopathic medicine that can be taken when nodes in breast are accompanied by menstrual irregularities. The main menstrual irregularity noticed is suppressed menses for a long duration or scanty menses. Pulsatilla is of much help for girls at puberty suffering from lumps or nodes in breast.


Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica-Dr. Phatak S.R.

  1. Mammae: Hard, indurated: Menses, absent, with:
  2. Mammae: Hard, indurated: Small and, colic, during:
  3. Mammae: Nodes in:
  4. Mammae: Nodes in: Black points on skin, with:
  5. Mammae: Nodes in: Girls, puberty, before:
  6. Mammae: Nodes in: Knots in axilla, with:
  7. Mammae:  Nodes  in: Movable,  tender,  moving arms Agg:
  8. Mammae: Nodes in: Old:
  9. Mammae: Nodes in: Painful, old fat men, in:
  10. Mammae: Nodes in: Soft, tender:
  11. Mammae: Nodes in: Touch Agg.:
  12. Mammae: Nodes in: Walnut, like males in:
  13. Growth, new tumours etc
  14. Growth, new tumours etc.: Rapid:

Homoeopathic Medical Repertory- Robin Murphy 

  1. Breasts-Tumors,  breasts,  growths,  (see  Cancer,Induration, Lumps, Nodules):
  2. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Fibroid:
  3. Breasts-Tumors,  breasts,  growths,  Hard  Left,  in, painful:
  4. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Hard Right, in, grew until milk was secreted:
  5. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Hard, Nodular:
  6. Breasts-Tumors,  breasts,  growths,  Hard,  Stony, nodulated, not attached to skin,        movable and as large as a filbert, lancinating pains:
  7. Breasts- Tumors, breasts, growths, Indurated:
  8. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Injury, after:
  9. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Menopause, period, in:
  10. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Nipples: Left, under, large as hen’s egg,
  11. Breasts-Tumors,  breasts,  growths, Nipples:  Right,  in, hard, large as a hen’s egg:
  12. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Painless, in right:
  13. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Skin, loose:
  14. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Small, painless, near nipple:
  15. Breasts-Tumors, breasts, growths, Uneven:
  16. Breasts-Tumors, breasts,  growths, Warm,  perspiration and gastric complaints, with:
  17. Breasts-Tumors,  breasts,  growths,  Young,  married woman, in a:
  18. Cancer Breast, Cancer:  Fibroadenoma  – Calcariafluorica (cross reference

Repertory  of  Homoeopathic  Materia  Medica  by  J.T Kent

  1. Chest- Induration: Mammae: Abscess, after:
  2. Chest- Induration: Mammae: cicatrices, in:
  3. Chest- Induration: Mammae: Contusion, after:
  4. Chest- Induration: Mammae: Menses, before:
  5. Chest- Induration: Mammae: Nipples:
  6. Chest- Nodules, sensitive – Mammae, in
  7. Chest- Nodules, sensitive – Mammae, in right
  8. Chest-  Nodules,  sensitive  –  Mammae,  in  –  dry black points at tip
  9. Chest-  Nodules,  sensitive  –  Mammae,  in  –  menses, during
  10. Chest- Nodules, sensitive  –  Mammae, in  – pregnancy,during
  11. Chest- Nodules, sensitive – Mammae, in – purple
  12. Chest- Induration:  Mammae:  Right:  CR – Chest- Nodules, sensitive – Mammae, in–right
  13. Chest- Induration: Mammae: Left: CR -Chest- Nodules, sensitive – Mammae, in – left
  14. Chest- Induration:  Mammae:  Menses,during:  CR -Chest-  Nodules, sensitive Mammae,  in  –  menses, during

 Boenninghausen’s Characteristics Materia Medica & Repertory -Dr. C.M. Boger

  1. Chest- Mammae: Nodes, induration:
  2. Chest- Mammae:  Nodes, induration: Blows or injuries after:

 Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica by Calvin B Knerr

  1. Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation- Mammae: Induration: Stony hardness:
  2. Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation- Mammae: Induration: Abscess of right mammary gland, after, remaining without change for two years:
  3. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration:  Contusion, from,  hard lump  as  large as  a walnut  on right  side of nipple,  of right,  constant dull heavy pain, at night after spot has been irritated in any way, sharp and shooting pain:
  4. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration: Leucorrhoea or amenorrhoea, with:
  5. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration:  Bluish  red  nodosities,  size  of  a  hazelnut, dry, black points at tips:
  6. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration: Caked, an early tendency to become:
  7. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration: Confinement, a few days after:
  8. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae: Induration:  Lumps: Girls,  in  young,  painful, affecting arm:
  9. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae:  Tumors: Hard, nodular:
  10. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae:  Tumors: Hard,  stony, nodulated,  not attached  to skin,  movable and as large as a filbert, lancinating pains:
  11. Pregnancy,  Parturition,  Lactation-  Mammae:  Tumors: Hard,  very,  incompressible,  knobby,  immovable, lancinating pains:
  12. Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation-Nipples: Tumor, hard, in right, large as a hen’s egg

Breast cancer is a largely preventable disease with early detection and risk reduction. Homeopathy is one of the most common complementary therapies used for treating neoplasms and more importantly improving the Quality of life. Homeopathic evaluation can be done using symptomatology and miasmatic intervention as well. It can also be concluded  that the most  commonly found remedies for neoplasms were Conium, Phytolacca and Carboanimalis. Repertories most useful and which consist of good number of rubrics related to benign neoplasms of breast are Phatak’s repertory, Murphy and Knerr repertory.


  1. World Health Organization . Global Health Estimates 2016: Disease Burden by Cause, Age, Sex, by Country and by Region, 2000–2016.World Health Organization; Geneva, Switzerland: 2018. [(accessed on 9 July 2021)]. Available online: https://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/esti-mates/en/index1.html [Google Scholar]
  2. Brewer H.R., Jones M.E., Schoemaker M.J., Ashworth A., Swerdlow A.J. Family history and risk of breast cancer: An analysis accounting for family structure. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 2017;165:193–200. doi: 10.1007/s10549-017-4325-2. [PMC free article][PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  3. Thompson D. Cancer Incidence in BRCA1 Mutation Carriers.  Natl. Cancer Inst. 2002;94:1358–1365. doi: 10.1093/jnci/94.18.1358. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  4. org [Internet]. Ardmore, Pennsylvania; Symptoms and Diagnosis
  5. Dr Phatak S R. Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
  6. William Boericke. Homeopathic Materia medica.
  7. Robin Murphy. Homoeopathic Medical Repertory.
  8. J T Kent. Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
  9. Dr C M Boger. Boenninghausen’s Characteristics Materia Medica & Repertory.
  10. Calvin B Knerr. Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica.

Dr Suvarna Ram
PG Scholar, Department of Case taking & Repertory
Under the Guidance of, Dr Munir Ahmed R
Government Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru.

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