Homoeopathic Management of Bronchial Asthma: A Case Report

Dr Priyanshi Gupta

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways in the lungs, making them overly sensitive and causing variable degree of breathing problems. Asthma is diagnosed by patient’s medical history, doing a physical examination, and performing lung function tests. These tests check how well the lungs work, including seeing how sensitive the airways are.

Allopathic system of medicine uses multiple drugs like corticosteroids and bronchodilators. Both are used for management of the symptoms and are known to have side effects. This case report explores the use of homeopathic treatment as a safe alternative treatment for bronchial asthma with minimal side effects.

Case Description: A 27-year-old female with a history of shortness of breath (Grade 5), cough with expectoration (Greenish-Yellow and sticky). Homoeopathic medicine was selected on the basis of symptom totality.

Conclusion: The patient experienced significant relief from her symptoms. Breathlessness has greatly reduced, and there is considerable relief in the cough as well. The follow-up report shows that the patient has continuously improved with improved quality of life. This case exhibits that individualized homoeopathic medicine is highly effective in treating bronchial asthma.

KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine, Asthma

Bronchial asthma, often simply called asthma, is a long-term condition affecting the respiratory system. It involves inflammation and constriction of the airways in the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. Symptoms include wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing, particularly at night or early in the morning. The prevalence of this chronic airway condition affects between 5% and 10% of people across all age group. Asthma symptoms can be triggered by various factors, such as allergens, cold weather, physical activity, respiratory infections, or exposure to irritants like smoke. The airways become highly sensitive, leading to easy constriction when exposed to triggers. This constriction hinders the flow of air into and out of the lungs. The severity of bronchial asthma can range from mild to severe. Management strategies typically include inhalers, medications, and lifestyle adjustments.

Case Report-

  • NAME- Ms. ABC
  • AGE/SEX- 27 years / female
  • OCCUPATION – Assistant Marketing Manager
  • RELIGION- Hindu
  • MARITAL STATUS- Unmarried
  • ADDRESS- Lucknow
  • DATE- 20/1/23


Shortness of breath in the past 3 years

  • Grade 5 – Too breathlessness when Dressing/Undressing. Can not walk at the normal speed like other.
  • – When too hot / too cold, in anxiety, in crowed, early morning (around 6AM), in exertion.
  • – During rest, Sitting, Lying down, Night.

Cough with expectoration in the past 3 years.

  • Character of sputum – Greenish-yellow (Purulent) and sticky.
  • Cough Agg. – Morning, Dust, Smoke,
  • Cough Aml. When lying down.
  • Associated Symptoms – Pain and soreness in chest.

Patient has also been experiencing anxiety issues for the past 10 years.


Allergic history: House Dust, pollen

Treatment history: Taken allopathic medication

History of recurrent Urinary Tract Infection


Developmental Landmark: Pre mature birth, started walking late, weak teeth (Cracks easily)

Habit of Smoking (2-3 cigarette/day) and drinking alcohol

Diet- both veg and non-veg. Gets sick if don’t eat non-veg for a week.


Paternal Grand Father– Hypertension, Tuberculosis of lung

Paternal Grand Mother– Asthma

Maternal Grand Mother– Urinary Tract Infection, Depression

Mother– Hypertension, Urinary Tract Infection, Depression

Father– Hypertension, Diabetes


Menarche– 14years of age

Cycle– Regular, 28 days + 5 days

Duration– 5-6 days (Profuse, and offensive), Dark Clotted colour


Appetite– Normal but increased night craving. Eats at midnight

Thirst– Very thirsty

Urine– Painful when urinating, burning sensation, flow is slow

Stool– Constipated

Desire– Sweet+2, Salty+2 especially at night

Craving– For alcohol

Sleep– Sleeplessness and unrefreshing sleep

Dreams– Repeated dreams of: Snake biting, and sometimes Dogs are running behind her, falling of hair, or falling from building


Nature- Open and friendly in front of me.

She was an average kid in school, has difficulty in concentration. She often forgets where she places things and is generally forgetful. She is always hurried while doing any work. Her mother mentioned that she was very rebellious and didn’t listen to anyone. When asked, the patient said she felt that no one understood her during childhood. Her mother and father would always fight which made her feel lonely. The fights between her parents used to cause her anxiety, leading to suicidal thoughts. She also has hesitation cuts on her hand. She doesn’t easily get emotionally attached to others. In the past, she had three boyfriends, but all the relationships ended in breakups. She also mentioned that she feels scared in crowded places, as if someone is following her. Additionally, she has a fear of dogs and the dark. She cannot stay in a dark place at night. She is adventurous and wants to try everything in life. She has also gotten a tattoo on her body.


  • She had a hesitation cut mark on her wrist.
  • She even gets scared of very little noise like, opening of door, or ringing of a door bell.
  • Occasionally weeping while talking about her emotions


  • On Auscultation: Expiratory wheezes were present


  • Spirometry test- Reduced ratio of FEV1 to FVC


Bronchial Asthma


  • Fear of someone behind him, dark, dogs
  • Dreams of snake bite
  • Increased appetite at night
  • Desire- Sweets and alcohol
  • Urine flow is slow
  • Profuse and offensive, dark clotted menses


Synthesis Repertory


  1. Mind- Fear – behind him; someone is
  2. Mind – Fear – dark; of
  3. Mind – Fear – Dogs, of
  4. Dreams – Snakes – biting him
  5. Stomach – Appetite – increased night
  6. Generals – Food and Drinks; desire, alcoholic drinks
  7. Generals – Fodd and Drinks; desire, sweet


Table No. 1

Remedies Total Symptoms Covered Total Marks Obtained
Medorrhinum 7 11
China officinalis 5 11
Lycopodium clavatum 5 11
Phosphorus 5 10



Table No. 2

20/2/23 Use of her inhaler has decreased.

Previously had to take 2-3 inhalers a day. Now takes one inhaler in a day.

Coughing still persisted

Frequency of anxiety decreased.

No improvement in sleep

There was amelioration of the presenting symptoms which indicates the prescription was correct. Rx,


22/3/23 Use of inhaler decreased to 1 inhaler in 3 days.

Coughing decreased

Sleep improved

No night craving

Amelioration in all the symptoms Rx,


20/4/23 There was slight increase in shortness of breath since last 5days.

Cough was also increased

Overall symptoms are relieved.

Refreshing sleep, Sleep improved

Though there is a slight increase (because of some stressful situation) in physical symptoms but rest symptoms are relieved. Rx,





Use of inhaler reduced to 1 dose in week.

No coughing present

Rest all the general symptoms relieved.

Amelioration in presenting complains and general symptoms as well. Indicates patient is on right similimum. Rx,


This case report highlights the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathic medicine in treating bronchial asthma. By conducting thorough case taking and accurate repertorization, it is possible to identify the similimum, thereby enabling the patient to lead a more comfortable life. The patient initially presented with shortness of breath, cough with expectoration, and anxiety, which severely affected her quality of life and led to dissatisfaction with conventional therapies. After a detailed assessment, a homoeopathic treatment was chosen based on her specific symptoms, constitution, and underlying susceptibility.

This case report demonstrates the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathic medicine in treating bronchial asthma. Through comprehensive case taking and accurate repertorization, the similimum was identified, leading to significant patient improvement. The report underscores the potential of individualized homoeopathic treatment as a safe and well-tolerated therapeutic option for bronchial asthma. Over several weeks, the patient experienced a gradual reduction in symptoms, with a notable decrease in inhaler use. Follow-up assessments confirmed sustained relief and overall improvement in the patient’s well-being. This case highlights the potential of individualized homoeopathic treatment in effectively managing bronchial asthma.



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Dr. Priyanshi Gupta
PG Scholar, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical & Hospital, Greater Noida, 201310

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