Dr Nahida M Mulla.
Pica is a disorder characterized by an appetite for substances largely non-nutritive, e.g. metal, clay, coal, soil, faeces, chalk, paper, soap, ash, gum etc. or an abnormal appetite for some things that may be considered foods such as flour, raw rice, starch, ice cubes, salt. In order for these actions to be considered Pica, they must persist for more than one month at an age where eating such objects is considered developmentally inappropriate (above 18 to 24 months of age).
Pica is seen in all the ages particularly in pregnant women, small children and those with developmental disabilities and mental retardation.
Pica occurs throughout the world predominantly in people who live in poverty and people living in the tropics and in tribe oriented societies.
Pica in children, while common, can be dangerous. Children eating painted plaster containing lead may suffer brain damage from lead poisoning.
- Mineral deficiency specially iron deficiency
- Traumatic events/ stress:
- Maternal deprivation
- Parental separation/ neglect
- Child abuse
- Disorganized family structure
- Poor parent-child interaction
- Low socio-economic status
Clinical Features:
- Child with habit of eating substances like clay, dirt, stones, pebbles, hair, faeces, lead, plastic, pencil, erasers, fingernails, paper, paint chips, coal, chalk, wood, plaster, light bulbs, needles, string, cigarette, wire and burnt matches etc.
- A case with history of PICA may present with symptoms of:
- Constipation
- Chronic or acute, diffuse or focused abdominal pain
- Nausea/ vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- On examination findings like :
- Abdominal distension
- Pallor
- Iron deficiency anaemia which could be the cause of PICA
- Clinical presentation of PICA is variable and is associated with the specific nature of the resulting medical conditions and the indigested substances.
- Parasitic infestations are usually associated with PICA. Ascariasis is commonly seen in children with Pica.
- Amylophagia – consumption of starch
- Coprophagy – consumption of faeces
- Geophagy – consumption of soil, clay or chalk
- Hyalophagia – consumption of glass
- Pagophagia – pathological consumption of ice
- Trichophagia – consumption of hair or wool
- Urophagia – consumption of urine
- Xylophagia – consumption of wood.
Homoeopathic Management:
- Antimonium crudum:
- Craving for raw food and vegetables
- Loss of appetite
- Bloating of abdomen after eating
- Inability to bear heat of sun, verse from over exertion in the sun and from over-heating
- Aversion to cold bathing and aggravation therefrom
- Tendency to grow fat
- Thick milky white-coated tongue
- Thirstlessness
- Craving and intolerance for acids, pickles and bread
- Peevish, irritable, cannot bear to be touched or looked at
- Alumina:
- Craving for starch, chalk, charcoal, cloves, coffee or tea grounds, raw rice, acids
- Alumina is one of the chief antidotes for lead poisoning (complication of pica)
- Thin delicate children
- Dryness of mucus membranes and skin
- Constipation, no desire for stools for number of days and soft stool requires great straining
- Exhausted physically and mentally
- Aversion to potatoes
- Mild, cheerful disposition
- Calcarea carbonica:
- Craving for chalk, charcoal, coal and pencils
- Chilly patient, takes cold easily
- Fat, fair, flabby
- Pale, weak, easily tired
- Head sweats profusely while sleeping
- Tendency for lymphatic glandular enlargement
- Desire for eggs, aversion to meat and milk
- Sour smelling discharges
- Fearful, shy, timid, slow and sluggish
- Longing for fresh air
- Culcaria phosphorica:
- Desires lime, slate, pencils, earth, chalk, clay etc
- Colicky pain in abdomen while eating
- Distended abdomen
- Feeble digestion
- Chilly patient, thin, emaciated, unable to stand, rickety
- Easy perspiration
- Slow in learning to walk
- Aggravation from damp, cold weather, change of weather, mental exertion
- Desires raw salt and smoked things
- Restless, dissatisfied, desire to wander
- Cicuta virosa:
- Abnormal appetite for chalk, charcoal, coal, cabbage, which are relished
- Grinding of teeth
- Chilly patient
- Convulsive with tendency to bend backward
- History of suppressed skin eruptions
- Stupid, singing, dancing, crazy, makes strange gestures
- Natrum muriaticuam:
- Craving for salt
- Takes long time for food to digest
- Worse from eating
- Hot patient
- Poorly nourished
- Great emaciation (marked on neck), losing flesh while eating well
- Oily, greasy face
- Aversion to bread and fatty things
- Nitricum acidum:
- Craving for lime, slate, pencil, papers and charcoal
- Cracks in muco-cutaneous junction especially fissures in rectum and corners of mouth
- Chilly patient, takes cold easily
- Thin built, sickly
- Desires fat and salt
- Disposed to diarrhoea
- Strong smelling urine
- Head-strong, irritable, fearful, vindictive, sensitive to noise and light
- Nux vomica:
- Craving for charcoal, pepper, chalk
- Chilly patient, thin
- Craves fats, spicy food
- Tongue coated yellowish in the posterior part
- Over sensitive to noise, odors, light or music
- Nervous disposition
- Quick, active, zealous and irritable
- Impatient, spiteful with violent action
- Silicea:
- Craving for lime, sand, raw foods
- Extremely chilly patient, all symptoms worse by cold except stomach complaints which are better by cold
- Profuse, offensive discharges
- Sweats profusely especially on feet
- Easy suppuration, glandular affinity
- Large head and distended abdomen
- Weak ankles, slow in learning to walk
- Obstinate, head strong, cries when spoken kindly to
- Nervous, apprehensive, over sensitive, irritable, fearful
Dr Nahida M Mulla.
Principal,Professor of Repertory & PG Guide,
HOD Repertory.HOD Paediatric OPD,A M.Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College,Hospital & PG Research Centre,
Nehru Nagar, BELGAUM (Karnataka)
E-Mail : drnahida_mulla@yahoo.com
OTTO LEESER,detailed discussion ALUMINA,
belong to cation positive charge group which are sensitive to COLD,ALUMINA worse cold dry wind,
Consciousness confused so compulsive impulsive thoughts vertigo as drunk worse morning,
Semi motor paralysis voluntary muscles,husky voice foggy vision trembly gait,
Skin dystrophy hot itchy dry wrinkled thick obstructs perspiration,
Mucous membranes trophic nose catarrh acrid egg white leucorrhea,
glassy nails hair fall low vital heat want warmth covers fresh air,
to layman advice,face beard eyebrow itchy,tip nose cracked skin dry wrinkled,feel hot iron thrust lowest vertebra,cannot digest potato,rectum paretic cannot pass soft stool and urine ejection force weak mind doldrums feel will go insane.
ALUMEN sister concern feel as cold water poured on spine.
Lay homeopaths use Lycopodium veg ALUMINA be safe.
Borax light ALUMINA aphthae mouth and leucorrhea natrum element in borax worse by noise face parasthesia nervous excitation semi epileptic mind with vertigo worse down stairs like stannum.
ALUMINA will not make old man young but halt process young man looking premature aged if symptoms match.ionic disturbances in body can be neutralised only by homeopathy or by saints who develop in their hands electronic power Reiki like.any unwanted even the best food is taken as poison by internal doctor of body and reacts against.allopathic doses has also power to overpower internal doctor feelings but disease is not dissipated.
Alumina is misunderstood remedy,when we read views pre 1900 era homeopaths there is clarity.Alumina potency any type constipation of infants,mid age paretic rectum constipation,beyond 55 say old age start even soft stool passed with abdomen muscle exertion.Diathesis is thin non fleshy gouty rheumatic paretic with oesophagitis sort of spongy inflammation elongated uvula morning spits thick yellow tough mucus better by warm milk.spinal paresis with lower back as hot iron numbness in toes.Morgan best hint skin dry esp scalp face extremities on scratch it is moist eczema,worse full moon so mind sensitive thought process disturbed talks like very sad person,old age fag end of burning candle ALUMINA given early can avoid going insane in old age and make one walk without cane stick in hand, Perkinson word treated by modern doctors is tedious process.females acrid leucorrhoea eats clothes.gout arthritis is metabolic defect one should depend on homeopathy right from childhood age but there are few takers for such preaching.
commendable article.mind tells favorite food, Selden Talcott authority mind symptom homeopathy,Alumina advanced age wrinkled person degeneration burning spine leading to numbness in legs as walking on a cushion call it locomotor ataxia poor motor control,mild melancholic confused mind rejects nourishing food likes indigestible food,mucous membranes dryness irritation brings upper respiratory thick yellow mucus,eyelids crack stiff,better mind than a stupid Agaricus none sense talker.William Butler said advanced age is ripe fruit starts calling back olden day memories and one should be prepared mentally every start has a end, homeopathy keeps one comfortable.old era homeopaths agree Gelsemium is best general neurasthenia remedy.
A good insight view on Pica. Thanx.