Homoeopathic management of psoriasis – a case report

Dr Darsana Damodaran



Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by well defined, erythematous scaly skin lesions which affects about 3% of the world’s population. Homoeopathic medicines have been found useful in such cases. This article deals with one such case of a 45 year old male with psoriasis which shows promising results with the remedy Ars Sulph Flavum.


Homoeopathy, Psoriasis, Individualized homoeopathic medicine, Case report


Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition characterized by distinctive, well-defined, reddish papules and plaques covered with silvery scales.(1) Approximately 2–3% of the global population is affected by psoriasis, indicating its prevalence worldwide.(2) Psoriasis typically exhibits two peaks in age of onset, occurring around 30–39 and 60–69 years, with a slight tendency to appear earlier in women compared to men.(3) The exact cause of psoriasis remains unclear, but there is an observed correlation with stress, injury, infection, medication, excessive alcohol and tobacco use. Lesions can be asymptomatic or pruritic, commonly occuring on the scalp, extensor surfaces of the elbows and knees, sacrum, buttocks and genitals. Additionally, the nails, eyebrows, axillae, umbilicus, and perianal region may be affected.(1)

Psoriasis has clinical subtypes based on lesion types and locations, including plaque, inverse, guttate, and pustular psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis manifests as well-defined erythematosquamous plaques on extensor surfaces.(1) Inverse psoriasis affects intertriginous regions, appearing as sharply demarcated, moist plaques lacking scales.(4) Guttate psoriasis, common in children after streptococcal infection, features pinhead to pea-sized erythematous papules that resolve spontaneously. Pustular psoriasis presents small sterile pustules and is classified as localized or generalized, with the latter displaying systemic symptoms and tender plaques.(5)


A male patient named Mr. XYZ, aged 45 years, working for IT based company at Bangalore presented to the outpatient department of Government Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital on 05.10.2022 with the complaints of itching and dryness of scalp since 8 years increased since 5 months.

History of presenting complaint

The patient was apparently healthy 8 years back. Gradually, he started developing eruptions with scaling and itching of scalp. Since 5 months the complaint has increased and he observed that the eruptions began spreading on the forehead with itching, scaling and burning pain. Itching is aggravated after scratching and in the night and ameliorated by warm water application. He has undergone Ayurvedic and Allopathic treatment for the same without any remarkable improvement.

Evaluation of the case (Table 1)

Very particular about small matters

Anxiety about health

Offended easily

Sensitive to criticism



Desire – sweets, warm food

Aversion- fatty food

Thirst –  increased, little at a time

Stool – as soon as he wakes up

Sleep- unrefreshing

Dreams- frightful

Hot patient

Itching , agg – evening, amel – warm water application

Burning pain, agg -after scratching

Dry scaling large pieces


With the help of “The Chronic disease by Dr Samuel Hahnemann” miasmatic evaluation for the presenting symptoms was done, which showed the predominance of Psora-Sycosis-Syphilis miasms considering the above symptomatology.

Repertorial totality

  • Mind – anxiety- health about
  • Mind-  conscientious about trifles
  • Mind – offended easily
  • Mind – restlessness
  • Mind – sensitive criticism to
  • Generals – food and drinks- sweets- desire
  • Sleep – unrefreshing
  • Skin – eruptions – desquammating
  • Skin – itching – warm- applications – amel


Rx  1. Ars sulph flav  200

Auxillary management

  • Advised to avoid using medicated creams and shampoo
  • Keep the area moistened with the help of oil
  • Avoid scratching to avoid injury and keep the nails trimmed.

Dr Darsana Damodaran
MD Part-2, Department of Organon of medicine
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore-79
Email: darsanadamodaran3@gmail.com
Under the guidance of Dr Amdalpade Sangeeta
Assistant Professor, Department of Organon of Medicine

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