Dr Sridhar
- as from fatigue ,as if going to break .
- legs give out while rising.
- paralytic weakness in legs .
- threatened paralysis .
- weary feeling in all limbs .
- paralysis ,hemiplegia ,shooting radiating pains entire half of left body numb .
- constriction of pupils .
- excessive lachrimation ,strabismus , spasm of lids ,other muscles .
- retinal images retain for long time .
- Impressions produced by sounds lasts long .
- Dryness of mouth with violent desire for cold water .increased salivation .dryness of mucosa .appetite increased .
- Thirst for ice cold drinks ,acids excessive vomiting .
- Rectal prolapse .cutting colicky contractive pains .
- Cancer of lower bowel .
- Bursting ,piercing ,splitting and stunning
- “as if in a wise ’’ .
- Dry / profuse salivation
- NEURALGIA ;darting ,trismus .
- Erysipelas ,urticaria , dryness
- Menorrhagia , abortions ,severe dismenorrhoea amenorrhoea ,corrosive leucorrhea .
- Mammary glands stimulation .
- Oversensitive ,excitable ,starts easily . sensitive to noise ,pain ,coffee …..
- Excitable with quick brusque motion Unusual energy .and dispotion to hurry .
- Activity increased .
- Vivacity .
- Embitterd from slightest offence /hatred from slightest offence .
AEGLE MARMOLES & Aegle folia
Atista indica
- Atista radix
- Angustura vera
- Barosma betulina
- Barosma crenulatum
- Barosma serratifolia
- Citrus decumana
Citrus limonum
- Citrus vulgariis
- Diosma lincaris
AEGLE MARMOLES & Aegle folia
- Sriphala, Bilwa, Bengal-quince, First Prover : Dr. P. P. Biswas.
- Bilinu-phal, Vilwa-pazhan, N.O. : Rutaceae.
- Bilwa-pandu
- Bleeding piles; diarrhoea; dysentery; fever with dropsy; impotency.
- Commits mistakes in spelling
Head – Headache appears 4-8 p.m. ; heat in the vertex appears in the evening which is better by eating.
Face – Flushes of heat from face and eye and ear too, which disappears after eating.
Respiratory symptoms – Catarrh; bronchitis; pneumonia; cough.
Dropsy of any part of the body; upper part of the eyelid swollen; dropsical swelling due to heart diseases. Excellent medicine in beriberi.
Full, strong and irregular, which is a characteristic.
G-i symptoms
Indigestion; abdominal colic; piles; constipation. There is no desire for food; anorexia; water-brash from the mouth; disorder of stomach; flatulence; wind comes out with loud noise, worse in the afternoon; amoetic and bacillary dysentery.
Urinary symptoms
Urine decreases considerably; patient feels slight pain in the back and lumbar region, which is worse in the afternoon.
Male sexual symptoms – Sexual impotency.
Skin – Itching; ringworm
- Used in influenza when the fever is continued type; chronic fever associated with hepatic and splenic disorders.
- Potency of choice
- Mother-tincture, 3x, 6, 30, 200
Atista indica
- Glycosmis pentaphylla (ash-sheora
- Bannimbu, Vanamenibuka, First Pover : Dr. Kati Kumar
- Keimira. Bhattacharyya.
- N.O. : Rutaceae.
- Clinical
- Biliary colic; diarrhoea; flatulence
Weak memory; indifferent mood; vigourless.
Vertigo in the morning; gnawing pain in one temple at a time.
Photophobia; on opening the eyes light trembles before him for a few seconds, oblige him to shut his eyes; trembling of light before eyes, after sleep.
Unusually increased hearing, humming sound in the ear.
Nose-bleed; dry coryza.
Bleeding gums; dull pains at the root of the teeth.
Unquenchable thirst during hot stage.
Constant spitting in the morning with occasional belching of salty water; sour water-brush.
Inflammation of the tonsils persist few weeks after fever.
Canine hunger; aversion to liquid foods and strong desire for lime-juice; throbbing at the pit of the stomach, heaviness in the stomach; flatulence temporarily relieved by eructations; indigestion due to worms; frequent eructation after a meal; heart-burnt 3-4 hours after food.
Abdomen – Colicky pain round the naval makes the patient senseless; tenesmus and drawing pain in the renal region.
Heart and pulse
Palpitation during fever; pulse full, hard, quick during fever but very weak and slow after remission of fever.
Constipation and watery diarrhoea during the whole period of fever; pale earthly stool; bloody mucous stool with or without force
Male sexual symptoms
No sexual desire; erection at night without any cause; peculiar electric-like throbbing in urethra for few seconds.
Limbs :Weakness and heaviness in the limbs; legs ‘go to sleep’; cramping while getting straight.
Chill without thirst, heat with intense thirst, fever comes at 5 – 10 A.M. and subsides at 3 – 4 A.M. , every alternate day appearance of fever.
Potency of choice
Mother-tincture, 2x, 3x, 6 etc.
Atista radix (root of ash-sheora)
Bannimbu, Vanamenibuka. N.O. : Rutaceae.
Clinical – Dysentery; worm-complaints.
Stool symptoms
It is more powerful than Atista-indica used in dysentery both amoebic and bacillary; patient passes only blood along with intense naval pain; dysentery appearing in autumn; also used for worm complaints; flatulence and biliary colic.
Potency of choice
Mother-tincture, 3x, 12, 30.
Angustura vera (bark of galipea cusparia)
- Rheumatic and paralytic complaints – great difficulty in walking.
- Crackling in all joints.
- The greatest craving for coffee is a characteristic symptom.
- Caries of long bones.
- Paralysis.
- Tetanus.
- Stiffness of muscles and joints.
- Principal action on spinal motor nerves and mucous membranes.
- Oversensitive.
- Headache, with heat of face.
- Acute pain in cheeks.
- Drawing in facial muscles.
- Pain in temporal muscles, when opening the jaws.
- Pain in articulation of jaw, in masseter muscles, as if fatigued by chewing too much.
- Cramp-pain on the zygomatic arch.
- Bitter taste.
- Irresistible desire for coffee.
- Pain from navel into sternum.
- Atonic dyspepsia.
- Belching, with cough. [Ambra.]
- Diarrhoea and colic.
- Tenesmus with soft stool; chronic diarrhoea, with debility and loss of flesh.
- Burning in anus.
- Stiffness and tension of muscles and joints.
- Pain in limbs on walking.
- Arms tired and heavy.
- Caries of long bones.
- Coldness of fingers.
- Pain in knees.
- Cracking in joints
- Caries, very painful ulcers which affect the bone
Barosma betulina
Use: It is slightly diuretic, increasing both the watery and solid constituents of the urine. Has a soothing, tonic and restorative effect on the urinary apparatus, bringing about normal action. We think of it in mucous and mucopurulent discharges from the kidneys, bladder and urethra, gonorrhoea, catarrhal conditions of the bladder and in irritation of the bladder from excess of uric acid. It is also a good tonic to the muscular wall of the urinary apparatus
Barosma crenulatum & Barosma serratifolia
This remedy is indicated in chronic inflammation of the pelvis, of the kidneys, and mucous membrane of the bladder, with a copious discharge of mucus and muco-purulent material.
There is hyperacidity of the urine, with constant desire to urinate; this is not fully relieved by urinating.
It is useful in prostatic disorders, irritable bladder with vesical catarrh, or gravel, and spasmodic stricture of the urethra, that are accompanied with an excessive amount of mucus in the urine.
Also in undue secretion from the mucous follicles of the urethra, the vesiculae seminales, or prostate, produced by excessive venery or self-pollutio
Citrus decumana (grape-fruit)
Cit-d. Citrus decumana. Grape-fruit. N. O. Rutacae. Expressed juice. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies.
Citrus decumana has tinnitus, head noises and ringing in ears. Sensation of pressure in the temporal region.
Citrus limonum (lemon)
Cit-l. Citrus limonum. Lemon. N. O. Rutacae. Expressed juice. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies.
Citrus limonum has a powerful effect on the circulation and on the blood itself. It produces faintness, a weak pulse, hemorrhages and swellings. Inflammation and painful enlargement of the spleen, dyspnea.
Daily headache. Stiffness in the joints, particularly in the fingers, bruised feeling, particularly in the feet. Herpetic eruptions.
Cancer. Colic. Constipation. Convulsions. Diarrhea. Dropsy. Dysentery. Dyspnea. Eruptions. Faintness. Headaches. Hemorrhages. Herpes. Rheumatism. Scurvy. Splenitis. Sunstroke.
Citrus vulgaris(bitter orange)
Diseases of the elderly with coldness and chilliness. Neuralgias and skin symptoms. Itching, redness and swelling of hands. Headache with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. Facial neuralgias mostly right-sided. Thoracic oppression.
Frequent and irresistible yawning. Disturbed sleep. Great excitement, quick motions. Pains in kidneys and bladder. Too copious menses. Pleurodynia. Palpitations.
Choking, sensation. Faintness. Headache. Metrorrhagia. Neuralgia. Palpitations. Throat, rising in.
Neuralgia of face, shooting, gnawing pains, most in temples, especially right side.
Right sided headaches.
Itching, general or more often only in upper limbs with redness and swelling of hands. Eruption and other symptoms like scarlatina.
Constant toothache. Teeth become decayed, wear off.
Something seems to rise in throat and choke her. Fearful taste at back of nose and throat, lasting for days and causing choking sensation and faintness.
- Constipation.
- Flatulence.
- Leucorrhoea.
- Metrorrhagia.
Diosma lincaris (buku-from cape of good hope)
Pathogenically it produces : Somnolence; nervous insomnia; night sweats.
Erratic pains, with bad humor, desire to weep or fear of sickness.
Violent vertigo.
Cephalalgia, chiefly frontal, radiating to the occiput.
Eyes brilliant, with lachrymation or itching, the conditions accompanied by a species of stupefaction, with hardness of hearing or noises from aural pressure.
- Earthy face with disseminated rosaceous eruption.
- Nausea, fetid breath, with sensation of emptiness.
- Sensation of meteorism, with stinging pains in the spleen.
- Painful sensation in the abdomen, with pubic pressure – the pressure of the clothing becomes insupportable, with emission of high-colored, bloody urine.
- Frequent yellow diarrhoea, worse at night.
- Catamenia abundant, anticipating, sometimes metrorrhagic in type; crampy pains on ingesting food.
- Sensation of heat or of cold in the hands, with convulsive movements of the fingers.
- Weakness of the legs, aggravated by sitting down.
Clinically, this pathogeny should be useful in cerebral affections with dullness or stupefaction; in convulsive or epileptiform attacks; in hysteria; in hepatitis (cirrhosis or atrophy); in hematuria with ovarian or uterine lesions.
- Eyes.
- Nerves.
- Worse
- Start of Menses.
- Cold.
- Exhaustion.
- Dryness, then hyper secretion of upper respiratory tract and salivary glands.
- Colliquative states.
- Tendency to sweat and take cold.
- Dryness, then hyper secretion of upper respiratory tract and salivary glands.
- Colliquative states.
- Tendency to sweat and take cold.
M icromelum pubescence
To rejuvenate mothers after child birth .
GIT –flatulence .
Regulates menstrualcycle
- Is a remarkable remedy in stomach and liver affections.
- The aching and heaviness in the region of the liver is greatly aggravated by lying on the left side.
- Atonic states of stomach.
- Asthma.
- Feels dull and stupid.
- Pain from forehead to root of nose; pressing-outward pain. Frontal headache; worse, noise, motion, night, rubbing eyes, with acidity.
- Temples as if pressed together.
- Weight and fullness.
- Griping in epigastric region, with dryness of mouth.
- Eructation’s, nausea, vomiting.
- Constant sensation of corrosion, heat and burning in stomach.
- Stomach feels empty after eating.
- Stomach and liver symptoms associated with pain in limbs
- Much weight and pain in right side; heavy, aching feeling, relieved by lying on right side.
- Liver sore, swollen, sensitive to pressure.
- Retraction of abdomen.
- Feeling of pressure on lungs and of suffocation, when lying on back.
- Asthma; dyspnoea; cramp-like pain in cardiac region.
Restless, with frightful dreams; nightmare, awakes languid and unrefreshed.
- Worse, lying on left side; early morning.
- Better, eating sour things.
Ruta graveolens (rue-bitterwort)
- Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus.
- Complaints from straining flexor tendons especially.
- Tendency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially wrist.
- Overstrain of ocular muscles.
- All parts of the body are painful, as if bruised.
- Sprains (after Arnica).
- Lameness after sprains.
- Jaundice.
- Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair.
- Injured “bruised” bones.
- Eyes
- Eyes-strain followed by headache. Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine print. [Nat. mur.; Arg. nit.] Disturbances of accommodation.
- Weary pain while reading.
- Pressure deep in orbits.
- Tarsal cartilage feels bruised.
- Pressure over eyebrow.
- Asthenopia.
- Difficult faeces, evacuated only with straining.
- Constipation, alternating with mucous, frothy stools; discharge of blood with stool.
- When sitting, tearing stitches in rectum.
- Carcinoma affecting lower bowel. Prolapsus ani every time the bowels move, after confinement.
- Frequent, unsuccessful urging to stool.
- Protrusion of rectum when stooping.
- Cough with copious, thick, yellow expectoration; chest feels weak.
- Painful spot on sternum; short breath with tightness of chest.
- Spine and limbs feel bruised.
- Small of back and loins pain.
- Legs give out on rising from a chair, hips and thighs so weak. [Phos.;Con.]
- Contraction of fingers.
- Pain and stiffness in wrists and hands.
- Ganglia. [Benzoic ac.]
- Sciatica; worse, lying down at night; pain from back down hips and thighs.
- Hamstrings feel shortened. [Graph.]
- Tendons sore.
- Aching pain in tendo-Achilles.
- Thighs pain when stretching the limbs.
- Pain in bones of feet and ankles.
- Great restlessness.
- Modalities
- Worse, lying down, from cold, wet weather
Xanthoxylum alatum
- Affinity
- Nerves. Respiration. Female sexual organs. * Left side.
- Modalities
- Worse: Sleeping. Dampness. Getting feet wet. Suppressed menses.
- Better: Vomiting. Lying down. Drinking of ice water.
- Face
- Discolouration, red, during dysmenorrhoea .
- Mouth
- Speech difficult from dryness of throat .
- Teeth
- Pain, alternating with earache.
- Stomach
- Appetite wanting, with thirst . Vomiting, after coffee
- Chest
- Pain, heart, on deep inspiration .
- Back
- Sensation as if coccyx were elongated.
Xanthoxylum fraxineum – prickly ash
- Its specific action is on the nervous system and mucous membranes.
- Paralysis, especially hemiplegia.
- Painful haemorrhages, after-pains, neuralgic dysmenorrhoea, and rheumatic affections, offer a therapeutic field for this remedy, especially in patients of spare habit and nervous, delicate organization.
- Indigestion from over-eating or from too much fluid.
- Sluggish capillary circulation.
- Neurasthenia, poor assimilation, insomnia, occipital headache.
- Increases mucous secretion of mouth and stimulates the secretion from all glands with ducts opening in the mouth.
- Aphonia.
- Constant desire to take a long breath; oppression of chest.
- Dry cough, day and night.
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