Dr Mrs Lalita S Nadgir
Acute gastritis is a sudden inflammation or swelling in the lining of the stomach. It can cause severe and nagging pain. However, the pain is temporary and usually lasts for short bursts at a time.
Hippocrates once said that “All diseases begin in the gut”.
Due to its massive, highly interactive nerve supply, the human gastrointestinal tract is sometimes referred to body’s second brain.
Homoeopathic medicines are prescribed by giving more importance to the mental and physical factors leading to the cause of symptoms.
- To study the use of frequently used remedies in the management of gastritis.
- To study the utility of The homoeopathic remedies in the management of gastritis.
Method of Collection of Data (including sampling procedure, if any)
- Patients will be selected on the basis of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria from September 2021 to September 2022
- History and interview as per Proforma prepared for the topic will be taken on the basis of Homoeopathic totality and treatment will be started.
- Prognosis shall be assessed on parameters of diagnosis listed for the study and their comparison with the clinical status of subjects.
- Sampling size will be minimum 30 in number.
- Case will be followed according to the signs and symptoms until treated in the due course of study.
This study examined efficacy of Homeopathic remedies in the management of Acute Gastritis. Thirty clinically confirmed out-patients who visited OPD/IPD of A M SHAIKH HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND PG RESEARCH CENTRE NEHRU NAGAR BELAGAVI-590010 AND PERIPHERAL CLINICS.
The study aims at –
- To study the use of frequently used remedies in the management of gastritis.
- To study the utility of The homoeopathic remedies in the management of gastritis
Acute Gastritis is a highly prevalent form of lifestyle disorder, affecting around one-fourth of the world’s population and is one of the most common causes of Acute Gastritis . Young children and young adults are the most commonly and severely affected because of the present lifestyle. As Homoeopathic treatment appears to be more efficacious due to its individualistic approach. So to conclude on these aspects in a systematic manner, the present study was undertaken.
The present study was carried out with an attempt to treat Acute Gastritis with homoeopathic remedies. All the thirty cases of Acute Gastritis diagnosed on the basis of simple random technique, on inclusion and exclusion criterias who visited to A M SHAIKH HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE AND PG RESEARCH CENTRE NEHRU NAGAR BELAGAVI-590010 AND PERIPHERAL CLINICS, treated with Homoeopathic Remedies.
Acute Gastritis is seen more commonly in adults, in the age group of 20-30 yrs age group shows higher incidence.
It is more common in females than males. The incidence in the females was 18, where as in males it was 12.
In response to the treatment 18 of them were relieved; 7 of patients showed improvement, and 4 of patients did not show improvement. And 1 case has been dropped out.
- Acute Gastritis, remains one of the most severe and important everyday life style disorder in the world today. Every age group is vulnerable.
- In this clinical study Homoeopathic Remedies in the management of Acute Gastritis 30 cases were taken for the study of clinical presentation to assess the efficacy of homoeopathic remedies.
- The study shown that, homoeopathic remedies have rendered benefit to the people suffering from Acute Gastritis.
- Homoeopathy by addressing all causes of individual and their complete set of symptoms through the holistic approach is superior to all methods of treatment in the diseases like Acute Gastritis.
- Homoeopathic treatment is essentially based on “The constitutional approach targeting the root cause and restoring the deviated immunity back to normal their by cure the disease.
- Homoeopathic remedies are boon especially for those who are having co- morbid conditions, and to those who are likely to have severe side effects from allopathic drugs. Homoeopathic remedies not only remove disease symptoms but also improve over all status of the patient.
- Sainani GS. A.P.I Text book of Medicine. 6thed. Mumbai: Association of physicians of India; 1999. p. 609.
- Kumar P, Clark M. Clinical Medicine. 7th ed. London: Elsevier publishers; 2009. p. 262.
- Mohan Harsha. Text book of pathology. 6thed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD; 2010. p. 547.
- Valle JD. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 17thed. USA: Mc Graw Hil publishers; 2008. p. 1870.
- Das PC, Das PK. Text book of Medicine 5thed. Current books international publishers; 2010. 170.
- http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/gastritis.
- http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/gastritis-000067.htm.
- Dhawale ML. Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy Part –I. Bombay: Institute of clinical research; 2000. p. 24.
- Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P).Ltd; 2006. p. 256.
- Nash EB. Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P).Ltd; 2006. p. 19-20.
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- https://journals.lww.com/jcge/pages/results.aspx?txtKeywords=Gastritis
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544250/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/nrgastro.2015.158
- https://www.google.com/search?q=gastritITS+COMPLICATIONS
- https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Gastritis_epidemiology_and_demographic
RESULT: At the end of the study it was observed that, out of 30 patients, EIGHTEEN patients Recovered,SEVEN had Improved and FOUR cases Not Improved with the help of different homoeopathic medicines. One case had been dropped out
This data indicate Homoeopathic medicines are efficacious in the management of Acute Gastritis
Professor, H.O.D. & P.G.Guide Department of Repertory&
Premajyoti Velpula –Intern Scholar
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