Homoeopathic therapeutical and repertorial approach on hair care

Homoeopathic therapeutical and repertorial approach on hair care

, Neelima Singh1, Juhee Jain, Laxman Verma2,Priyanka Naraniya1

1PG scholar part 1 ,2PG scholar part 2 ,Homoeopathy University, constituent college Dr. M.P.K Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Jaipur.

ABSTRACT: Hair is one of the most defining aspects of our appearance. A healthy hair makes us look attractive, youthful, and desirable. Our appearance also affects how we interact with other people, both in how others respond to how we look, and how our appearance affects our own self-confidence. Having a full healthy hair care can improve the quality of our life, our success in business relationship. Exposure to ultra violet radiation damages hair fibers and sunlight can lead to dryness. Rough surface texture, decreased color and luster and increased stiffness and brittleness. Today there are many cosmetic, medical, and surgical options for people who really want to do something about hair problems.  This article helps to evaluate importance of homoeopathic therapeutics in hair loss as well as different hair problems with reportorial analysis.. 

KEYWORDS: Hair loss, Graying of hair, Split hair, Hirsutism, Quality of life, Homoeopathy.

INTRODUCTION: There are several types of hair problems which is gradually increases in day to day life. Theses affect the humanity on physical and pschycho-social plane.  Hair loss can take many forms ranging from loss in well-defined patches to diffuse or total hair loss, which can affect all hair bearing sites.  Homoeopathy is a standard mode of treatment. Homoeopathic therapeutics plays a major role to treat the different types of hair problems. There are several types of hair complaints and issues where homoeopathy has effective outcomes.1


ALOPECIA: It means hair loss. There are several types of alopecia which are mentioned below: 1

INVOLUTION ALOPECIA – It is a natural condition in which the hair gradually thin with age. ALOPECIA AREATA – Often start suddenly and causes falling of hair in patches in children and young adults. ALOPECIA TOTALIS – All hairs may disappear permanently or complete baldness.
ANDROGENIC ALOPECIA Male pattern baldness – Suffer from hairs loss as early as their teens or early 20yr. It is characterized by a receding hairline and gradual disappearance of hair from the crown and frontal scalp.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FEMALE PATTERN BALDNESS -Noticeable thinning until their 40yr. or later. It’s characterized by general thinning over the entire scalp, with the most extensive hair loss at the crown. ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS Causes all body hair to fall out, including the eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA                 Seen most frequently in children, is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls out one’s own hair. TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM It is a temporary hair thinning over the scalp that occurs because of changes in the growth cycle of hair.  TRACTION ALOPECIA – The most common balding disorder among young women and girls with highly textured hair. Baldness occurs when the hair is pulled to tight meaning the hair is literally pulled out of the follicle, taking out the hair root and the bulb. 

DANDRUFF: The word dandruff is of Anglo- Saxon origin, a combination of ‘tan’ meaning ‘ tetter’ and ‘drof’ meaning dirty. Dandruff affects aesthetic value and often causes itching.  It has been well established that keratinocytes play a key role in the expression and generation of immunological reactions during dandruff formation.1

SPLIT ENDS: Hairs are fragile and breakage due to the hair shaft fragility and breakage. It may be due to individual and racial variation or less commonly an inherited structural abnormality in hair fiber formation.1 

DRY HAIRS: Dry hair develops when your hair doesn’t get or retain enough moisture. This reduces its sheen and can make it appear frizzy, lifeless and dull.1

PRE – MATURE GRAYING OF HAIR: Also known as canities can have a negative effect on appearance, confidence, self-esteem, and social acceptance of the affected individual.1

COLOR DAMAGED HAIR: Chemicals and high temperature can cause serious hair damage. Dyeing of   hair exposes it to additional harsh chemical leading damaged.1

HIRSUTISM: Hirsutism is an excess of terminal hair growth in women in a pattern more typical in men. Androgen –dependent growth areas affected include the upper lip, cheeks, chin, the central chest, the breasts, and the lower abdomen and groins.1 

HYPERTRICHOSIS – Hypertrichosis is an overgrowth of hair not localized to the androgen dependent areas of the skin.1 


ACETICUM   FLUORICUMS Itching of the head and falling off the hair; the new hair is dry and breaks off.
ALOES  SOCOTRINA  The hair comes out in lumps, leaving bare patches; eyelashes also fall out.
ARSENICUM  ALBUM Touching the hair is painful; bald patches at or near the forehead all out.
BARYTA  CARBONICUM  Baldness, especially of the crown, in young people; scalp very sensitive to touch, < from scratching.
CALCAREA  CARBONICA  Hair falls out, especially when combing; sensation of coldness of outer head.
CANTHARIS  VESICATORIA  Hair falls out when combing, especially during confinement and lactation.
CARBO  VEGETABILIS  Falling out of hair after severe diseases or abuse of mercury and parturition, hair falls out more on back of the head.
GRAPHITES    Hair on the sides of the head falls out. 
HELLEBORUS Losing hair from the eyebrows or pudenda.
HEPAR  SULPHURIS Hair falls out here and there, leaving bald spots.
LYCOPODIUM  CLAVATUM Hair falls off after abdominal diseases with burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise.
MANCINELLA  Losing hair after severe acute diseases.
MERCURIUS   Hair falls out, mostly on sides and temples.
NATRUM  MURIATICUM AND SEPIA   Great falling of the hair at the climacteric or after chronic headache.
NATRUM  MURIATICUM   Itching eruption at the margins of the hair on forehead, affects hair fall.
PHOSPHORIC ACID Falling of hair from head, eye- brows, eye- lashes and genitals and also due to general.
FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM 6X  Falling of hair in anaemic persons.
THUJA  OCCIDENTALIS        Falling of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.
PRE – MATURE GRAYING OF HAIR: JABORANDI Q: If used continuously for a long period it will restore the original color of gray hair. Jaborandi mother tincture 30 ml and coconut oil 100 ml mixed for external application.2,3

WIESBADEN:  Gray hair will become darker rapidly in cases of falling of hair.2,3

SCALING ON HAIR:   Calcarea carbonicum, Graphites, Staphysagria.2,3
DRYNESS OF HAIR:   Calcarea carbonicum, Kalium carbonicum, Phosphoric acid.2,3
ALOPECIA OVER EYEBROWS:   Agaricus muscurius, Belladonna, Causticum, Kalium carbonicum, Nitricum acidum.2,3
FALLING OUT OF HAIR OF MUSTACHES:   Baryta carbonicum,  Kalium carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Plumbum metallicum, selenium, tuberculinum.2,3
FALLING OUT OF HAIR OF MONS VENERIS:  Helleborus, Nattrum muriaticum, Nitric acidum, Rhus toxicodendron, Selenium, Silicea terra Zincum metallicum.2,3
GROWTH OF HAIR:   On lip and chin of women ;   Natrum muriaticum,  Ignatia, Sepia,  Thuja  occidentalis.2,3
HIRSUTISM: Thuja occidentalis, oleum jecoris aselli. 2,3


HEAD – HAIR – falling – delivery- after: Bell. Calc. Canth. Carb-v. hep. LYC. Nat-m. Nit-ac. PLAT. Puls. Sep. sil.SULPH.verat. zinc.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- acute exhausting disease; following: carb-v. manc.thal. Thal-met.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- grief, from: caust. graph. Ign. lach. lyc. nat-m. Ph-ac. Staph..

HEAD – HAIR – falling- hard brittle: graph.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- injury; from- hyper.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- spots, in (alopecia areata): Apis. Ars.Calc. FL-AC. Hep. Nat-m. Phos. Psor.Tub.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- gray hair: vinc.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- greasy: Bry. Caust. Med. Merc. Nat-m. Ph-ac. Plb. sulph. thuj.tub.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- painful: ph-ac.

HEAD – HAIR – falling- combing the hair; when-canth.

HEAD – HAIR – Brittle- psor.

HEAD – HAIR – splitting: borx. Thuj.

EYE- HAIR falling from brows-  agar. ail. alum. Anan. aur-m. hell. KALI-C. mill. plb. sel. sil. sulph.

EYE- HAIR falling from brows-  eyebrows, white- ars-h.

EYE- HAIR falling off -eyelashes- alum. Apis. Ars. aur. bufo. Calc-s. Chel. chlol. Eurph. med. Merc. ph-ac. psor. RHUS-T. Sel. sep. sil. Staph. Sulph.

FEMALE GENITALIA – HAIR falling out – hell. NAT-M. Nit-ac. rhus –t. Sel. sulph. Zinc.

MALE GENITALIA- HAIR falling off- bell. nat-c.NAT-M. Nit-ac. Ph-ac. rhus-t. sars. Sel. Zinc.

MALE GENITALIA- HAIR falling off -offensive sweat, from – stram. 

SKIN – HAIR falls out- Alum. ars. Calc. carb-an. Carbo-v. Graph. hell. kali-c. lach. Nat-m. Op. phos. sabin. Sec. Sel. sulph.

SKIN – HAIR falls out-unusal parts, on- thuj.


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  2. Boericke W. New Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011.
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  4. SchroyensFrederik. Augmented Clinical Synthesis. 9.1 ed. New Delhi: B.Jain Publishers(P)Ltd; 2011

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