Homoeopathic treatment of vitiligo: Case Report

Sunil Thomas1, Priya Bhardwaj2, Navita sharma3  

Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by white patches also termed as leucoderma. It is a multifactorial disorder with a complex pathogenesis; related to both genetic and nongenetic factors. However, some conditions including autoimmune, genetic, neural, viral infections and oxidative stress could have an important role in vitiligo. The family history of vitiligo in 20% to 30% of patients makes a chromatic role for genetic factors. [1]

A case of 12 year old boy is reported to outpatient department of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur (Raj.) for hypopigmentation under left eye. Pulsatilla pratensis was selected after detailed case taking and repertorization with due consultation with Materia Medica. Patient showed positive response with evident improvement after homoeopathic treatment. 

H/o Present Complaints 

Patient was apparently well 1 years back, on june 2017 he gradually started developing hypopigmented spot on the lateral part of left eye but he never took any treatment yet for this complaint. But now the size of this patch is gradually increasing. 

Patient also had complaint of recurrent cold and cough. Patient was chilly+++ and had profuse perspiration in summer.


  • Weeping disposition, as some one ask him about his complaint he started continously crying. Emotional cannot control his emotion started crying easily, or expressive for every emotion.
  • Fear of dark cannot stay alone in the evening, pampered child, always want to stay with his parents, likes to be pampered.

Family History

  • Mother has same history of repeated cold and cough.

Analysis and evaluation of symptoms:

  • Weeping disposition 
  • Fear of dark in evening
  • Chilly+++ but all complaints aggravated in warmth
  • Profuse perspiration on scalp
  • Hypopigmentation under left side of eye
  • Tendency to repeated cold and cough < change of weather.

Table 1: Repertorial totality (2)

Weeping disposition MIND-WEEPING – easily
Fear of dark in evening MIND – FEAR- dark;of, children in,

MIND – FEAR – evening

Chilly+++ but all complaints aggravated in warmth GENERALITIES – HEAT- lack of vital heat- warmth agg. and;
Profuse perspiration on scalp HEAD-PERSPIRATION – scalp
Hypopigmentation under left side of eye SKIN- DISCOLOURATION, white spots
Tendency to repeated cold and cough < change of weather. GENERALS – COLD – take cold; tendency to

GENERALS – WEATHER- change of weather – agg.

                                              REPERTORY SHEET


Figure 1: Showing repertorization chart(3)

Repertorial result:

  1. Pulsatilla  – 20/8
  2. Causticum – 14/8
  3. Natrum muriaticum – 13/8
  4. Calcarea phos. – 15/7
  5. Phosphorus – 15/7 
  6. Mercurius solubus – 14/6

Prescription: Pulsatilla Pertensis 200/1dose stat followed by placebo 30/TDS for 15 days was prescribed on first visit (December 22nd, 2018) considering that medicine is covering maximum reportorial totality, miasmatic background(4) and general symptoms of patient;  like chilly personality with profuse perspiration on scalp and history of repeated cold and cough with prominent mentals being weeping disposition. High potency was selected as patient was of growing age having high susceptibility, excess physical activity and medicine was covering maximum symptoms(5).

Table 2: Showing follow ups:

05-01-2019 Repigmentation appeared in spot at lower outer margin of left eye. Placebo 30/ TDS for  15 days
19-01-2019 Changes Stand still Pulsatilla P. 200/ 1 Dose (stat),  Placebo 30/ TDS for 15days
02-02-2019 Repigmentation around margins, spot at lower outer margin of left eye narrowed  Placebo 30/ TDS for 15 days
16-02-2019 Changes Stand still Pulsatilla P. 200/ 1 dose, Placebo 30/ TDS for 14 days
04-03-2019 Status quo Placebo 30/ TDS for 14days
23-03-2019 Normal skin pigmentation regained  in lower margin of left eye. Placebo 30/ TDS for 30 days

Discussion and Conclusion:
After taking a detailed case taking, repertorization Pulsatilla Pertensis200 / 1dose was given as a constitutional medicine after taking 15 days of medicine, where marked repigmentation was observed within first month, followed by overall improvement in the old spots. Same medicine was repeated, when changes was still stand. Overall improvement is obvious through photographic evidence (Fig. 2a, 2b) This case report establishes role of individualised homeopathic medicine in auto-immune disorder.

pastedGraphic_1.png     pastedGraphic_2.png

        Figure 2(a),                 Figure 2(b),

Figure 2(a), (b): Showing pre- treatment and post treatment photos of the patient


  1. Ghafourian E, Ghafourian S, Sadeghifard N. International J of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. [Serial online] 2014 [cited 2018 Oct 24]; 27(4):485-489. Available from: https://www.research gate.net/publication/270657570.
  2. Kent JT. Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica. Enriched Indian Edition. Reprinted from 6th American edition. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2000.
  3. RADAR [computer program].Version 10.0.Belgium: Archibel, 2009.
  4. Hahnemann S. the Chronic disease their peculiar nature and their Homoeopathic cure. Low price Edition. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd; 2002.p.46, 61-2.
  5. Mandal P P,Mandal B.A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy.2nd ed,Kolkata:New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd,2009.

Sunil Thomas1, Priya Bhardwaj2, Navita sharma3

1. Professor, Dept. Of Reprtory at Dr.M.P.K. H.M.C.& R.C., constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Saipura, Sanganer ,Jaipur.

2. MD part-1, Dept. Of Reprtory at Dr.M.P.K. H.M.C.& R.C., constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Saipura, Sanganer ,Jaipur.

3. MD part-1, Dept. Of Reprtory at Dr.M.P.K. H.M.C.& R.C., constituent college of Homoeopathy University, Saipura, Sanganer ,Jaipur.

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