Homoeopaths Stop Look Proceed

Dr S K Vashisht
The days have gone when Homoeopaths were asked to create public awareness ,for being recognized. OUR ELDERS had laid a strong foundation with their sincere efforts and sacrifices, they nurtured us to shine brightly.

Homoeopathy sweet pills have travelled from free charitable dispensaries into the corporate Hospitals, Homoeopaths have started charging fee from single digit to multiple digits, students from first aid/Brief study/postal/ have reached post graduate level, Homoeopaths doctors from charitable dispensary had reached super specialty clinic.

Homoeopathic Pharmaceuticals from a single room units have reached multinational level( India has reversed the supply orders, earlier we use to import, today we not only export but have made exporters to be at our door steps.)

This is not a small achievement lets salute all our past and present seniors for their right thought and action. Time has come that we STOP LOOK AND PROCEED with unprejudiced outlook towards our:

1.Education Government and private colleges/institutions
2.Our own self ( Homoeopaths)
3 Our organizations local state and national. International
4.Most important our manufacturing unit , Homeopathic pharmaceuticals. EDUCATION

DR.G.L.N.Sastry Hon advisor I.I.H.P says “The potentialities of Homoeopathy SHOULD be utilized in the nations health care for which PROPER MEDICAL EDUCATION IS NEEDED , NEED BASED EDUCATION IS THE NEED OF HOUR.” At the 15th All India Homoeopathic congress at Aurangabad to Dr S.P.S. Bakshi stressed the need to improve the standard of Homoeopathic colleges.,Dr Ramjee singh had recently declared that not a single college fulfills the Central Council of Homoeopathy norms.

The above statement reflects that all is not well with the present set up, need is there for more dedication, the GOAL of the curriculum should be to make DOCTORS Confident in their art and science.

Government Doctors and MORE from the seniors who are nearing the completion of their service,,, they can create facilities, improve the standard of education, they need to LOOK BEYOND THEMSELVES, there had been few who had worked and retired without drawing their monthly salary, they not only invested their salary but their assets, we need dedicated staff exclusive for college and Hospital they have to be above the so called working rules, the person who are good and interested should only find a place in Hospital and college.
The college and Hospital staff should have a periodical exposure to the best available facility, (There are group of people who even are not Registered Medical practitioners but their knowledge, their way of teaching , above all their CONFIDENCE , SINCERITY towards the ORGANON OF MEDICINE is only to be seen to be believed), we dream that the CASE RECORDING OF OUR GRADUATES may be better than theirs.
We still await a standard common case recording performa .

Infrastructure in the Hospitals should be in par with the best available, patients a lay person, Hospital staff should have good facilities, we need to give more attention towards our Hospitals, & Government Dispensaries , they are OUR SHOWCASES to a common person, Government had initiated,. or to say they have done their part partly, It would be wrong on our part to expect everything from their side ,let us not ONLY MILK THE COW BUT LETS FEED THE COW TOO.
The quality of medicines its presentation and the services need improvement and attention.


We should be grateful to Dr Batra for giving the required stimuli, lift, to the whole fraternity of Homoeopathic practitioners, his regular advertisement had created AWARENESS in general public, and made people turn towards Homoeopathic system of medicine, this also had made practitioners serious towards acquiring more knowledge, faculty of Predictive Homoeopathy, Dr Sank ran all have been contributing towards enhancing the knowledge. At present lot of stress is made towards the FIRST PRESCRIPTION , I am of the view that the easiest thing in Homoeopathy is this FIRST PRESCRIPTION much more is needed so that practitioner are more confident , result oriented ,documentation is need of the hour, they should answer the queries often fired towards the system, FOR THIS WE HAVE TO TURN OUR ATTENTION TOWARDS THE SECOND PRESCRIPTION, 12 observation , MOST important our third aphorism (Knowledge of disease ,Knowledge of medicinal powers, how to treat judiciously and rationally, so that he becomes a true practitioner of the healing art.) only this would give the required confidence., Lot of good work is being done in the electronic media by Dr Jawahar shah , and others, more awareness need to be created about these facilities.

There are good number of organization we have been very individualistic in this matter usually most of them are created by few of them, by themselves, for themselves,………. themselves only. These bodies need to be more professional than self centered, their activities need to bring awareness, they should set up time bound goals.

They conduct national and Internationals level meets/conferences to elect or re-elect , or change their chairs , they should put forward what they wanted to achieve ,what had they achieve, what more left to be achieved and how best to achieve.

Few individuals especially Dr Vijakar predictive Homoeopathy, Dr Sank ran, Dr R P Patel, Dr Kasad have been doing really very good work, websights on internet Dr Manish and his team of Hpathy is doing a extra ordinary work hats off to them.

A word of CAUTION lets avoid groups, like religion– one say what Iam saying is true ,let all say what is true but do not condemn the other , do not say what other are doing is wrong. This has erupted, it has made its entry – practitioner have started saying that I only use single dose, another say I use Mother tinctures, yet another say Biochemic tissue salts are useless ,yet another say combinations are good , yet nowadays another trend has erupted Practioners say I am a follower of so and so , Let each one be asked to put forward his observation in these seminars openly, let them be respected and not condemned , we use Dr Hahnemann name like we use Mahatma Gandhi’s name, need of MUNA BHAI ???.

The seminars/CME should be able to improve add knowledge, should guide the practioners how to use various modes of prescribing, let there be open discussion other than condemning each other , practioner should enrich his knowledge and should be aware when to use and when not to use , should know the limitation, advantages and each seminar should go on adding improving the knowledge.

We should know when to use Biochemic tissue salts, nosodes, bowel nosodes, single drug, multiple drugs , low potencies , high potencies, cent decimal scale, decimal scale, mother tinctures, external application, 50 millisemal potencies, there is so much in store its not impossible but difficult for a individual to learn, seminars can be open to all these , let us at least know ,start knowing, so that by choice one select his path, knowing very well all routes available to him let him be not ignorant .

CME has long way to go to nourish the minds of all practioner its a continuous process it should continue with direction., aim, goal seminars should end up with a resolution stating what have they achieved, it need not be unanimous let the static’s be recorded let the difference be recorded, let these finding be Beginning of next seminar

This is the LIFE LINE of the Homoeopathic system of medicine, as said ‘Future of Homoeopathic system of medicine lies in the hands of Homoeopathic physician and their future lies with Homeopathic pharmaceuticals.’

Lot of work has been done especially by people like Dr P.N.Varma, Late Dr Vikramditya, Dr Lohar, they have been working hard for more than a decade, their work, knowledge needs to be implemented in Toto, standards had been laid in books, machinery has been set for its implementation, its time that implementation takes place seriously, as lot more need to be done to make the dreams of Dr N.Krishna Rao, Dr Kanjilal,Dr Jugalkishore,Dr DiwanHarishander,many stalwart come true.

The present scenario (Picture) is disturbing, damage need to be checked, we don’t need the Government support to do this it could be checked at each individual level, each Doctor should have the knowledge of drug he uses, ensure the quality of the product, not merely by seeing the cartoon or discount offered, lot of products are entering the market without proper check.

Government of india has initiated recently gmp standard, by end of year 2008, need to implement the same, in all seriousness’ should be our goal. “The physicians high and only mission to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed. Would start looking true.

Dr S K Vashisht
Email : sk_vashisht@hotmail.com

1 Comment

  1. The article is very impressive and should be a guiding factor for all.Present days qualified doctors are prescribing allopathic medicines instead of Homeo medicines which is not helping the cause of Homeopathy.It is seen that the senior Practioners are only using Homeo medicines successfully.The institutions imparting Homeo education should see that Homeo prescriptions are given importance rather than modern medicines but the knowledge of all systems of medines are also to be imparted equally.There is need for popularising the Homeopathy in towns and villages.

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