“Homoeopathy for Healthy Tomorrow” HAMAI Congress 2014

Homeopathic Medical Association of India – 19th All India Homoeopathic Congress 2014
At Ahemdabad in December 2014
Venue : Tgore Hall, Ahammedabad
The AIHCON 2014 will focus on: “Homoeopathy for Healthy Tomorrow”.
Impact Speakers of national and international repute will discuss new research, proof of concepts, innovation and field experiences of homoeopathic management in various diseases including Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) as well road ahead for better health, harmony and development through improved health index of the country.
Scientific Program

  1. Integrating Homoeopathy in Cancer management
  2. Homoeopathic management of Auto Immune diseases
  3. Homoeopathy: An Integrated approach in practice
  4. Homoeopathy: An Immunomdulator
  5. Homoeopath in Modern World
  6. Evidence based Case presentation
  7. Panel discussion: Prescribing strategies in Homoeopathy

Web : http://www.hmaiseminar.info/


  1. Its high time we start solving our inhibitions
    1Different .Action of potencies
    2.standardisation of Homoepathic practise
    3.Usage of Mother tinctures /Biochemic tissue salts/Bowel nosodes
    4. Managment of Fevers
    5.Homoeopathic prophylactis
    Lets discuss what we need

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