Homoeopathy in agriculture – Few experimental outcomes

plants3Dr Aadil Chimthanawala

When a bunch of enthusiastic homoeopaths from Malaysia and Iraq got together with the staff of The National Academy of Homoeopathy, India, what happened was a phenomenal change in the perception of using homoeopathy for plants. The concept of Agro-homoeopathy was born. A subject which is in its infancy and yet requires a heavy research in these days of Organic farming. It may be a long-awaited answer on how to contribute to the environment in a positive way. In this article we wish to depict our first exciting voyage in Agro-Homoeopathy.

All the experiments were carried out in a controlled environment at the premises of Shaad Homoeopathic Hospital Complex & Research Centre, Nagpur, India. Venturing on this novel project, we did face many failures and we all are always open to newer ideas. Certain problems we faced and many would face while using homoeopathy in growing plants / crops are insects and fungi. For example, ants (red or black) are best kept away by Calendula 3c or 6c. Likewise, an insect called Orange bug can be treated with spraying Ricinus communis 3c over the plants. Lycopersicum or tomatoes when affected with fungi can be treated with Oscimum can Q spray over the plants. In general, majority of fungi affecting the plants, turning the leaves yellow or wilting them, respond well to Hydrastis in potency

  1. Experiment on Fenugreek plants with Silicea 3x: The Latin name for Fenugreek is Trigonella foenum-graecum and it belongs to the Family: Fabaceae.


  • The venue of the experiment was The National Academy of Homoeopathy, India’s “Shaad Homoeopathic Hospital”, Itwari Railway Station, Nagpur, India
  • 2 pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil
  • 25 Fenugreek seeds were cultivated in both the pots randomly.
  • 10 pellets of Silicea 3X were added in the bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • Watered 500ml water from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
  • Watered 500ml plain water from bottle B (non- medicated) to pot B, 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air.
  • Observations were recorded.


  • Medicated Fenugreek plants are shorter than non-medicated Fenugreek plants.
  • The grip of the medicated roots was stronger than the non-medicated plant roots.
  • The leaves of the medicated are greener than non-medicated.
  • The thickness of the leaves is more in medicated than non-medicated.
  • Thus Silicea in 3x potency can said to be a GROWTH RETARDENT
  1. Comparison of growth of Tomatoes (Lycopersicum) against controls, using Sulphur 0/1


The venue of the experiment was The National Academy of Homoeopathy, India’s “Shaad Homoeopathic Hospital”, Itwari Railway Station, Nagpur, India

Since tomatoes need to be planted indoors for the first 4 weeks, 2 large flat pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil and labelled A (for medication) and B (No medication)

  • 20 tomato seeds were cultivated in both the pots randomly.
  • 1 pellet of Sulphur 0/1 was added to bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • Watered 500ml from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, 2 times a day morning and evening & 500ml plain water from bottle B (non-medicated) to pot B, twice a day.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air. After 5 weeks the pots were shifted in a sunny place.
  • Observations were recorded.


  • Medicated Tomato plants showed no changes in rate of growth, size and root structure as compared to the control at the end of 12 weeks interval.
  • Of the 20 seeds each planted in Pot A, only 9 plants could grow to a height of 14 inches or more where as in Pot B, only 5 plants could grow.
  • The Plants in pot A seemed to be healthier (as regards colour of the leaves and fungus)
  • The experiment was terminated before the fruits were obtained.
  • Thus it can be concluded that Sulphur 0/1 could induce enough resistance to fungus and make the plant disease free.

C –  Comparison of growth of Green Chilli (Capsicum annum) against controls, using Magnesium Phos 0/1


  • 2 large flat pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil and labelled A (for medication) and B (No medication)
  • 20 Chilli seeds were cultivated in both the pots randomly.
  • 1 pellet of Magnesium Phos 0/1 was added to bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • Watered from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, once a day and with plain water from bottle B (non-medicated) to pot B, again once a day.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air. After 4 days the seeds sprouted. Then the pots were shifted in a sunny place. It took 4 weeks for the plants to grow.
  • Observations were recorded. Once the plants reached the height of 12 inches, leaves started curling (Leaf curl complex) in both the pots.


  • Medicated Chilli plants showed no changes in rate of growth, size and root structure as compared to the control at the end of 12 weeks interval.
  • Of the 20 seeds each planted in Pot A, 14 plants could grow to a height of 18 inches or more where as in Pot B, 15 plants could grow.
  • Since we refrained from using pesticides, practically all the leaves of most of the Plants from both the pots started curling. Increasing the frequency of administration of Magnesium Phos and also increasing the potency to 0/3 did not help.
  • The experiment was terminated before the fruits were obtained.
  • Thus it can be concluded that Magnesium Phos 0/1 could not produce any changes in the Chilli plant as compared to the control as regards growth; neither could it help in combating the leaf curl syndrome.

D : Comparison of growth of Brinjal / Eggplant (Solanum melongena) against controls, using Phosphorus 0/1


  • 2 large flat pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil and labelled A (for medication) and B (No medication)
  • 10 Brinjal seeds were cultivated in both the pots randomly.
  • 1 pellet of Phosphorus 0/1 was added to bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • Watered from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, once a day and with plain water from bottle B (non-medicated) to pot B, again once a day.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air. After 10 days the seeds sprouted. Then the pots were shifted in a sunny place. It took 8 weeks for the plants to grow.
  • Observations were recorded.


  • Medicated plant – Height: 10 cm. The leaf is larger in all plants than non-medicated plants
  • Non-medicated plant’s Height: 8.4 cm
  • Phosphorus is an important nutrient for the growth of the plant. It is one of macronutrients besides nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and calcium.
  • It can be safely concluded that phosphorus 0/1 could better the health and growth curve of the Brinjal plant.

E – Comparison of growth of French Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) against controls, using Calcarea carbonicum 0/1


  • 2 large flat pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil and labelled A (for medication) and B (No medication)
  • 5 seeds were cultivated in both the pots randomly.
  • 1 pellet of Calcarea carb 0/1 was added to bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • The soil was gently firmed down with the finger then watered.
  • Watered from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, once a day and with plain water from bottle B (non-medicated) to pot B, again once a day.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air. After 4 days the seeds sprouted. Then the pots were shifted in a warm sunny place but out of direct sunlight. The mouth of the pots were covered with a piece of clear plastic film till germination. It took around 4 weeks for the plants to grow.
  • As soon as the first leaf began to show, the clear covers were removed.
  • After another week, the weakest French bean seedlings were carefully removed so as not to cause significant root damage to the remaining seedlings.
  • Observations were recorded.


  • 3 Medicated French Bean plants grew whereas none of the non-medicated plant grew greater than 17 inches.
  • The leaves of the non-medicated plants including the beans were infected, yellow and soon dried up
  • The medicated plants had fewer yellow leaves and the beans were light green in colour.
  • Thus it can be concluded that Calcarea carb 0/1 could instill enough immunity in the plants so that they could survive the Rust disease.

E – Comparison of growth of Amaranthus (Amaranthus retroflexus) against controls, using Calcarea carbonicum 0/1


  • 2 large flat pots were filled up to the brim with equal quantity of un-manured soil and labelled A (for medication) and B (No medication)
  • We thinly sowed the seeds into rows 12 inches apart with each row. We provided a cover with a 1/4 inch of soil, firm gently, and kept it moist and weed free.
  • 1 pellet of Calcarea Carbonicum 0/1 was added to bottle A containing distilled water (labelled as medicated)
  • Watered from bottle A (medicated) to pot A, once a day and with plain water from bottle B (non-medicated) to pot B, again once a day.
  • Both the pots were placed at the same place with equal exposure to sun and air. After 8 days the seeds sprouted. Then the pots were shifted in a sunny place. It took 8 weeks for the plants to grow.
  • Observations were recorded.


  • All 5 Medicated plants grew whereas 4 non-medicated plants
  • The leaves of the medicated plants were definitely larger and greener as compared to non-medicated plants.
  • The medicated plants were taller and had longer stout roots
  • Thus it can be concluded that Calcarea carb 0/1 could substantially produces better quality of Amaranth.

http://www.homeopathyworldcommunity.com/profiles/blogs/vision-agro-hom-2016-homoeopathy-in-agriculture  with permission from author

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