Homoeopathy in social anxiety disorder and negative life events

Dr Shivangi Parihar

ABSTRACT: Homeopathy acknowledges the intricate connection between the mind and body. Emotional and mental states are considered integral to a person’s health. Homeopaths believe that physical symptoms often have emotional or mental counterparts, and addressing both aspects is essential for complete healing. According to Stuart Close, a human being is something more than a miscellaneous assortment of eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs etc. Negative life events can contribute to the development and exacerbation of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Negative life events refer to challenging or distressing experiences that individuals may encounter during their lives. These events can have a significant impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being.

Mental health is critically important to everyone, everywhere. All over the world, mental health needs are high, but responses are insufficient and inadequate. The World Health Organization has reported that mental disorders are one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Social anxiety disorder affects millions worldwide but is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Epidemiological studies in the USA report that about 7% of the population is affected by social anxiety at any time, and the lifetime risk of the disorder is around 13%.

One prevalent kind of anxiety illness is social anxiety disorder. When in situations where they could be observed, assessed, or judged by others—like speaking in front of an audience, meeting new people, dating, going on a job interview, responding to a question in class, or having to converse with a cashier in a store—a person with social anxiety disorder experiences symptoms of fear or anxiety. Commonplace activities like eating, drinking, and using the restroom in public can also make people feel anxious or afraid because they fear being ridiculed, mistreated, and rejected.

As per the DSM-5, Social anxiety disorder is typified by an ongoing, intense fear or anxiety related to particular social situations due to the fear of negative judgment, embarrassment, or humiliation. When in social situations, some common symptoms include blushing, shaking, sweating, and racing heart. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance must be severe enough to significantly disrupt daily functioning and endure for at least several months.


Signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder that are emotional: Excessive nervousness and self-consciousness in routine social interactions. severe anxiety in the days, weeks, or even months leading up to a social event. Severe anxiety about being observed or evaluated by others, particularly strangers. Fear of acting in a way that will bring shame or embarrassment to oneself. Fear that people will find out you’re anxious.

Physical sign and symptoms-
Blushing or having a red face, breathing difficulties, nausea and upset stomach (butterflies). Shaking or trembling, including a wobbly voice, chest tightness or a racing heart. Heat waves or perspiration and feeling lightheaded or faint

Behavioral sign and symptoms:
Limiting your activities or upsetting your life to the point where you avoid social interactions.

hiding or remaining silent in order to avoid attention and humiliation. a must to travel with a friend wherever you go. drinking to calm your anxiety before going into social events.

Through the Organon of Medicine, Hahnemann expressed the idea that “the patient, not the disease, is what needs to be cured.” Hahnemann acknowledged the connection between the body and mind. He thought that comprehending and treating physical disorders required a grasp of mental and emotional aspects as well. This holistic viewpoint recognizes the connection between emotional and mental states and physical health.

  1. J T KENT stressed that a critical component of case taking and remedy selection in homeopathy is gaining an understanding of the patient’s mental and emotional state. He thought that in order to choose the right homeopathic remedy, mental and emotional symptoms were crucial. A comprehensive and in-depth examination of the patient’s mental and emotional condition, including their desires, aversions, fears, and anxieties, was part of Kent’s approach. He thought that in addition to considering the patient’s physical symptoms, a thorough understanding of their mental and emotional makeup should be used to determine the best course of treatment. Kent’s homeopathic philosophy placed a strong emphasis on treating each patient as an individual, with the remedy being selected not only based on the name of the disease but also on the particular way it manifests in that particular patient.

APHORISM 210: Almost all of the diseases I have described as one-sided above have a psoric origin. As a result of their one-sidedness, all of their other morbid symptoms seem to vanish before the one big, obvious symptom, making them appear to be more difficult to treat.Among these traits are those referred to as mental illnesses. However, they do not form a distinct class of diseases from all others, as in all other supposedly physical diseases, the patient’s disposition and mental state are always altered1. In every disease case we are called upon to treat, the patient’s disposition and all of their symptoms should be carefully noted in order to accurately trace the disease and, from there, successfully treat it homeopathically.


Recommended for people with social anxiety disorder. Patient Silicea is extremely gentle, obedient, and sensitive. Anxiety nervousness when attending social events and gatherings where they must interact with the public; they fear failing in these circumstances.

In cases of social anxiety disorder, lycopodium is recommended. Patients with lycopodium typically lack confidence, are extremely cowardly, and have stage anxiety when speaking or appearing in public. The individual has severe anxiety and a nervous breakdown. There is stuttering and disarray in the mind.

Patients on gelsemium experience stage fear, exam anxiety, and performance anxiety. Any kind of exertion causes knock knees, trembling hands, and trembling muscles. They are constantly nervous and nervous to show up at social events. exhibit diarrhea in advance of an event.

Recommended for people with social anxiety disorder. Despite their innate aloofness, they care about society and want to assist others. They lack confidence and even avoid social situations when they’re lonely. Constantly brooding and easily offended.

In social anxiety, ignatia is indicated. incredibly delicate, kind, and nervous person. Anxiety brought on by bereavement, losing a loved one, disappointments, intense emotional experiences, and mood swings that happen often. exhibits severe anxiety, erratic moods, low self-esteem, fear of social situations and public appearances, and lack of confidence. Suddenly, they started crying and laughing.

One recommended treatment for social anxiety disorder is calcarea carbonica. They are very gentle, obedient, insecure, and extremely trustworthy. Tiredness causes confusion in their thoughts, which exacerbates anxiety. Unknown fear, disorganized ideas. They are so cold that even the smallest bit of cold penetrates them. displays physical symptoms such as palpitations and increased sweating.

One of the medications most recommended for social anxiety disorder is acetaminophene. The patient exhibits nervousness, palpitations, trembling, and social anxiety. dread coming out in public. They stay away from social gatherings and crowded streets.

Social anxiety disorder is associated with the arsenic album. Presents who approach public appearances with trepidation, anxiety, and dread. depression combined with social anxiety. exhibits anxiety along with symptoms of dyspepsia and indigestion. They are extremely meticulous and restless. severe fear of dying. and worry over one’s health.

When a patient exhibits severe anticipatory anxiety and has social anxiety, argentum nitricum is a recommended remedy. dread of going public, anxiety, fear, and anticipation before going public. Fear of the stage, insecurity, and scrutiny.

When a person has social anxiety disorder, ambra gresia is recommended. Patients fear public appearances greatly. They experience embarrassment. They are afraid of people and are unable to do anything in front of them. displays blushing, trepidation, and palpitations.

Homeopathy is a very safe, natural way to treat psychological complaints. There are no harmful side effects. Patients using homeopathic remedies for social anxiety make amazing recoveries.

Dr. Shivangi Parihar
Department – organon of medicine
G.H.M.C Bhopal (M.P.)

1 Comment

  1. Cactus,feel bound constricted weak heart cool hands atheromatous artery,grief makes one joyless isolated prickly,thermal reaction is more imp in worry anxiety fear attack stage but constitutional remedy has to be selected by a experienced homeopath.even animals feel more happy in open without bossing by some owner.

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