Homoeopathy Remedy Comparison in Quarrelling

A brief comparative study on homeopathy remedies for quarreling

1. Kali group—Quarrels at home with known people.

2. Causticum—Quarreling against injustice to achieve justice.

3. Nux Vomica—Quarreling due to intolerance of contradiction, As he is an achiever.

4. Asaefotida— Quarreling due to anger, destructive rage and fury in a very loud tone

5. Moschus— Quarrels due to his over senstiveness to all external Impressions.

6. Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is challenged.

7.Aurum— Quarrels when his rules and regulations are not followed. ( Dutiful and discplined.)

8.Cina—- Always complaining, quarreling is a continuous Nagging and moaning.

9.Phosphorus—Quarrels when not getting returned affection. (Misanthropy)

10.Arsenic alb.—Quarrels due to his extremely censorious and Critical nature.

11.Verat. alb.—Quarrels to show his position.

12.Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people.

13.Crocus— Quarrels due to his changing moods suddenly.

14.Mercury—Quarreling from timidity.So rebelling or revolting.

15.Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome.Least contradiction makes him furious

Source : As received

1 Comment

  1. homeopathy still is empirical science modern researchers have not done much headway what old era gurus said.Hartmann said MOSCHUS is hysterical sudden head congestion staring eyes mouth spasm foam confused talk then faints deathly pale plus profuse head perspire.so for weak blooded personality equivalent of belladona.he said mag mur is king hysterical remedy for females so weak faint at table anxiety pale face and nausea trembles better by eructations suffers from leucorrhoea lumbar pains uterus cramps pain upto thighs during last days menses.proving symptoms are in hundreds some gurugyan is required if one has to practice homeopathy if as professional motive reckeweg mixtures best option.Kent endorses single remedy selection but that requires selfless efforts.old homeopath gurus said IPECAC is king of selfishness suffers from constant nausea.

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