How Homeopaths effectively managed fever epidemics in Kerala

How Homeopaths effectively managed fever epidemics in Kerala

Dr Mansoor Ali

Study reports and facts
In the last 3 – 5  years, homeopathic medicines were found to be more effective both as a preventive and curative in epidemic fevers of Kerala – like viral fever, chikungunya, dengue, hepatitis etc.

Homoeopathy is very effective in preventing this dengue outbreak. Impartial studies in Kerala, in the recent past, have shown its efficacy in protecting against vector borne arboviral epidemics.

Many of the Govt. homeopathic hospitals and private clinics were packed with patients suffering with various viral fevers.

Majority of the Kerala population now depending mainly on homeopathic medicines for PVF Squeal – post viral fever arthritis  and related symptoms and disabilities.

Homeopathy medicine offers effective cure with in the shortest time without any side effects comparing to other systems of medicine in viral fevers.

At Govt. Homeopathic Medical Colleges separate  OP and  IP departments started for treating Viral fever for children, male and female with required lab facilities, x-ray, ECG, USG etc..A separate PVF Squeal ward also started with Physiotherapy Unit.

All the OPD have separate facility for fever patients. Doctors are available round the clock.

Preventive medicine were distributed to more than 1.5 lakh people.

If chikungunya caused many deaths in Kerala, which it did not in most other places, the state had the unique opportunity to investigate the biology of the disease and reasons for death to contribute to medical science.

Why should every ruling party go into a defensive mode when it is the collective problem of all political parties?
Why can’t all parties discuss this and make diseases the common enemy?
Why more deaths in Kerala compared to other states?
Was it mainly due to over medication at allopathic hospital?
Is homeopathy is effective as a preventive & curative?
Was the current upsurge of fever the unusual clustering of several diseases or was there a single cause for the outbreak?
Was there any hidden agenda by pharmaceuticals & media behind this panic?

If you would like to know How Homeopaths effectively managed fever epidemic in Kerala and other states and countries ?
Please read the following study reports and articles

An experimental study to find out the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicines for normalizing the thrombocyte count among patients with dengue fever 

Homeoprophylaxis:Human Records, Studies and Trials across the globe 

Post epidemic statistical studies on the efficacy of homoeopathic drug  Eupatorium Perf done in 50 lakh population spread over 3 districts in Kerala

An open observational study on the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in the prevention of Japanese Encephalitis epidemic in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India from 1999-2004 

Study report on protective efficacy of Homeopathy preventive medicine

A Study on the Prophylactic Efficacy of Homoeopathic Preventive Medicine Against Chikungunya Fever

Efficacy of Homoeopathic Prophylaxis in Chikungunya – Managlore Study 

Swine Flu – The Real Facts and Homoeopathy Perspective

The Secret Behind Homoeopathy Prophylaxis

Homoeopathy treatment of Influenza pandemic in India in 2009 

Guidelines for Epidemic management in Homoeopathy 

Guidelines for Post-epidemic statistical studies in Homoeopathy 

Homeopathic Prophylaxis – methods and techniques
Link :

Why Viral Fever Epidemics  more in Kerala?

 CHIKUNGUNYA – Effective Homeopathic Prevention and Management

Effective management & Homoeopathy medicines for swine Flu 

Secondary Dengue Responds to Homeopathy 

An attempt to solve controversies in Homoeopathic Prophylaxis

Effectiveness of Homoeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba.
This formulation was administered orally to 2.3 million persons at high risk in an epidemic in a region affected by natural disasters 

A Reevaluation of the Effectiveness of Homoeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba in 2007 and 2008. 

Research Design for Studying the Effectiveness of Genus Epidemicus in Homoeopathy 

Study report submitted by the expert committee appointed by IHMA Kerala to identify a probable homoeopathic genus epidemicus for the current viral epidemic – 2018 Kerala

An open observational study on the efficacy of Homoeopathic Medicines in the prevention of Japanese Encephalitis epidemic in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India from 1999-2004

Homoeopathy in various epidemics in India since 1985 – CCRH report


  1. I want to bring your attention that the Links that are provided for study and articles are mostly shows”this file is damaged & could not be repaired”.Please lets me Know where the problem is?

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