Dr Sai Kiran Javvadi
A hydrocele is a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis or some part of processus vaginalis surrounding the scrotum of the testicles, surrounding the testicle, which can occur on one or both sides. The fluid will make scrotum look swollen or enlarged, but hydroceles are usually painless. Hydroceles occur more commonly in infants, especially premature infants, but can occur at any age. This case study is an attempt at explaining that homoeopathy can bring about a cure even in some surgical conditions. This case shows a marked improvement with no recurrence.
Key words: scrotal swelling, Hydrocele, Homeopathy, rhustox, 5 years aged boy
Case report: A 5years old boy was referred to the OPD with swelling of the right scrotum since 5 months. The mother complained of swelling of the right scrotum, which increased in size gradually. There was mild pain when the swelling started. There was no h/o fever or trauma when it started
Physical generals:
- Appetite-good
- Desire-MILK, chocolate, sweets, warm food
- Thirst- 5-6 glasses per day
- Tongue- clean, moist
- Stool- regular, desire to play with water and whenever he does that he has constipation
- Urine-clear
- Sleep-sound but RESTLESS
General Physical examination:
- Mental state and consciousness- Conscious and Well oriented with time, place and person
- Built and Nutrition: Average
Gait- Normal ,Decubitus: Of choice ,Facies- Normal, Pallor- Absent, Icterus- Absent, Cyanosis- Absent Oedema- Absent ,Clubbing- Absent , Pulse- 90/min ,Respiration- 20/min ,Temperature- Normal
Local examination:
Inspection :-
- Skin and subcutaneous tissue: Tense, normal rigidity of the skin lost.
- Extent of swelling: Restricted to the scrotum
- Impulse on coughing: Negative
- Temperature: Normal like surrounding skin
- Tenderness: Absent
- Extent: Limited to Scrotum
- Shape: Ovoid
- Surface: Smooth
- Margins: Regular
- Consistency: Cystic
- Get above the swelling- Can get above the swelling
- Fluctuation: Positive
Transillumination test: Positive
- Reducibility: Absent
- Impulse on coughing: Absent
- Testis- can be palpated posteriorly
- Epididymis- Not palpated
- Spermatic cord- Palpable
- Lymph nodes- Not palpable
- Left scrotum was normal
Right mild to moderate echogenic hydrocele
Differential diagnosis:
- Epididymo-orchitis
- Haematocele
- Pyocele
Analysis of Symptoms:
General symptoms: –
–Right sided scrotal swelling
– Desire MILK, warm food
-Stool constipated when playing with water
Mental Symptoms: – HEAD STRONG
Final diagnosis: RIGHT HYDROCELE
Evaluation of Symptoms:-
Grade 1- Right sided scrotal swelling
Grade 2- MIND – obstinate, HEAD STRONG
Grade 3: Desire MILK, warm food
Stool constipated when playing with water
Totality of symptoms:
Right sided scrotal swelling
Desire MILK, warm food
Stool constipated when playing with water
- Prescription:-
– Rhus tox 0/1 thrice daily
– Placebo : morning and evening
For 1 month regular dosage
- Discussion: This case shows that Homoeopathic medicines selected on individualization have resolved the scrotal swelling in around less than three months. Rhustoxicodendron was selected on the basis that the child had a right sided hydrocele, great desire for milk and was very restless during sleep. He also had constipation whenever he used to play with water. Homoeopathic medicines mentioned in the Complete repertory with four marks are Apis, Ars, Graph, Iod, Nux, Puls, Rhod, Rhus, Sil, Sulph. Out of the above, Rhustoxicodendron is the most similar to the case. Restlessness is a strong indication for Rhustoxicodendron. Boger mentions that the patient can’t rest in any position.2 Restlessness in sleep is prominent in this medicine.3 Desire for milk4 and right sidedness is also peculiar to this medicine. Complaints after getting wet is a red strand of this remedy.
- Fifty millesimal potencies were chosen for frequent repetitions in the minutest dose.
Dr. Sai Kiran Javvadi
Dept. OF Homeopathic Pharmacy MD PART 2
Guru Mishri Homeopathic Medical College, Jalna, Maharastra