Prof Dr Goutam Das
Keywords: Hydrosalpinx-definition-causes-treatment-management-homoeopathic therapeutics.
Introduction: A Hydrosalpinx is blockage of fluid in the fallopian tubes, may difficult to become pregnant; damage the fallopian tubes, often cause from an untreated infection; treats include draining and repairing the tubes or removing them (salpingectomy); who wants to have a baby opt for IVF after treating a hydrosalpinx.
What is Hydrosalpinx?
Hydrosalpinx is a condition of accumulation of fluid in one or in both fallopian tubes, causing blockage to move the ovulated egg through the tubes in to the uterine cavity in each menstrual cycle and may prevent fertilization or may develop ectopic pregnancy.
How common it is?
Out of 20 % to 30 % of infertility cases involve problem about fallopian tubes for infertility factor where hydrosalpinx is 10 % to 20 % of these cases.
How it affect?
An untreated hydrosalpinx can make difficulty in pregnancy, increase risk of miscarriage, complication, make difficult to get pregnant by intercourse.
- Increase chance of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.
- Decrease chances of becoming pregnant through in-vitro-fertilization (IVF).
- Treating a hydrosalpinx increase the chance of healthy pregnancy, even if opt for IVF.
Symptoms and causes:
A hyrrosalpinx rarely causes symptoms, may not realize the tubes are blocked until provide investigation about difficulty for becoming pregnancy. Symptoms may include:
- Pelvic pain, may during or immediately following the period.
- Vaginal discharge that’s may discolour and or sticky.
An untreated infection is the most common cause of hydrosalpinx. Harmful bacteria can damage the fallopian tubes and causes the inflammation of the tubes.
- Previously untreated sexually transmitted infections (STD), like Chlamydia, gonorrhea etc.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease often resulting from untreated sexually transmitted infections.
- Scar tissue due to pelvic surgery, especially on fallopian tubes.
- Tissues build up due to endometriosis.
- Some tumours.
Ultrasound: Fallopian tubes cannot usually visible, but if swollen due to fluid accumulation may appear larger the normal. Some time ma shaped like sausage.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): An HSG is an X-ray dye test to check for blockages in the fallopian tubes, common test, if the dye stops means blocked or if dye move freely into the pelvic cavity and tubes means open.
Laparoscopy: to see inside the abdominal cavity by small cut on the belly by a camera whether there blockage or not in the tubes.
Management and treatment:
Treating hydrosalpinx improve the chance of becoming pregnant. If there is active infection, provide with antibiotic to remove it or Surgical aids Salpingectomy, removes one or both fallopian tubes; Salpingostomy, repairs the blockage of the tubes.
Prevention: Reducing risk of getting STI is the best way to avoid hydrosalpinx; practicing safe, healthy sex can decrease the infection and harm of the reproductive organs.
Prognosis: An untreated hydrosapinx decrease the chance to become pregnant and increase risk of miscarriage, complications in pregnancy like ectopic pregnancy. It’s not life threatening, which can be life threatening without treatment in case of ectopic pregnancy. [1]
Homoeopathic Therapeutics:
In-spite of the common symptoms of the Hydrosalpnix if the patient shows the characteristics of the specific medicine then the medicine acts as the remedy in the case. Following medicine may be given if indicated homoeopathically. Apis, ars, bry, canth, coloc, eup, gels, hep, lach, medo, merc, puls, sep, staph, tuber (Female genitalia/sex, inflammation, oviduct, p1116) [2]
Apis mellifica: Oedema of labia; > by cold water. Soreness and stinging pain; ovaritis; worse in right overy. Menses suppressed, with cerebral and head symptoms, especially in young girls. Dysmenorrhoea, with sever ovarian pain. Metrorrhagia profuse, with heavy abdomen, faintness, stinging pain. Sense of tightness. Bearing down, as if mense were to appear. Ovarian tumors, metritis with stinging pains. Great tenderness over abdomen and uterine region. [3] Key to Apis mellifica patient: Scanty of urine and difficulty in urination. Burning and oedematous, dropsy. Hypersensitiveness and Hot patient. Stinging pain.
Arsenicum album: Menses too profuse and too soon. Burning in ovarian region. Leucorrhoea: acrid, burning, offensive, thin. Pain as from red-hot wires; worse least exertion; cause great fatigue; better in warm room. Menorrhagia. Stitching pain in pelvis extending down the thigh. [4] Key to Arsenicum album patient: Great prostration, restlessness and fear of death. Mid day or mid night <. Burning thirst; but without craving to drinks, taking a little frequently at a time. Burning and offensiveness.
Bryonia: Menses too early, too profuse; < from motion. Stitching pains in ovaries on taking a deep inspiration, pain in right ovary; pain in breast at menstrual period; breasts hot and painful; milk fever, Nose bleeds in place of menses. Ovaritis. [5] Key to Bryonia alba. patient: Aggravation from motion, amelioration from rest. Dryness of mucous membranes. Affected parts or painful side, relief by pressure. Irritability, and illness after angry.
Cantharis: Nymphomonia, puerperal metritis, with inflammation of bladder. Menses too early, too profuse; black swelling of vulva with irritation. Constant discharge from uterus; < by false step. Burning pain in ovaries; pain in os coccyx. [6] Key to Cantharis patient: Burning, burn like a fire and inflammation. Constant intolerable urge to urinate. Haemorrhage.
Colocynth: Burning pain in ovary. Must draw up double, with great restlessness. Cystic tumours in ovaries or broad ligaments. Warts abdomen supported by pressure. Bearing down cramps, causing her to bend double. [7] Key to Colocynth patient: Pain, > by pressure. Bad effect of anger. < After eating. Pain with nausea and vomiting.
Eupatorium purpureum: Pain around left ovary. Threatened abortion. External genitals feel as though wet. [8] Key to Eupatorium patient: Fever regularly at 7/8 a.m. Great thirst before fever with extreme bodyache. Thirst < at chilly stage but after drinking water continuous bile vomit; covering all times with shivering. At heat stage bodyache more <, pain as if in bones, thirst become reduce; no sweating stage or slight sweating only. When sweating appear > in bodyache but headache become <. Tongue durty, patient unable to lie-down on the left side. Pain as if broken of bones and bile vomiting are the characteristic. < by motion but unable to stay without movement (Acts through Renal Plexus, and especial action on Kidneys: a case of accident, fracture of thigh bone, after recovery Kidney Failure due to twisting of Spinal Cord is injured … undiagnosed by X-Ray/Scan, cured by the medicine).
Gelsemium: Rigid os. Vaginismus. False labor pains; pains pass up back. Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty flow; menses retarded. Pain extends to back and hips. Aphonia and sore throat during menses. Sensation as if uterus were squeezed. [9] Key to Gels. patient: Weakness as if paralyzed or heaviness and drowsiness. In-coordination of limbs and trembling. Excitement, negative thought or illness from bad news. Thirst-less-ness and chilliness.
Hepar sulp: Discharge of blood from uterus. Itching of pudenda and nipples, worse during menses. Menses late and scanty. Abscesses of labiae with great sensitiveness. Extremely offensive leucorrhoea. Smells like old cheese. Profuse perspiration at the climacteric. [10] Key to Hepar sulph. patient: Chilliness and sensitiveness. Hasty and violence. Craving for strong, pungent things, sour, chilly. Splinter like pain.
Lachesis: Climacteric troubles, palpitation, flashes of heat, haemorrage, vertex headache, fainting spells; < by pressure of clothes. Menses too short, too feeble; pains all > by the flow. Left ovary very painful and swollen, indurate. Mammae inflamed, bluish. Coccyx and sacrum pain, especially on rising from sitting posture. Acts especially well at beginning and close of menstruation. [11] Key to Lachesis mutus patient: Aggravation during and after sleep. Jealousy, loquacity, and sensitiveness. Complaints appears on left or left to right. Amelioration take by any discharges. Bed effect of modern civilization, human society becomes as snake kingdom, so need of Lachesis mutus more and more.
Medorrhinum: Intense pruritus. Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted; stains difficult to wash out, urinates frequently at that time. Sensitive spot near os uteri. Leucorrhoea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor. Sycotic warts on genitals. Ovarian pain, worse left side, or from ovary to ovary. Sterility. Metrorrhagia, Intense menstrual colic. Breasts cold, sore, and sensitive. [12] Key to Medorrhinum patient: Bad effect of hereditary gonorrheal dyscrasia and failure of appropriate medication. Burning, pain, sensitivity. Business and crying. Nervous weakness, weakness of memory, and fear of death.
Mercurius: Menses profuse, with abdominal pains. Leucorrhoea excoriating, greenish and bloody; sensation of rawness in parts. Stinging pain in ovaries. Itching and burning; worse after urination; better, washing with cold water. Morning sickness, with profuse salivation. Mammae painful and full of milk at menses. [13] Key to Merc. patient: < at night, worm of bed, on sweating. Profuse sweating, salivation and thirst. Tongue moist, flabby, take imprint of teeth. Discharges are offensive and unable to lie-down on right side of the body.
Pulsatilla: Amenorrhoea, suppressed menses from wet feet, nervous debility, or chlorosis. Tardy menses. Too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent. Chilliness, nausea, downwards pressure, painful, flow intermits. Leucorrhoea acrid, burning, creamy. Pain in back; tired feeling. Diarrhoea during or after menses. [14] Key to Puls. patient: Variability or Changeability. Softness and tearfulness. Thirst-less-ness. Aggravation in hot and body also feels heated.
Sepia: Pelvic organs relaxed, bearing down sensation, must cross limbs to prevent or press vulva. Leucorrhoea yellow; much itching. Menses too late, scanty; irregular, early and profuse; sharp cutting pain. Violent stitches upward in the vagina, from uterus to umbilicus. Prolapse of uterus, vagina. Morning sickness. Vagina painful, especially on coition. [15] Key to Sepia patient: Sadness, weeping, indifferent. Relaxation of uterus due to excessive bleeding, excessive sexual abuse, or bearing of many Child. All-gone empty feeling in abdomen and fullness in rectum. Relief by physical labour; aversion to bath.
Sthaphysagria: Part very sensitive, < when sitting. Irritable bladder in young, married women. Leucorrhoea. Proplapse with sinking in the abdomen; aching around the hips. [16] Key to Staphysagria patient: The prevalence of lust and its bad effect. Excessive anger and its bad effect. Difficulty in urination or shortness of breath due to intercourse. Recurrent styes and dental carries.
Tuberculinum: Benign mammary tumors. Menses too early, too profuse, long lasting. Dysmenorrhea. Pains increase with the establishment of the flow. [17] Key to Tuberculinum patient: Bad effect of hereditary tuberculosis and failure of appropriate medication. Changeability in patient and also in illness. Easily take cold and glandular growth. Weakness and loquacity.
Hydrosalpinx is very common cause of infertility in female, and with proper Homoeopathy treatment with or without surgical aid as necessary may we manage the case successfully.[18]
->health[1, 18]
- Schroyens Dr. Frederik, Synthesis, Edition: 9.1, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi – 110055, 2006 December (Indian edition), ISBN: 81-8056-702-8 [2]
- Boericke William, Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, IBPP, New Delhi – 110005; Reprint edition: 1999, ISBN: 81-7467-048-3 [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17]
Prof. Dr. Goutam Das M. D. (Homoeopathy)
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Smt. AJSHMC&RI, UG & PG, Mehsana, (Gujarat)
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Thank you Goutom.
Very informative and inspiring.